Sunday, September 11, 2022

Life with Leukemia, A Puppy, and Some Reading - September 11

It's Sunday Post time!  This is hosted by the awesome Caffeinated Book Reviewer and gives us all a chance to recap our week.

What I Got:

Wild Ride: A Memoir of I.V. Drips and Rocket Ships by Hayley Arceneaux - I'm so excited about this book!  Hayley was Will's PA when we were first at St. Jude and she was the first person there we really connected with.   She's such a sweet person and really goes the extra mile for her patients and I'm looking forward to reading this.  (Purchased)

Will and Hayley back in July


Reading:  A Vacation to Die For by Lynn Cahoon and Vanishing Point by Patricia Wentworth

Listening:  The Night She Disappeared by Lisa Jewell

Another fairly quiet week.  We've been working on school and have finished reviewing and are moving onto new topics.  Will's numbers have dropped a bit so we are trying to stay home and make sure he gets plenty of rest to try and keep another hospitalization from happening at least anytime soon.  Luckily, he's been feeling pretty good so I'm hoping that this week's counts drop is just a fluke and not a trend.

Rover is still taking his 2nd Manners course and we will be starting a class on Scent work in 2 weeks.  I'm looking forward to seeing how he will do.  If he does well and we enjoy it we can either start working towards competitions where he locates a target while being timed or even start training for volunteer search and rescue but that is quite awhile away.  We will also be starting Rally next month which is essentially moving obedience.  I'm a bit concerned he's still a little immature for it but we will see how it goes.

I've been working on school stuff and am excited to really get moving on homeschooling.  I've found some new books for a mythology course as well as some add-ins I want to include in grammar lessons.  I'm still volunteering to assist with dog classes and really enjoying that and taking classes with Rover which is also lots of fun.  We've been working on getting a bit more regular with bedtime and I'm finally starting to feel not so fatigued and I'm hoping that is a trend as well.  

Have a great week and happy reading!


  1. Oh how cool that she wrote a book! Looks fun too! And good luck thisd week. I hope it's a good one and Will feels well.

    My daughter loves mythology and just started a course in it she's super excited about. I hope you guys have fun with it too. :)

  2. Wild Ride does sound good and I'm sure it will be extra good since you have that personal connection with the author. I will have to check it out. Rover is such an adorable dog! It sounds like his training is going well. I hope Will has a better week number wise this coming week. I hope you have a great week, Katherine!

  3. I hope Rover passes his Manners course with flying colours this time, and that Wills numbers stay up.

    Wishing you a great reading week

  4. That is so cool that you know the author of that book! Hope homeschooling goes well and that Will numbers go back up. Hope your enjoying Vacation to Die For, I haven't read it yet but looking forward to it.

    Have a great day and Happy reading,
    Week in Review

  5. Oh that book looks fabulous and it comes with fond memories.

    Rover, you are doing so well!! Good for you. Anna is starting with puppy school on Tuesday. Nothing fancy, just manners please....LOL!!!

    Have a good week Katherine and I hope staying in a routine will help with the fatigue a bit more.

    Lots of Love,

    Elza Reads

  6. I love Lisa Jewell. Hope you like this one.

  7. Yes to Haley's book - adding it to my Goodreads list now.

  8. I hope Rover does well so you can do the competitions or search and rescue. I hope school goes well too. It sounds like both of you have it in the bad. I'm sorry Will's number are low this week. Hopefully, like you said, it's just a fluke and he'll stay out of the hospital. Good luck with everything!

    My Sunday Post

  9. So good to hear you are less fatigued, You've got so much going on, then you get all the reading you get done - done! What a joy Rover must be. Love the subtitle of Wild Ride. Good to hear home schooling is going well, I can hear your enthusiasm for it. All the best for the coming week and hopefully no hospital.

  10. It's great you are feeling more rested. Take care of yourself. Rover is getting so big! I hope Will has a better week ahead.

    Anne - Books of My Heart This is my Sunday Post

  11. The book looks amazing, it's so cool that you know the author and it's someone you like. I hope you all have a great week ahead.

  12. Hayley's book sounds great! Hope Will's numbers trend upward this week, and it sounds like Rover is doing really well with the training classes.

  13. Fingers crossed Will's low numbers are just a small blip and he's feeling better very soon. Enjoy all those dog training classes. Sounds fun!

  14. Lynn Cahoon's series is another I love and am behind on. I really need to catch up.

  15. That's super exciting about the Hayley Arceneaux book! 🚀

    I 'm happy to hear Will is feeling pretty decent and I hope his numbers improve quickly. ❤

    I've never head of Rally before. It sounds interesting! I'll have to read about it. 🐾

    I hope you had a good week. ☀
