Tuesday, January 9, 2018

Top Ten Tuesday - Ten Books I Meant to Read in 2017 But Didn't

This week's Top Ten Tuesday topic from The Broke and the Bookish (and the last one as starting next week it moves over to That Artsy Reader Girl) is Books I Meant to Read in 2017 But Didn't.  This list is always embarrassingly long but I managed to cut it down to 10.

1.  Old Bones by Cynthia Harrod-Eagles - Human remains are found in a garden and a very cold missing persons case starts heating up.  This is my very favorite kind of mystery and I'm looking forward to finally getting around to reading this in 2018!

2.  Day of the Duchess by Sarah MacLean - I read the first book in this trilogy by MacLean and absolutely loved it.  This is unusual in that the main couple is already married well before the start of the book.  I'm looking forward to seeing them redeemed.

3.  Devil in Spring by Lisa Kleypas - Devil in Winter is one of my absolute favorite historical romances so I was really excited when I saw that this one was about that couple's son. 

4.  Touch of Red by Laura Griffin - I love romantic suspense - especially when it's heavier on the suspense and Laura Griffin does this perfectly.

5.  Scheduled to Death by Mary Feliz - I absolutely loved the first mystery in this cozy series about professional organizer who has developed a habit of stumbling over corpses.  No idea why I didn't manage to get to this in 2017 but I hope to fix that in 2018.

6.  Tightening the Threads by Lea Waite - This is one of my absolute favorite cozy series.  I read the first four as soon as they came out but for some reason stalled on book #5.  I fully intend to fix that this year!

7.  Pleasures of Passion by Sabrina Jeffires - Jeffries is in my top 5 favorite historical romance authors but for some reason I never read this one.  I'm really looking forward to catching up on it.

8.  After Many Years by L.M. Montgomery - Okay the reason that I didn't read this is because the review copy I got was in the pdf format and I had a hard time reading it.  I went on and bought a print copy so this one will be being read very soon!

9.  Trace by Archer Mayor - I read this series featuring a New Hampshire police detective years ago but then kind of forgot about it.  I'm really looking forward to trying it again.

10. Murder in the Manuscript Room by Con Lehane - I just love the title of this one and really wanted to read it when I got it. 

What books did you mean to read in 2017 but didn't?


  1. Murder in the Manuscript Room definitely sounds fun! Old Bones sounds promising too. :)

  2. Have you read any of the new set of Kleypas? They were really good.

  3. Lots of great sounding books here. I definitely would like to read Con Lehane's book and the previous one (think this one is #2 in the series). Enjoy!

  4. After Many Years by L.M. Montgomery sounds good, as I love Montgomery and would love check that one out. Even though I'm not a lover of short stories.

  5. How have I not heard of any of these?! I can see why you want to read them. I hope you are able to get to them all. My list was pretty long as well and narrowing it down was very hard.

  6. Devil in Spring was really cute. I hope you like it :)

  7. So many books on your list I need to check out. One on my list is The Name They Gave Us by Emery Lord.

  8. Same thing happened to me with the After Many Years as well, so I may chase it up in another format. I'd like to sample the Sarah MacLean series too, heard so much good about her but never tried one of her books - yet!

  9. I haven't even heard of most of these, but I agree -- MURDER IN THE MANUSCRIPT ROOM is definitely an appealing title :) I'll have to look that one up.

  10. I have a very long -- Books I Meant to Read List - hopefully, we will both read some from our lists.

  11. I didn't get to any of these either last year. I need to make Kleypas a priority this year!

  12. Got some good ones on this list, hope you get to them! :)

  13. Hope you're able to get to your book this year! Thanks for visiting my top 10 list on Lisa Loves Literature.

  14. I really enjoyed Touch of Red. This was my first book from the author so now I want to read her other books. Kleypas is an author I need to read too. I hope you get to read these this year and enjoy them.

  15. I enjoy seeing cold case files unfold. All of the intricate pieces over the years, examined by different individuals, catching one tiny detail that was overlooked or seen as insignificant before. I realized a boatload of books I should have added to my list!

  16. I love the Mainely Needlepoint series by Lea Wait. It’s one of my favorites too.

  17. I haven't read Devil in Spring, either! I meant to. I even bought the book. But then I didn't. Because I was/am nervous to read it. I also love Devil in Winter so much. Although I have heard such good things about that book, though.

  18. L.M. Montgomery is one on my list every year because there are so many books I haven't read by her yet, but I never get around to her.

  19. These are all new me titles - love the sound of Murder in the Manuscript Room! I hope you're able to get round to some of these titles soon.

  20. I loved both Day of the Duchess and Devil in Spring. The latter isn't quite as good as Devil in Winter, but it's pretty good -- and so much fun to see Sebastian and Evee again! (more of the former than the latter, but they're still clearly in love. It's wonderful.)

    I didn't get around to reading Tightening the Threads, either. I need to catch up. And I love L. M. Montgomery, so I'll have to hunt down that anthology of her short stories.
