Friday, October 22, 2021

Friday Five - 5 Things I'm Loving Right Now

I'm taking a bit of a break from my usual Friday Linkups to try something a little different.  I'm in a list making kind of mood so I thought I'd start making random five lists.  Sometimes they'll be bookish other weeks not so much.  Today I'm sharing 5 non-bookish things I'm loving right now.

1.  Tervis Cups - I love these!  There are tons of designs and a variety of sizes.  They're completely dishwasher safe and they have lids that snap on firmly for when Will's immune system is super suppressed and we have to be careful about him drinking out of open containers.  I've been trying to up my water intake and so I just keep one with me.  

2.  Weighted Blankets -  We got one of these when Will was first diagnosed to see if it would help him sleep when he was on steroids and it really did. Then I picked his up when I was having trouble sleeping and it has made such a difference.  I use this one because I'm always cold but Will gets hot when he sleeps and he really likes this one.

3.  Frappuccino - I drink my morning coffee black but I love getting one of these out of the refrigerator in the afternoon when I'm dragging.  It's such a nice indulgent treat.  Vanilla is my favorite flavor because the others seem to sweet but the vanilla always hits the spot. 

4.  Animal Crossing New Horizons - We really enjoyed playing this right when it first came out and have played a decent amount since then but lately I've really been enjoying relaxing and playing for a little bit when everything is done.

5.  Trader Joe's - One finally opened here and I am absolutely loving it.  When we lived in Memphis I went to the one there a decent amount but we didn't have much space and it was kind of a hassle to get to so I didn't go that much but here it's close by and nice and open.  I'm really enjoying going by regularly and finding different treats I hadn't noticed before.  We had the Mexican style roasted corn with dinner the other day and it was delicious!

What non-bookish things are you loving right now?


  1. Katherine you are making me jealous with you Trader Joes so close by - love that store so much but we only go once a month as it's a distance. As for weighted blankets, I know so many love these but, I am a tosser and turner and usually have a cat on my legs so I chose light and fully comforters - also I'm always hot at night. LOL Hope you have a great week.

  2. Ha! I was laughing at what Diane said above about having a cat on her legs at night. She has a living, breathing 'weighed' blanket, right? Glad you are liking using one. Have fun at your new Trader Joe's!

  3. I actually got to Trader Joe's this week which hasn't happened much in the last 2 years. It's about 10 miles from us. I love their gluten free bread, nuts, and produce.

    Anne - Books of My Heart

  4. I just bought a weighted blanket, thanks for the link!

  5. I don't have a Trader Joe's near me. I wish I did, though.

  6. Had a good look at both weighted blankets. Such an interesting concept and that they make a big difference to sleeping.

  7. Trader Joe's is a fun place to shop. I've heard good things about the Mexican corn but have never tried it. Next time!

  8. My son doesn't like hot coffee, but he likes the bottled frappuccinos. I've never tried one because I don't care for iced coffee. Maybe I'll have a sip next time he has one. 🙂

    I have an insulated water bottle that I love, which I bought about four years ago, and wanted an extra one to keep in my bedroom. I went online to look a couple of months ago and when I first purchased it, they were $9. They are now $24! 😮
