Sunday, April 21, 2024

This Week in Reading - 4/21

It's Sunday Post time!  This is hosted by the awesome Caffeinated Book Reviewer and gives us all a chance to recap our week.

What I Got:

Death Scene by Carol J. Perry - I love this series so of course I had to pick up this latest one!


Reading:  The Summer Swap by Sarah Morgan and A Grave Robbery by Deanna Raybourn

Listening:  Day of Vengeance by Jeanne M. Dams

It's been a quiet week with mostly recovering from the eclipse trip.  Now the laundry is all done and I caught up on everything else so it's almost time to go out of town again!  We are going to Colonial Williamsburg in a few weeks and it has been a long time since I've been.  Has anyone been?  Any recommedations for places to go or places to eat?

Have a great week and happy reading!


  1. Oooo I was just telling my husband we need to plan a trip to Virginia so that would could go to Colonial Williamsburg! I also want to take Wyatt to Chincoteague. We went when I was a kid and it was so cool to see the wild ponies.

    Have a great trip!!

  2. It would have been awesome to see the eclipse! I did the math and the next time one hits in the UK I'll probably be dead! :(

  3. Sounds like a great week! Enjoy your trip!

  4. Quiet weeks, especially when recovering from amazing trips, are to be sought after. In fact, I keep waiting for this boring middle age I was promised!!! And I love the sound of your next planned trip. Have a great week, Katherine:)).

  5. I always wanted to go to Colonial Williamsburg! I hope you have a wonderful trip. And The Summer Swap looks like a very fun summer read. :D

  6. I always wanted to go to Colonial Willaimsburg. I've never been, but that would make a fantastic trip. Enjoy! The Summer Swap looks good. It's on my wishlist. Hope you have a great week!

  7. Williamsburg is one of our favorite trips because it's close. They have lots of restaurants. We are fond of seafood. Our favorite restaurant is there - Italian. Antonios Where we get the pasta with scallops and shrimps. We get gluten free and everything we have had is great.

    There's plenty to see and do but it depends on your interests. Have fun!

    Anne - Books of My Heart This is my Sunday Post

  8. I have The Summer Swap soon to read so I hope its good. Your trip sounds fun, and like it might be an historical place. The restaurant in the above comment sounds yummy!

  9. So, I just did a Top Ten Tuesday post about thrillers where everything goes wrong while someone is on vacation. Colonial Williamsburg is one of my real-life examples. We were scheduled to go see it while we were in Virginia, but then there was a hurricane, and we couldn't! LOL. I still want to go. Enjoy your trip!

  10. Hope you enjoy the new book! The cover looks fun. :D

  11. Colonial Williamsburg sounds fantastic! I hope to visit there one of these days...

    I love The birds... definitely worth a watch except for a few yucky scenes!!

  12. I loved the Morgan books I've read. I really need to pick her up again. We lived in Virginia for 6 years and loved Colonial Williamsburg.
