Friday, September 23, 2022

Friday Five - Five Books I Might Put on My Must Read List for 2023

I'm taking a bit of a break from my usual Friday Linkups to try something a little different.  I'm in a list making kind of mood so I thought I'd start making random five lists.  Sometimes they'll be bookish other weeks not so much.  I'm starting to think about my reading for 2023 and while I don't want to be as list focused as I was this year I do want to have a short list of books to read so that I can have a little focus.  Here are 5 books I'm considering putting on my 2023 reading list.  

1.  The Secret Life of Violet Grant by Beatriz Williams - I haven't read Beatriz Williams in a year or two and I'm missing her books.  This one is sitting on my shelf just waiting to be read!

2.  Death in the Family by Teresa Wegert - This book has been sitting on my shelf staring at me for far too long and I've wanted to read it since the day I got it.

3.  Cross Her Heart by Melinda Lee - I love suspense and this author has been on my TBR for ages.  

4.  Your Guide to Not Getting Murdered in an English Village by Maureen Johnson by Jay Cooper - How can I resist this title?  It seems like such an interesting read.

5.  The House at Riverton by Kate Morton - This is one of the few Kate Morton books I haven't read and I've been really wanting to pick up another book by her.

Are you thinking about your reading plans for 2023? What are you wanting to read?


  1. Guide to not getting murdered... caught my eye. I read 'Violet Grant' when it published. I liked it!
    Also wanted to tell you I just realized I haven't been getting my email alerts for your posts. I think I read that Blogger is going through some changes. I'll try to check your blog more often!
    Mary @Bookfan

  2. I'm already starting my 2023 list of books to read, too. I'd like to read Your Guide to Not Getting Murdered in an English Village.

  3. That's a great title - the Guide to Not Getting Murdered. I need that. Oh, you can't go wrong with Kate Morton. I am so excited about her coming out with a new book next year. Still forming my 2023 list for reading plans :-)

    I was thinknning about you last nigth when we grabbed takeaway and watched The Dish. I love Sam Neill and the history of the Parks dish.

  4. What a great list. I need to start thinking about my 2023 list too.

  5. Everything I have read by Melinda Leigh I have loved.

    Anne - Books of My Heart

  6. Great list! I love the Wegert series. I'm also a huge fan of Kate Morton and Maureen Johnson. I haven't read YOUR GUIDE TO NOT GETTING MURDERED yet, but it's definitely on my list. Williams is an author I haven't read, except for a couple book she co-authored. I need to read some of hers. I hope you enjoy all these if/when you read them!

  7. Melinda Leigh is good! I've enjoyed all the books I've read by her. :)

  8. Not getting murder in a Quaint English Village is a book I will join you on gladly!! It really does sound like a fun read.

  9. These look good. I want to read Melinda Leigh's books. She's on my wishlist.

  10. wow thinking of 2023 reading already, but it is part of the fun of reading isn't it. Making plans. The only one I've read is the Beatriz Williams one.

  11. I have a long list started. Ha ha. I want to do a good amount of re-reads. 📚📚📚
