Sunday, October 3, 2021

Life with Leukemia (And Some Reading) - October 3

It's Sunday Post time!  This is hosted by the awesome Caffeinated Book Reviewer and gives us all a chance to recap our week.

What I Got:

Mrs. Jeffries and the Midwinter Murders by Emily Brightwell - I look forward to a new mystery in this cozy historical every year so I'm super excited for this one!  (Publisher)

Killer Research by Jenn McKinlay - The newest book in one of my absolute favorite cozy series. (Publisher)

Doggone Deadly by Deborah Blake - I really enjoyed the first book in the series so I'm excited to pick this one up. (Publisher)


Reading The Caribbean Mystery by Agatha Christie and In the Company of Witches by Auralee Wallace 

Listening:  Legacy by Nora Roberts

Watching:  Still watching Friends.  I'm still enjoying it but am a terrible binge watcher so I'm not making huge progress.

This week did not go as planned.  Will hadn't been feeling well over the weekend and Tuesday woke up feeling really lethargic and with a fever.  This means automatic ER visit and because his numbers had fallen even more since his last clinic appointment he was admitted to the hospital for the few days for IV antibiotics and observation.  Thankfully, it went pretty smoothly.  We had great nurses and even a visit from our favorite therapy dog.  Will actually doesn't mind hospital stays which shows what amazing nurses we've had in all the stays.  And he really likes the bed with all the angle controls.  Because all of his numbers going up a bit earlier then expected we were able to go home after two nights which was great.  His immune system is still very suppressed so we are staying at home (which is fine because I'm exhausted!) but it is great to be home.

That was about it for the week.  I did get some reading done but the rest of the week was pretty much derailed.  But we are home and all getting lots of rest - Will of course is the least exhausted - and relaxing.  

Have a great week and happy reading!


  1. I've got to go claim my ARCs of Jenn and Deborah's new books as well. Looking forward to them.

    Glad Will is doing better today.

  2. I hope your son progresses well. Happy I am sure that you are at home both of you.

  3. Sorry to hear about the need for a hospital visit but it truly is to the credit of the nurses and doctors there that Will doesn't mind going. Also, yay for therapy dogs! I hope the next week brings you a bit more calm :)
    Juli @ A Universe in Words

  4. Glad to hear that Will's drop was speedily rectified, Katherine. Hope this week is calmer and more restful. Enjoy your reads! 💚

  5. hospital visits are no fun especially around this time. hope you all have a better week.

    my post:

  6. Katherine, so sorry Will did not have a great week (picture is so cute). Hope things improve for all of you and happy you were able to enjoy some books.

  7. Katherine, so glad to hear that Will's numbers improved and his hospital stay was not too long. That is a very sweet picture of him and the therapy dog. Isn't it wonderful that those pets are around to help people feel better while they are in the hospital? Hope your week is more settled and you can get some rest yourself. Take care!

  8. I am trying for an eARC of Killer Research but haven't heard anything yet, but fingers crossed! Glad to hear that Will is doing better despite the hospital stay. How this is a good week!

    Have a great week and happy reading!

  9. You never know what is going to happen in a week with Will's journey, good he and you are home again. I have Legacy to listen to, sitting there, so much to listen to but I guess that's good!

  10. The caribbean Mystery sounds nice and so do the Brightwell books. I like Christmasy reads around this time of year.

    Sorry to hear this was a rough week but glad it got better towards the end. I hope Will has a good new week ahead. Be well and take care! :)

  11. Sorry it was such a tough week. It sure says a lot about the nurses that Will doesn't mind a hospital stay... of course a therapy dog and bed controls help, too. Glad it was just for a couple of nights. Hope you get some rest this week. Take care.

  12. It sounds like your family's week was rough. Hospital stays are stressful, but I'm glad you all were able to go back home quicker and Will got to have some good moments with the therapy dog and a comfy, nice stay with good nurses to boot. I hope you were able to enjoy your weekend.

    1. Here is my Sunday Post:

  13. Man that Will is a brave little trooper! And what a sweet dog. Hugs to you and your husband. I know it's hardest for the two of you.

  14. It is great that the hospital does such a good job in making it a welcoming spot for kids. I know that it had to be a hard week for you though. I hope that you have a good week and enjoy your new books!

  15. I'm sorry Will had such a bad week. I hope he's doing better now. Take care.

  16. I'm glad the hospital stay was shorter than expected. Nurses are the best. Angels on Earth.

  17. I'm so sorry Will had to spend time at the hospital but I'm very glad to hear that his numbers went up faster than expected and that he was able to go home. Hurray for wonderful nurses and therapy dogs. Small happinesses during a difficult time.

  18. Sorry a hospital visit was needed, glad it was shorter than usual and that he has wonderful nurses.

  19. I always end up writing down so many books from your posts!

    I am sorry to hear that Will had an ER visit and hospital stay. But good news that it was shorter than anticipated! That is always such a good feeling. Glad to hear that his nurses have all been so good! That makes such a difference!

  20. I'm glad it was a short visit and now you are home. It's great that he had the therapy dog and wonderful nurses.

    Anne - Books of My Heart This is my Sunday Post

  21. I read about Will's visit to emergency on Facebook. I hope he had a better week this week. Sending hugs and prayers.

  22. Sorry I missed this post. (((((((HUGS))))))) ❤
