Sunday, September 26, 2021

Life with Leukemia (And Some Reading) - September 26

It's Sunday Post time!  This is hosted by the awesome Caffeinated Book Reviewer and gives us all a chance to recap our week.

What I Got:

Nothing!  I took a break from book shopping for the week!  



:  Garment of Shadows by Laurie R. King and Twisted Tea Christmas by Laura Childs

Listening:  Hearse and Gardens by Kathleen Bridge (not sure I'm going to stick with this one - the main character is driving me crazy)

Watching:  Still watching Friends.  I took a little break from it but I'm back to watching it!

This is my Dad's dog who we have started keeping one day a week to get our cat used to dogs (we are talking about getting a puppy)and I thought it'd be fun for Will and me to walk him.  He's such a sweetie and so calm.

Other then that this week was not a good one.  Will's numbers were super low which were unexpected so chemo was held and we've had to really isolate.   His weight has also dropped again so after a few tests he had to have a feeding tube inserted.  It's an NG tube (so through the nose) and he says it isn't too bad and feedings have gone really well.  The placement looked absolutely horrible but he was such a champ through it.  I'm so tired of this for him and I hate it so much.  

I did finally figure something out to help me with the insomnia I've been dealing with for the past year or so.  We started trying weighted blankets with Will to help him sleep when he's on steroids and I gave one of them a try and was out like a light.  I've been using it for the last few days and have been really sleeping well.  

Have a great week and happy reading!


  1. I'm so sorry this week was not a good one for you and Will. I'm glad he has been handling the feeding experience well. I always wondered about weighted blankets. I always wanted the lightest and fluffiest blankets as I am quite the tosser and turner when I can't sleep. Hoping this week is a better week for your family.

  2. That is a good idea borrowing your dads dog so your cat could get use to one. Sorry to hear that Will didn't have a good week, glad you figured out a way to get some sleep.

    I rememeber liking Hearse and Gardens but its been a while so not sure how I would think of it now since my taste in things have changed. I hate when the MC drives me crazy.

    Have a great week,
    Week in Review

  3. The dog is adorable! Sorry that Will had a tough week. I hope he feels better soon. My therapist suggested weighted blankets to help me calm down, but I never actually got around to trying one.

  4. I am sorry Will's week hasn't been that great. The feeding tube sounds horrible, but at least it's not through his throat!

    I hope he feels better soon. And weighted blankets sound good.

    Enjoy your week, and here are my WEEKLY UPDATES

  5. Oh I'm sorry this week was tough. Hang in there Will! Sending lots of prayers and supportive thoughts.

    What a beautiful dog! I hope the cats adjust well and it all goes great. I'd love to have a dog too but our cats would probably freak! Some are calmer than others lol. Be well!

    Glad the blankets helped!

  6. I'm glad you are getting better sleep as you need it. I hope Will improves soon and enjoys the dog.

    Anne - Books of My Heart This is my Sunday Post

  7. I'm sorry to hear Will hasn't been feeling well this past week. I hope he starts to get better soon. Best wishes to all of you.

  8. Oh my what a gorgeous dog. So good the blanket has helped, you really do need a good night's sleep to be able to deal with all that's going on. A puppy sounds fun for when its the right time. Happy reading

  9. That doggo is adorable!

    What a trooper your son is! It is definitely not fun watching your child get a feeding tube, so good job to all of you. :) I am glad that it is not bothering him too much and will help him get those calories! Hopefully next week is better.

    And I am glad you found something that helps you sleep as well!

  10. I'm sorry to hear the week did not go well, but I hope the tube will help him get some good nutrition, and that his numbers and weight will look better soon.

    I've never heard of a weighted blanket. It's great to hear that it works so well.

  11. Such a cute puppy! I'll be thinking about Will and all of you as he adjusts to the feeding tube. Hope it will be temporary. And I hope that your insomnia improves. I've not used a weighted blanket, but I've heard about them and wondered how they helped some with issues. Take care - prayers going up especially this week for all of you!

  12. I love shelties so much! 🤗 I'm happy to hear you're getting a puppy. Golden retriever?

    (((((((HUGS))))))) for Will and you both. ❤❤❤
