Thursday, November 13, 2014

Neil Patrick Harris: Choose Your Own Autobiography - Review

Neil Patrick Harris: Choose Your Own Autobiography

Rating: 4 Stars
Source: Blogging for Books

Description:  Tired of the plain old autobiographies and memoirs?  Want something a little different?  Try Neil Patrick Harris's Choose Your Own Autobiography!  At each crossroad of his life you make the decision!

Genre: Non-Fiction

Why I Picked This Book:  I've been a fan of Harris for awhile and I've seen a few interviews that made me like him even more.  Plus, even though I always died unpleasantly I used to love the Choose Your Own Adventure books.

My Impression:
Pro:  I wasn't sure what to expect with this one!  You get the traditional Choose Your Own Adventure Format.  The prose is in 2nd person (you will do this, you said this) and at the bottom of each chapter you are presented with at least 2 choices and the page numbers.  Normally 2nd person makes me want to run in the opposite direction but I think because the chapters were so short and the format was so different it worked.  There's plenty of silliness - you can choose to make Neil have a miserable childhood or become more obsessed with magic or decide you really want to commit murder.  But you can also follow Harris's career in life through relatively calmer chapters.  It basically reads as a series of essays and some are very interesting and sweet.  Some are blatantly untrue but they're so blatant it's not hard to separate fact from fiction!  So far I've read this twice.  The first time I got a really interesting look at how Harris decided he wanted to become an actor.  The second reading I got a bit more into his personal life and loved the story of the treasure hunt birthday that Harris's husband David Burtka designed for him.  Who knows what more I'll learn in the next readings.  So far each time I've read it it's taken about 30 minutes so I can make different decisions without too much of a time investment.

Con: This isn't a standard autobiography.  Every 2nd page or so you're instructed to go to a wildly different page.  Some stuff is true some stuff is blatantly not.  If you're looking for a detailed look about how Harris got to where he is this probably isn't the book for you. While I very much enjoyed this book I'm not sure I would have gotten as much out of it if I wasn't already familiar with Harris.  Also, just the idea of reading this in ebook form makes my head hurt.  I'm definitely glad I got the print copy of this one!

Overall:  I've read this book twice already by making different decisions and definitely plan on reading it again.  It's sweet, interesting and silly all at once.  If you're a fan of Neil Patrick Harris this is definitely one to pick up - just do so in print form!

Would I Read More of this Series/Author?: Yes, I would.  I've heard the audio version is read by Harris and is really a lot of fun so I'm looking forward to that.

Would I Recommend this Book?:  Yes, but only to Neil Patrick Harris fans.

*Book Provided by Blogging for Books in exchange for an honest review


  1. I'm glad you reviewed this bc I've been curious! Glad to know I should only look for the print book at the library!

    1. Definitely get this in print! I think the ebook format would have driven me nuts.

  2. I like Harris, and so does my child and new hubby. Hmm, he isn't much of a reader, but I wonder if he would like this. The choose ending part has me curious.

    1. I think this might work for a Garris fan even for a non-reader. It doesn't feel like reading a big biography.

  3. I didn't watch his show, but he's funny. I bet this was a good book.

  4. Hi, just letting you know I nominated you for the Liebster Award

    Oh, and I really need to read this book!

  5. I used to love Choose Your Own Adventure novels growing up. This sounds like a fun book, but definitely one to avoid in e-book form.

    1. It really liked those too but I think I enjoyed this one more!

  6. I have only basic knowledge of NPH but I am curious about this one. Glad you had fun with it--I'll have to see if my library has a copy.

    1. It's definitely is a lot of fun! Love to hear what you think of it!

  7. I got a teaser excerpt of this at BEA and it seemed really funny. I definitely want to pick this one up!

    Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction

    1. Oh fun to get the teaser! I hope you enjoy this one!

  8. Fun that the book has you reading it more then once. It looks fun but not sure about the untrue stuff that is also included. I might not like that very much.

    1. I was worried about that part as well but the way it was done it makes it very clear what is untrue and what isn't!

  9. It is really fun! I'd be interesting to hear what you think of it since you aren't going in as a Harris fan.
