Sunday, July 16, 2017

This Week in Reading - July 16

It's Sunday Post time!  This is hosted by the awesome Caffeinated Book Reviewer and gives us all a chance to recap our week.

What I Got:

Sleep Like a Baby by Charlaine Harris - I was so thrilled last year when I saw the Aurora Teagarden series was coming back and I'm super excited to start this one.  The Aurora Teagarden series is much more of a straight forward mystery than a lot of her other books.  There's not anything paranormal and it's almost (but not quite) a cozy series.  (NetGalley)

Grave Errors by Carol J. Perry - I read the previous book in this cozy mystery series last year and while I don't remember all the details I remember really loving it.  This one takes place right around Halloween and there's creepy cemeteries and all kinds of spooky sounding stuff so I'm really excited.  (NetGalley)


Reading:  Dark Saturday by Nicci French(which I need to finish today!) followed by getting back to No River Too Wide by Emilie Richards and Killer Party by Lynn Cahoon

Listening:  Still podcasts.  I'm listening to the back list of Again With This about Beverly Hill 90210 and I'm dying laughing.  I love the clips and they're really just hilarious.

Watching:  J and I just finished the 2nd season of Fortitude on Amazon Prime.  We really liked it though it was a bit more gory than the first season and the ending wasn't quite as tied up.  Now we just have to wait for season 3!  Also watching The Great British Bake Off and loving it though I hear that there's a cast change up in the most recent season.  We're a few seasons behind in the US so I'm glad I get a little bit longer with Mary, Sue and Mel.

Off the Blog:

The Tornado had his 2nd Space camp this week so he's been super busy.  This one focused on robotics and really loved the topic but I think he'll enjoy next year more when he's in the older group because it's a bit more hands on.

We had a fantastic trip to Chattanooga last week.  It's one of those places that really isn't that far away from us but I always forget about.  It's always crazy what's close to home that we never end up visiting.  The aquarium there has added penguins since my last visit which made me a happy person.  I could watch penguins for hours.  I just love the way they move and interact.

This next week the Tornado and I are heading to south Mississippi to spend the week with my grandparents before school starts.  I saw a list the other day that ranked the states by misery level in the summer and Mississippi ranked as the most miserable - a fact that does not surprise me in the slightest.  I am looking forward to seeing them.  My grandfather is doing really well after his injury and illness but he's still more housebound than he's ever been and can get restless.  

On the Blog:

What Happened:

What's Coming Up:

Monday:  Ramblings from the Stacks - Book Clubs
Tuesday:  My Favorite TV Shows
Wednesday:  Dark Saturday:  Mystery Review + Blog Tour
Thursday:  Room for Doubt - Cozy Mystery Review
Friday:  Friday Linkups with Current Book
Saturday:  TBD

Have a great day and happy reading! 


  1. Wow. Sounds like you've been having fun and more to come. I'm curious what you think of Dark Saturday. Got my eye on that one. Enjoy all of your new books.

    My Sunday Post

  2. I know I need to watch The Great British Bake Off; I've seen it on my Roku. I'm tied to Gilmore Girls right now and finally on the second to last season.

  3. Glad you guys had a great trip, and enjoy Mississippi. I imagine it is pretty humid down there right about now. :)

    Oh my gosh Fortitude. Seriously? S2 was gory, I couldn't believe it especially towards the end. Thanks for the rec though, I did enjoy it. Had to look away a few times. :) And yeah I didn't like the end- like what was up with Natalie and Vincent? I never really even understood why they were fighting?

  4. I just love the name Chattanooga, surely some good books have been set there! Hope your trip goes well and you can lighten the time for your grandad.

  5. Glad you are visiting your grandparents! Hope you have a fun time!

    Here’s my Sunday Post!

    Ronyell @ Rabbit Ears Book Blog and join in this week’s Book Photo Sundays!

  6. I have been listening to the Carol J. Perry series and Murder Go Round is coming up and then I will be waiting for this one you got to come out for audio review. :) Not heard of Dark Saturday so I am kind of curious about that one so will be looking for that on your blog.

    Sounds like you have had a busy summer but having a lot of fun and hope you have a great time visiting your grandparents!

