Wednesday, September 14, 2022

The Book Haters' Book Club - Fiction Review

Goodreads:  The Book Haters' Book Club by Gretchen Anthony

Rating: Liked It! (3.5 Stars)
Source:   Publisher

Description: All it takes is the right book to turn a Book Hater into a Book Lover…

That was Elliott’s belief and the reason why he started The Book Haters’ Book Club—a newsletter of reading recommendations for the self-proclaimed “nonreader.” As the beloved co-owner of Over the Rainbow Bookstore, Elliott’s passion and gift was recommending books to customers. Now, after his sudden death, his grief-ridden business partner, Irma, has agreed to sell Over the Rainbow to a developer who will turn the cozy bookstore into high-rise condos.

But others won’t give up the bookstore without a fight. When Irma breaks the news to her daughters, Bree and Laney, and Elliott’s romantic partner, Thom, they are aghast. Over the Rainbow has been Bree and Laney’s sanctuary since childhood, and Thom would do anything to preserve Elliott’s legacy. Together, Thom, Bree and Laney conspire to save the bookstore, even if it takes some snooping, gossip and minor sabotage.

Filled with humor, family hijinks and actual reading recommendations, The Book Haters' Book Club is the ideal feel-good read. It’s a celebration of found family and a love letter to the everyday heroes who run bookstores.

Genre: Fiction - Contemporary

Why I Picked This Book:   I can never resist a book involving a bookstore!

My Impression: I liked this one - I really did but unfortunately for this book the last few books I've read that have taken place in bookstores where 5 star Keeper Shelf level reads so I went into this one with sky high expectations.  Expectations that I don't think this book quite lived up to.  I really liked the characters - except for Irma who drove me crazy with her refusal to deal with  a situation of her making and talk to people she had insisted be in her presence.  Luckily, because she was so unwilling to be part of the conversation she is mostly sidelined to a background character unless she's the topic of a "What should we do about Irma" conversation.  The relationships between Bree, Laney, and Thom were interesting and I liked seeing that develop as well as getting to know each character better on their own.

Mixed in with the third person chapters were first person bits of narrative written by Elliot which I enjoyed.  Elliot absence is such a pivotal issue in the book that it was nice to get to know him a bit.  I found the writing style easy to read and I think it had a good flow.  

While I enjoyed this book and liked the characters it just didn't pull me in and make me fall in love with the world the book created.  I am looking forward to reading more from this author and will be keeping an eye out for her books in the future.

Would I Read More of this Series/Author? I would!  

Would I Recommend this Book?  If you like books with family relationships then I think you'll enjoy this one.

* I received this book in exchange for an honest review.  As always my opinions and impressions are completely my own. *


  1. I'm always drawn to books about bookstores, too. Sadly, not all of them turn out to be 5-star reads. At least this one was still enjoyable.

  2. I've seen similar reviews for this book. I'm glad you enjoyed it overall.

  3. Didn't pull me in either and I think you may have appreciated it a little more than myself.

  4. I always like books about bookstores. I'm going to try this one.

  5. Have you read The Storied Life of A. J. Fikry? 🤔
