Sunday, July 25, 2021

Life with Leukemia (And Some Reading) - July 25

It's Sunday Post time!  This is hosted by the awesome Caffeinated Book Reviewer and gives us all a chance to recap our week.

What I Got:

Nothing!  Though I do have some Audible credits to burn if anyone has any recommendations for must have audio books.  


Reading:  Murder Always Barks Twice by Jennifer Hawkins and Wicked Uncle by Patricia Wentworth

Listening:  Broken by Jenny Lawson

We went swimming!  It finally stopped raining and storming long enough for us to get some swimming in Saturday and it was such fun.  The chemo Will got this past week can cause a lot of muscle pain and tightness - especially in the back and legs - and his physical therapist has really been recommending swimming.  Plus, it's just fun.  We do have to be careful as some of his medicines make him more sensitive to sun and as you can see we're pretty pale in general.  I was an idiot and used the leftover sunscreen from getting him covered on my shoulders and then forgot to put anymore on.  So basically I gave myself a farmer's tan.  My shoulders are fine but my arms and face are burnt.  I've definitely had worse in my life but one would think I'd learn at some point!  

I can't even begin to describe how much the prayers and good vibes and all the positive energy people have sent our way since Will was diagnosed last summer.  I don't normally ask this kind of thing but if you could send out a prayer or energy or anything to a boy named Carson who is about Will's age and is currently at St. Jude in Memphis waiting for test results. This kid and his family are absolutely wonderful and they have been fighting this fight for 4 years.  After finally having 6 months of really great test results they are waiting on news that could be a slight setback or catastrophic or if a miracle occurs absolutely nothing.  Childhood cancer is not fair with what it takes away from all of these kids but this situation seems especially cruel.  

Have a great week and happy reading!


  1. Sunburns are the worst! Glad you guys got to go swimming though! There's something about the water. :)

    Definitely sending those prayers! They matter and thanks for giving us the opportunity to pray for someone who is going through a horrible time. Take care this and be well. :)

  2. I'll keep Will and Carson in my thoughts. I've only witnessed adult family members going through cancer and I can't imagine what it must be like to see your little ones fighting it. On a lighter note though, I do love the corgi on the front of 'Murder Always Barks Twice' and I consistently manage to get burned despite being careful with sunscreen xD
    Juli @ A Universe in Words

  3. Aaaah thanks for bringing little Carson to our thoughts and prayers. There truly are a lot of power in that. I will keep him and Will in our prayers. So glad to see he enjoyed the swimming so much!

    Sunburn! It's a seasonal occurrence for me! There will always be one day that I forgot to splurge on the sun block and then I'll come home with the most delightful, unasked for tan.

    Take care of yourself and I send many happy thoughts and blessings your way.

    Elza Reads

  4. Swimming is such fun exercise! We have the same issue with being fair and burning easily. We switched to mineral sunscreen and it works great, but the white cast it leaves makes us even paler, lol. Oh well, at least we're protected!

    I will keep sweet Carson in my prayers. ♥

  5. I'm glad Will was able to get in some water-fun. It's been a while since we have been swimming. I'm hoping young Carson will get a good report.

  6. I will put both Will and Carson in my prayers this week.

    You pulled such a mom move with the sunscreen. I've been there. Always thinking about everyone else, you forget about yourself. Hope your sun burn fades quickly.

  7. I’ll send some good vibes to Carson and his family! I’m glad you got to go swimming, but sunburns suck. I also currently have a farmer tan because I forgot sunscreen and got burnt while wearing my work uniform. It’s . . . not pretty.

    Aj @ Read All The Things!

  8. I love the sound of that Jennifer Hawkins cozie series. I think I bought the first book a while ago. That's great you got swimming this week, sorry to hear about the sunburn, that hurts. Childhood cancer sounds so hard to deal with for the kid and the family. I am hoping for the best for both Will and Carson. Have a great week!

  9. I am so glad that you are all hanging in there and staying courageous. I like seeing Will swimming and having fun.

    Enjoy your week and your books, and here are my WEEKLY UPDATES

  10. Glad Will had a good week and got some swim time, I'm sure that helped with soreness. I'll keep my fingers and toes crossed that Carson's tests turn out to be best case scenario.

  11. I'll send more positive thoughts! Glad that Will is getting to enjoy some summer fun! I wish I could recommend you some books for your Audible credits, but I mostly listen to romance on audio because it is easy to keep my attention compared to books that I have to think or keep track of clues, descriptions of settings, etc. lol Have a good week!
    Lisa Loves Literature

  12. I've had some major sunburns and try to be careful. Swimming is such a good aid for a variety of issues. And it's fun.

    I'm trying to think of things you would like. I love and have collected some of the Agatha Christie books, some are doubles. The other historical mystery series I love is Sebastian St. Cyr by CS Harris. My other favorites are in genres you don't read so much.

    Anne - Books of My Heart This is my Sunday Post

  13. Sending good vibes your way. Happy swimming and reading :-)

  14. So sorry about the sunburn - I swear by aloe vera when my very pale-skinned daughter gets herself burnt, which regularly happens. I hope you are soon comfortable, Katherine. But how lovely to be able to go swimming again. And yes... I'll offer up a prayer for Carson. Regarding those audible credits - I spent mine on The Lady Hardcastle Mysteries, which are a joy to listen to, if you are in the mood for entertaining historical murder mysteries. Have a great week.

  15. Will certainly keep Carson and his family in my heart when I pray for Will and you all. So hard, it sure isn't fair. Hmm audible, I have quite a few credits accumulating - I find those listen now books get me and I get side tracked into them, how I found some of the cozy mystery series. Yeah, sunburn not nice, and amazing but I think doesn't matter how much we think we would never do it again, it happens sometimes.

  16. Yay for the fun of swimming, but you don't want to see me in a pool(lol) Glad you guys had fun though! And yes, I'm all in with continued prayers for Will and new ones for Carson. I do believe that prayer works. Sending lots of hugs, RO

  17. I'm so glad that you and your son got to do some swimming this week. Swimming is wonderful, isn't it? My swim teacher was sick last week, so we didn't have our class, and I missed it so much.

    Sending prayers for Carson and his family.

  18. Yay for swimming! It's nice when something is both fun and therapeutic. Will looks great. 🤗

    I will definitely send out good energies for Carson. 👏👏👏

    Have a wonderful week. 🌞

  19. I'm glad Will finally got in some pool time, but sorry about your sunburn - ouch! Will keep Carson in my thoughts this week, too.

  20. I will keep both Will and Carson in my prayers. Best wishes to you all.

  21. Lots and lots of energy going out to Carson for GREAT test results and for Will to get through whatever tests or treatments he's got going this week!

  22. Sending all the positive thoughts and healing energy Carson's way! I hope they get good news.

    The pool sounds wonderful, I'm glad it's helpful for Will - - I also am much better about making sure Dante has sun screen and then I miss myself 🙈 I think that's typical mom life!

    Hope you all are having a good week!

  23. I purposely have a bottle of aloe vera in stock in case of sunburn. When we had gone to Disneyland three summers ago, I burned in my thighs and didn't know it while we had swum. Really stupid of me.
