Sunday, September 5, 2021

Life With Leukemia (And Some Reading) - September 5

It's Sunday Post time!  This is hosted by the awesome Caffeinated Book Reviewer and gives us all a chance to recap our week.

What I Got:

The Christie Affair by Nina de Gramont - This is another take on just what happened to Agatha Christie during her 11 day disappearance and I'm so excited about it. (Publisher)

The Shadow of Memory by Connie Berry - I've really enjoyed this series and I can't wait to see where it goes.  (Publisher)

God Rest Ye,  Royal Gentleman by Rhys Bowen - Another great series and this one features Wallis Simpson. (Publisher)

In the Company of Witches by Auralee Wallace - This is the first in this new Witchy cozy series and it sounds really fun. (Publisher) 

Twisted Tea Christmas by Laura Childs - I can never resist Childs' Tea Shop series set in Charleston. (Publisher)

Chapter and Curse by Elizabeth Penney - I've read another book by this author and enjoyed it so this first in a new series involving a bookstore was impossible to pass up.  (Publisher)

The Twelve Jays of Christmas by Donna Andrews - Not only is this the new book in one of my very favorite cozy series but it's the Christmas themed mystery too! (Publisher)


Reading:  The Chuckling Fingers by Mabel Seeley and Paging the Dead by Brynn Bonner

Listening A Bad Day for Sunshine by Darynda Jones

Watching:  I'm still watching Friends and still really enjoying it! I'm about halfway through the 2nd season.

This wasn't the most exciting week which is a good thing!  Will was feeling okay this week and just had some low energy.  His test results showed his immune system is severely repressed so even if he had been feeling more energetic we wouldn't have gone anywhere anyway.

September is Childhood Cancer Awareness Month.  Childhood cancer gets between 4 and 10% of the U.S.'s cancer research money and there is so much more that needs to be done.  When Will was diagnosed in June of 2020 we essentially won the Leukemia lottery.  He got the most curable kind and the most curable variable of that kind.  We've been told things like "It's a detour, not a derailment" and "There is life after this".  We are so so grateful for this but even with this miracle he will still be undergoing active cancer treatment - things like regular spinal taps, weekly IV chemo, daily oral chemo, MRIs, CAT scans, as well as all the side effects that come with that - for 2 and 1/2 years.  He was 10 1/2 when he was diagnosed and if we are lucky and everything goes right he will be 13 when he is finished.   This is such a long journey for these kids and their families.  There are so many issues out there that are so important but please keep childhood cancer research in mind as something to support and bring awareness to.  If you can and want to please consider:

Donating to St Jude Children's Research Hospital - not only is medical treatment free to these kids but they also share their research.  Honestly and not to be over dramatic but I don't believe Will would still be alive if it wasn't for this place.  

Donate blood or blood products - I have completely lost count of how many transfusions of both blood and platelets in the last year and I'm sure there will be many more.

Register to be a Bone Marrow donor on Be the Match.  

Donate a blanket to Project Linus.  Will was given a blanket and a teddy bear the night he was diagnosed and they brought so much comfort in the crazy few weeks that followed.  They're both still very special.

There are lots of other things that can be done but those are a few things that have affected us directly.

I hope everyone has a wonderful week and happy reading!


  1. The Rhys Bowen sounds good. Now that we're getting into fall I'm already looking for some holiday themed mysteries. :)

    St. Jude's sounds amazing. Thank goodness they are there. Thank you for sharing ways we can help.

    I've heard of Project Linus and that sounds like a wonderful program.

  2. The Christie Affair is one I am interested in too. And I won't be able to resist In a Company of Witches. I hope you enjoy all your new books. I always remember seeing St. Jude commercials in the movie theaters. I am so glad for St. Jude for your sake and the sake of others. I like to donate to different places when I can and that is one I have put at the top of my list to donate to each year. They do so much good. I hope Will is doing well and that you all have a good week.

  3. Oh #15 in the Rhys Bowen series and Georgie and Darcy married! I am way behind at #7 being next. I do enjoy them on audio. Have heard of Project linus but we don't have it, otherwise I'd be making quilts for it. Take care, you got lots of good books this week coming in.

  4. I hope you have a wonderful upcoming week, too and happy reading, especially with all those new goodies! 🙂

  5. Several of these books sound great!
    St Jude is a wonderful place! We donate every year.
    Have a great week

  6. Thanks for sharing all the charities. I will repost them in my Tidbits section of TMT on Tuesday. 👏👏👏

    I hope Will has a better energy level this coming week. ❤

    Have a wonderful week. 🌞

  7. I am glad that this week was decent but hope that Will's immune system perks up. *hugs*

    I have Chapter and Curse too and I am hoping to get to it soon!

    Have a good week and happy reading!
    Week in Review

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. I hope Will is feeling more energetic in the weeks ahead. I know about Project Linus from quilting I've done. Enjoy your new reads!

    Anne - Books of My Heart This is my Sunday Post

  10. St Judes and Shiners are our favorite charities. They do perform miracles. I like seeing that new Christmas-themed books are surfacing. Hope you enjoy your new reads.

  11. You got to love those historical books. I liked Shriners a lot. I spent 9 weeks there and time went fast and I loved the nurses, when I was a kid.

  12. Low-key and even boring weeks are good in my book and I'm glad you have plenty of books, etc. to keep you distracted. Hope Will's energy level improves soon. St. Judes is truly amazing!

  13. Wow, only 4-10% for children's cancer? That's crazy! I think it should be so much more! I clicked over the Project Linus link. Both my mom and stepmom sew or knit blankets and could totally make some to donate. Thanks for sharing that info. I hope Will gets some energy back.
    Lisa Loves Literature

  14. What lovely sounding charities. <3 Glad to hear Will is in good hands.

  15. The Rhys Bowen is on my wish list - hope to listen to it. Thanks for linking to Project Linus. I knit and would love to contribute a blanket!

  16. The journey does sound long and arduous, but the signs are encouraging, and you have the best hospital, St. Jude's.

    Your books look good...I like Rhys Bowen's books. Have a great week.

  17. You got lots of good books this week! I look forward to hearing your thoughts.

    St. Jude's is amazing. You and your family are on quite an arduous journey.

    Have a good week!

  18. Thank you for educating us about Childhood Cancer Awareness month.

  19. Katherine, it is certainly a long journey your family has had with the cancer. I cannot imagine what you all have been through, in spite of having cancer myself, I haven't had the stress and fear of it being my child. St Jude's is indeed an amazing place and thank you for giving suggestions about giving back. For starters I am going to look up Project Linus right now.

    Great book selections! I like the sound of The Christie Affair.

  20. St Jude is truly amazing, and I'm glad they are around to help so many. I had no idea that so much is involved when a child has cancer, and I bet that's the case with many of us. Thanks so much for the additional info, as well as how we can help. I continue to keep you in prayer for peace and healing. Sending lots 💓 and lots of love. RO
