Tuesday, April 23, 2024

Top Ten Tuesday - Ten Unread Books On My Shelf I Want to Read Soon

Today I'm linking up with Top Ten Tuesday hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl which is all about lists.  Since lists are one of my favorite things this is one of my favorite linkups!  Today's topic is Ten Unread Books on My Shelf I Want to Read Soon.  I have a habit of buying books and then putting them on my shelf where they sit there for ages and I keep buying more books and it's kind of an endless cycle.  This year I am trying to make more of an effort to read books off my shelf (I'm still buying books but at least I'm clearing some out!) and here are 10 that come to mind as books I really want to read.

1.  Love Without Borders by Angela Braniff - Angela Braniff is a family vlogger on YouTube who I don't watch as much as I used to.  While family vloggers are notoriously controversial I really appreciated that right from the start she never filmed her kids if they were upset and was careful about what she shared.  Now she very rarely shows them on camera at all and as they've gotten older she has gotten even more careful about their privacy.  I'm really curious to see what she has to share.  I preordered this book but right after I got it Covid hit and then my son was diagnosed with leukemia so it kind of fell through the cracks.

2.  Meet Me in Monoco by Hazel Gaynor and Heather Webb - I picked this up years ago.  I love the authors, the cover and the premise but I've yet to read it.

3.  Old World Murder by Kathleen Ernst - I have a couple of books in this series that all look good but I need to read this one before I can go on to the others.  

4.  A Skeleton in the Family by Leigh Perry - This series is one of my favorite YouTubers favorite cozy series so of course I had to try it.  Unfortunately that was at least 2 years ago and it's still sitting on my shelf.

5.  The Clockmaker's Daughter by Kate Morton - This is the last Kate Morton book I have to read and is one I bought years ago - right after it came out but for some reason I've just never read it.

6.  Seeing Darkness by Heather Graham - I really want to make progress on the Krewe of Hunter series from Heather Graham.  I picked this one up soon after it came out thinking that I would be caught up pretty quickly but I'm not caught up yet!

7.  Wild Ride: A Memoir of I.V. Drips and Rocket Ships by Hayley Arceneaux - Hayley was Will's PA when he was in active treatment at St. Jude and it was great to have a childhood cancer survivor on his medical team - plus she's just a super nice person.  I preordered this book but wasn't in a place to read it when it came out but would really like to read it soon.

8.  The Bookshop at Water's End by Patti Callahan Henry - I picked up this book after reading and really enjoying other books by this author fully intending to read this on vacation.  That vacation has come and gone and I've yet to read it.

9.  Prairie Fires: The American Dreams of Laura Ingalls Wilder by Caroline Fraser - I got this as a birthday gift several years ago and fully intended to read it.  

10. When the Marquess Met His Match by Laura Lee Guhrke - I have a whole pile of historical romances that I got years ago and then kind of stopped reading historical romances.  I've been getting back to enjoying them and this is at the top of my list.


  1. I've only read The Clockmaker's Daughter and I would like to read the Patti Callahan Henry book for sure.

  2. Only one I have read is the Patti Callahan Henry book but I do have plenty of unread books on my shelf. Oh just realised I have read The Clockmaker's Daughter and did enjoy it.

  3. I haven't read these, but they sound good. I hope you get to read some of them soon.

  4. I understand why you might be reluctant to read Wild Ride. My sister was with her daughter every day when her daughter's baby was in the NICU and it's hard for her to even pass the Texas Children's Hospital building.

  5. I think the only one on your list that I have read is Seeing Darkness, but several of the others sound appealing... especially The Clockmaker's Daughter and The Bookshop at Water's End. I hope you enjoy all of these!

  6. I watch a family on Facebook (they also have a YouTube channel). The parents' mission was fostering to adopt sibling groups to keep them together. They don't video their kids if they don't want to be, either. Their posts are/and have been more about family cooking, the kids' hobbies, the family pets, trips and birthday parties. They've adopted 21 children and 10 of them are young enough to still be at home. Over the last year and a bit I've found it difficult to watch them because of all the "like" fillerisms. What's really surprising is the mom is the worst of them all! 🙄

    The Hayley Arceneaux book sounds wonderful. I'll have to look for it. 📘
