Sunday, September 19, 2021

Life with Leukemia (And Some Reading) - September 19

It's Sunday Post time!  This is hosted by the awesome Caffeinated Book Reviewer and gives us all a chance to recap our week.

What I Got:

Petals and Poison by Jess Dylan - I read the first book in this series and thought it had a lot of potential so I'm curious to see what I think of this one.  (Publisher)


Reading:  Eternity Ring by Patricia Wentworth and Chapters and Curse by Elizabeth Penney

ListeningTagged for Death by Sherry Harris

Watching:  Still re-watching Friends though my re-watch has slowed a bit.  Still really enjoying it though!

The trip to Memphis went well.  It was good to see all the people we've met at the main campus and all of his test results came out where they should.  We stayed at a hotel that had been the Central Train Station downtown and was super art deco and had all kinds of original details.  We ate at at one of our favorite restaurants and then tried one that we had wanted to try but never managed to get to.  And best of all there was a used bookstore from the hotel that I got to spend some time browsing in.  The selection wasn't spectacular but it was still fun.  Before we left we grabbed breakfast at Arcade Restaurant which was also right across from the hotel and is the oldest continuously running cafe's in Memphis.  Apparently, it was Elvis's favorite restaurant when he lived there.  It was tasty though I was not brave enough to try the fried peanut butter and banana sandwich with bacon (apparently Elvis's favorite dish) and settled on French toast.  

By the time we got back home we were all pretty exhausted but Will especially.  This is a steroid week for him which makes him a bit grumpy and keeps him from getting solid sleep so he's been extra tired.  Saturday he had just enough energy to get some lunch and go to a new cookie dough bakery.  He got chocolate chip cookie dough and cookies and cream cookie dough and even though he wasn't able to eat very much he seriously enjoyed it.  

That's been pretty much our week.  I've been trying to get caught up on laundry and dealing with my allergies that have gone bonkers thanks to ragweed.  The allergy issue has kept my reading down a bit.  I'm doing pretty good with my audio books and my print books but weirdly just haven't been reaching for my Kindle.

Have a great week and happy reading!


  1. Oh my that Patricia Wentworth cover reminds me of the some of the pulp covers I come across!

    Glad the trip went well. I like those old train station hotels and the art deco style. And glad Will had a good week. Hope this new weekis a good one for you guys also!

  2. Sorry you are dealing with allergies, what a nuisance. I still think you get through a lot of books even though it doesn't seem to you like you are. Good the Memphis trip was good and you were able to take time to explore a little.

  3. That cover for 'Eternity Ring' is insane but I can't say it doesn't intrigue me! I'm also glad you all had such a beautiful trip together, from used bookstores to art deco hotels. I hope Will feels a little better soon after some more sleep, but yay for cookie dough! I hope you have a lovely weekend and week :)
    Juli @ A Universe in Words

  4. I really need to try Patricia Wentworth! Glad Will's test came out good and that you guys got to get out. I think a Peanut Butter, Banana and Bacon sandwich sounds good, but not sure about

    Have a great week and happy reading!
    Week in Review

  5. Sounds like the Memphis trip went smoothly and I'm glad. A used bookstore IS fun even if you can't find anything you want to buy. Right now I am reading Stephen King's book Billy Summers and man alive, am I ever glad I have the Kindle version. I think it's over 800 pages.

  6. It sounds like a fun visit with things going well but fun can be tiring. Ragweed is the devil. I hope this week goes even better for you both.

    Anne - Books of My Heart This is my Sunday Post

  7. Your books look good...and I like the sound of your trip to Memphis. I have enjoyed peanut butter and banana sandwiches...without the bacon. Maybe I'll try that some time.

    Have a great week, and here are my WEEKLY UPDATES

  8. Yum! I love cookie dough! Glad you had a nice visit to Memphis. Hope that you have a good week.
    Lisa Loves Literature

  9. I like that hotel setting! I'm sure you felt like reading an old classic. Is that where the Patricia Wentworth come from?

    Have a good week Katherine!

    Elza Reads

  10. That sounds like a wonderful trip. And that peanut butter and banana sandwich sounds crazy! LOL!! I wouldn't be brave enough to get that one either.
    Have a great week and happy reading.

  11. First of all, so glad that all Will's test results were good. And thanks for telling us more details about where you stayed, what you ate, and about the bookstore. Bet you had fun just perusing books on a shelf, even if they weren't ones you wanted to try. Take care and hope this week goes well!

  12. Sounds like a very busy week! I'm glad to hear things went smoothly and you even got to enjoy some restaurants and a bookstore... but best of all is hearing Will's tests all came out where they were supposed to! Hope you all get to rest up a bit this week.

  13. Glad to hear that all of the test results were where they should be! Wish we had a cookie dough bakery!

  14. I think there's a type-o in your link on this week's Sunday Post. It comes up as this and "blog not found" I Googled you to find you. :-)

    So glad the trip to Memphis went well! Sounds like Will had some fun, even if he was tired out by it all.

    I love art deco so I would love that hotel.

  15. Sending wishes for a good, relaxing week. The allergies are on an upswing in my area - tis the season I guess.

  16. Glad your week with Will in Memphis went pretty well and that you were able to have a wee bit of fun as well. Hope this week is easier for all of you. I LOVE that Wentworth cover!

  17. So glad you had a good trip. I hope this is a good week for you.

  18. I’m glad the appointments have gone well, and that Will has been able to enjoy some treats too.

    Wishing you a great reading week

  19. I'm glad Will's tests came out right where they should! I hope he feels better soon; steroid weeks sound rough. The train station hotel sounds amazing. I have other friends who have stayed there (pre-Covid), and I would love to stay there myself someday.

    Did you say a cookie dough bakery? Interesting!

  20. I have so much respect for Will and for you. What troopers you are. So glad to hear that test results came out well.

  21. I'm interested in reading Petals and Poisons too. Ooo! Eternity Ring by Patricia Wentworth sounds good. I hope you are enjoying your current reading. I am glad everything went well in Memphis. The hotel sounds wonderful. I probably would have gotten the French Toast too. LOL I hope you are all doing well and all the best for Will.

  22. Thank you for keeping us updated in Will's Facebook group. ❤

    A friend of mine threw an Elvis themed birthday party for her husband quite a few years back and that sandwich (cut up into small squares) was on the ice cream buffet. I loved it. Ha ha. 😁

  23. I started getting some watery eyes the other day, and figure I was dealing with allergies too., which are never fun. Yay to Will having good numbers! Always cool to check out new restaurants, isn't it?! I don't think I would have gone for the banana sandwich either! I love hearing about unusual hotels around the world, and where you stayed sounds very interesting. Hoping you guys have a relaxing and quite weekend. Hugs, RO
