Thursday, September 22, 2022

Snowed in for Christmas - Contemporary Romance Review

Goodreads: Snowed in for Christmas by Sarah Morgan

Rating:  Really Liked It! (4 Stars)
Source:   Publisher

Description:  A family gathering

This Christmas the Miller siblings have one goal—to avoid their well-meaning family’s endless stream of prying questions. Ross, Alice and Clemmie have secrets that they don’t intend to share, and they are relying on each other to deflect attention.

An uninvited guest

Lucy Clarke is facing a Christmas alone and the prospect of losing her job. Unless she can win a major piece of business from Ross Miller, the season promises to be anything but festive. She’ll just deliver her proposal to his family home and then leave. After all, she wouldn’t want to intrude on the Miller family’s perfect Christmas.

A Christmas to remember

When Lucy appears on the Miller family’s snow-covered Highland doorstep, she's mistaken for Ross’s girlfriend. By the time the confusion is cleared up, they're snowed in—she can’t leave, even if she wants to! But does she want to? As secrets spill out like presents from an overstuffed stocking and the chemistry between her and Ross ignites, this is going to be either Lucy's worst Christmas ever or the best mistake of her life.

Genre: Romance - Contemporary

Why I Picked This Book:  I really enjoy holiday romances and this looked like a good one - plus it's in Scotland!

My Impression: This is my favorite kind of Christmas-y read!  A bit light on the actual romance but full of family dynamics, humor, an outspoken grandmother and all the Christmas coziness one can cram into a book.  

It did take me a little bit to get fully invested in the story as we change POVs from Lucy, to Alice and Clemmie, and their mother with each chapter.  While this is a romance the romance takes a back seat for quite a lot of the book as the characters face their own challenges and interact with each other.  I did love that while none of these characters is perfect (far from it) they're all fairly realistic.  These are all people I can imagine meeting and wanting to spend time with.  Not to say there isn't more than a bit of chaos but none of it feels over the top.

It's been awhile since I've read anything by Sarah Morgan and I'm not wondering why as I very much enjoyed this one!  It was so winter-y and Christmas-y and cozy that I forgot it was 100 degrees outside and got  pulled in.  This was lovely and a great book to kick off my Christmas reading.

Would I Read More of this Series/Author? I would!  I'm looking forward to reading more of her backlog and will be looking for future books.

Would I Recommend this Book? If you like fiction with lots of family dynamics and a bit of romance this is a great holiday read!

* I received this book in exchange for an honest review.  As always my opinions and impressions are completely my own. *


  1. This sounds like fun! Thank you for a lovely review - I do enjoy a book that isn't allll about the romance, but also encompasses other issues.

  2. Wait, it's setting is Scotland and I get snow?! Sign me up. So tired of the heat and I love the sound of the setting. That's a pretty cover too!

  3. Scotland! yay! I love books set in Scotland as much as I love that snowed-in trope. :D

  4. I also enjoyed this! I like all the family relationships. Fantastic review!

  5. I always enjoy holiday stories too. This author is on my wishlist.

  6. I loved this one as you know. Scotland, family and a bit of a romance. Perfect.

  7. I have enjoyed this author. You had me at a Scotland Christmas.
