Saturday, September 4, 2021

August 2021 - Reading Recap

Books Read This Month
:  23 - Not as good as last month but still not bad - especially since I felt like I was in a bit of a slump in the middle of the month.

Category Breakdown:

Mystery: 17

Fiction: 2

Nonfiction: 4

Print Books: 8

EBooks: 6

Audio Books: 9

Favorite Books of the Month:

Death in Castle Dark by Veronica Bond
- This cozy mystery about a dinner theater was SO much fun and I can't wait to see how the series develops

The Year of Yes by Shonda Rhimes - At the very beginning I was a bit worried this book wasn't going to be for me but it grew on me until I was finding excuses to listen to it.  The audio especially was fantastic.

Least Favorite Book of the Month:

A Sprinkling of Murder by Daryl Wood Gerber - This wasn't bad but I wanted to really love it.  Unfortunately the characters investigated mostly by bickering which got a bit old though I did really enjoy the last quarter or so of the book.

How was your reading in August?


  1. I read six books in August. I had that one book which was a chore for me to read and I kept putting off picking it back up, ha ha. 😄

  2. Well done, 23 is awesome! Happy September!

  3. That's an awesome month Katherine. I was able to get a copy of Death in Castle Dark ben't read it yet.ut hav

  4. That's an excellent reading month! I love mysteries too but more police ones than cozies.

    Anne - Books of My Heart

  5. Wow that sure is a fantastic number. I think Shonda Rhimes narrating the book really brought it alive and I liked the inserts from actual addresses. She is a person who seems to live fully.

  6. It looks like you had a great reading month, Katherine. I have the audio of The Year of Yes--but seeing as I haven't picked up an audiobook in over a year I am not sure when I will get to it. I am glad you enjoyed it. Death in Castle Dark sounds good and I am glad you enjoyed it! I hope you have a great September!

  7. Impressive number of books read! I read ten and two of those were DNFs after 30%. Hoping for a better September!

  8. Hmmm🤔...good question, lemme books! Not bad for Moi.
