Tuesday, February 23, 2021

Ten Books On My To Buy List

It's been a few months since I've had a big bookish haul and it feels like time to do a little book shopping.  Here are ten books I might pick up in my next bookish haul.

1.  The Nature of Fragile Things by Susan Meissner - I've seen several reviews of this one from bloggers I really trust and it sounds amazing.  Plus, this is an author I've been wanting to read for ages.

2.  Unfollow Me by Charlotte Duckworth - I don't remember where I first came across this thriller but it sounds like a good read.  

3.  The Daughters of George III: Sisters and Princesses by Catherine Curzon - This book was mentioned by one of my favorite bookish YouTubers - Lil's Vintage World - and it sounds like just the kind of nonfiction I'd love.

4.  Murder Can Mess Up Your Masterpiece by Rose Pressey - I can't not include a cozy mystery on my list and this one has antiques and ghosts both of which I love.

5.  One Night Gone by Tara Laskowski - I remember reviews coming out on this one a year or so ago and thought it looked so great but never got around to reading it.

6.  The Stranger Diaries by Elly Griffiths - I read one of Griffiths' Ruth Galloway books years ago and enjoyed it but never continued with the series.  Then in 2020 I listened to two of her Max Mephisto books and really loved them.  This series sounds like it would be really good too!

7.  The Lights Over London by Julia Kelly - I read The Last Garden in England by Kelly as one of my first books of the year for 2021 and absolutely loved it so now I need to read more from her.

8.  The Princess Spy: The True Story of World War II Spy Aline Griffiths, Countess of Romanoes by Larry Loftis - I loved The Spy Wore Red by Aline Griffiths when I read it years ago and I really want to read this biography.

9.  A Skeleton in the Family by Leigh Perry - This series always sounded a bit strange to me but I've heard great things about it on the Courtangonist's YouTube channel and would like to give it a try.

10. A Dangerous Collaboration by Deanna Raybourn - I am finishing up the third book in the series and once I've read this one and the newest one (due out in March) I will be completely caught up!

What books are on your To Buy list?


  1. I loved Nature of Fragile things, such a good story.

  2. I am trying my best not to buy any books. Except on Bookbub and on the Kindle. It will be my turn to buy books for Book Club in two months time and I actually already have quite the stash...!

    But I want the nature of Fragile Things....

    Ten Feline Book Titles that made me laugh out loud

  3. I did look at A Skeleton In The Family and he was a cool character!

  4. Nice list, Katherine. You remind me how far behind I am in reading Deanna Raybourn's novels, and that I have a copy of The Lights Over London lingering in one of my many TBR piles.

  5. Oh yes, you must pick up A Dangerous Collaboration.

  6. I need to go book shopping so bad!!! :)

  7. Always wonderful to make lists of possible books to buy. I think i'll get the Susan Meissner one, most likely via audiobook.

  8. I really liked THE NATURE OF FRAGILE THINGS and THE STRANGER DIARIES. I have an e-ARC of the newest Veronica Speedwell, but I haven't gotten to it yet. Soon, I hope.

    Enjoy your book buying!

  9. I've seen The Nature of Fragile Things here and there and I agree that it sounds great.

  10. These are all new to me but they do look good, happy reading when you pick them up.

  11. The Princess Spy sounds interesting, and you've got a great mix. Hope all's well.👍 Hugs, RO

  12. The Nature of Fragile Things sounds wonderful. I added it to Goodreads. 🙌🙌🙌