    Week in Review

  7. I am glad he is having fun at space camp. My Son has a robotics club in his school, we are hoping next year he will be ready for it.
    We are taking day trips for our vacation because we always forget how much stuff is around here.

    I hope you have an awesome week, Katherine! Happy Reading! ox

  8. I love The Great British Baking Show! I wish there were more seasons available here. Space camp sounds fun. Glad you guys had a good trip and hope you and Tornado have a good trip next week. Have a great week!!

  9. The Bake Off! I love it so much. There's something so comforting about it. I love how it's a competition, but the contestants are SO NICE to each other unlike in US shows! I'm glad you had a good time. I love penguins too. They are such funny animals.
    I hope you have a good week ahead, and take care! :)

    Nick @ Nick & Nereyda's Infinite Booklist

  10. Space camp sounds cool, I'm glad tornado is enjoying it! Have fun in Mississippi - sorry about it being the most miserable summer location though :/ I'm sure it's because it's super humid. It'll be nice to spend the time with your grandparents though. Have a great week and stay cool!

  11. Nice haul! Wishing you a good reading week :)

  12. I loved Dark Saturday and the previous books in the Frieda Klein series. I am very excited that I just received Sunday Morning Coming Down.

    I have enjoyed the Aurora Teagarden series on Hallmark, and I know that I must read the books. Thanks for sharing...and here are MY WEEKLY UPDATES

    What a great break you had, and Chattanooga sounds like a fun place. Enjoy your visit with your grandparents.

  13. I'm still reading earlier books in the Aurora Teagarden series so I haven't read last year's book yet, but hope to in the next year or I love the Great British Bake-Off. So fun and so sad it's not going to be the same anymore. I haven't watched Fortitude. I'll have to check that one out.

    Have a great week visiting your grandparents, Katherine.

  14. Wow, sounds like you've have a fairly busy week. I live just a couple hours away from Chattanooga but have never been there. The aquarium sounds great though. Have fun visiting with family this week. Happy reading too.

  15. Penguins are so much fun! And yes, it's easy to forget or not make time for the attractions that are nearby. With DC less than 2 hours away, you'd think I'd get up there more often. Of course, I grew up outside of DC, and there are only so many times you can go to any given museum or monument!

    Have a wonderful time with your grandparents in Mississippi, despite the heat. "Soak them up," as my husband always used to advise our daughter when we visited her grandparents. At 50+, none of my grandparents is still living, but I plan to "soak up" both sets of my parents in August.

    Have a lovely week, and have fun with Killer Party! I started it yesterday.

  16. Really curious about Again With This. I'll check it out. Glad you had a great trip!

  17. Penguins are interesting to watch. Last time I saw any I was probably seven. I hope you enjoy your trip to Mississippi. I hope you guys don't get too miserable! So glad your grandpa is doing better. Hopefully he can start getting around a bit more.

  18. I've been wanting to start the Aurora Teagarden series. I loved her Sookie Stackhouse series and a good mystery series sounds interesting. It's good to hear you enjoyed your trip. I know what you mean about local places. I've lived in California all my life but I still haven't gone to Yosemite national park, which is only 3 hours away from us. I hope you have a great time with your grandfather and it he continues to feel better. Have a great week!

  19. The Tornado is going back to school so soon? Our kids don't go back until the first week in September. When do your schools let out for summer vacation? I bet you will miss having him around.

    It is wonderful you are spending quality time with your grandparents. You have my heart. Have a great week. :)

  20. I hope you enjoy your week with your grandparents - it sounds peculiar hearing you getting the Tornado ready for school when ours don't break up until next week and return to school in September... I hadn't appreciated just how far apart our summer holidays were until this year. Have a great reading week, Katherine:)

  21. I read the first few books in the Aurora Teagarden series but haven't caught up. Space camp sounds like so much fun. I am glad you enjoyed your trip last week and hope you have a nice visit with your grandparents. Have a great week!

  22. Enjoy your trip to Mississippi!

  23. Yay for Sleep Like a Baby. I finished that this weekend. I'm so glad there ended up being more books in the series :) Hope yall have fun on your trip!
