Saturday, February 20, 2021

Life with Leukemia (And Some Reading) - February 21

It's Sunday Post time!  This is hosted by the awesome Caffeinated Book Reviewer and gives us all a chance to recap our week.

We got snow!  I know that sounds very unexciting for most people but in Alabama snow happens maybe once every 3 or 4 years.  The bad thing is because we only get it maybe every 3 or 4 years it kind of shuts everything down for a bit.  Luckily, we really didn't have anywhere to go.  We looked at it from the window and decided it was very pretty but cold and all 3 of us basically stayed inside.  Will's chemo appointment was moved from Wednesday to Thursday and then to Friday and he still didn't get one of the high doses we were expecting because Memphis apparently is a frozen block of ice.  The particular medicine isn't used very often so they don't keep it on hand and when a patient is scheduled for it St Jude - Memphis FedExs it to the affiliate but that couldn't happen and they're not sure when it will happen.  Luckily he was able to get the transfusion that he really needed and one of the chemo meds.  It made for a much less intense day then we were expecting which was nice.  Hopefully it will be here this week but if not the schedule is relatively flexible and the week after will be fine. 

I was hoping to get more blog visiting this past week but between fatigues and the migraines showing back up it was a bare minimum kind of week.  I haven't gotten much reading done with the exception of audio books which have been my favorite thing.  I hope everyone is staying safe and warm!


  Scandal in Skibbereen by Sheila Connolly and A Side of Murder by Amy Pershing

Listening:  Framed in Lace by Monica Ferris (good but not my favorite series - the premise of this one caught my interest so I decided to give it a listen.)

Watching: Still not much - either true crime shows or YouTube

Have a great week and happy reading!


  1. Look at that snow! We got some too and got stuck trying to leave the driveway! fun times. People got stuck on our road too. Sorry to hear about the migraines! I hope you guys have a good week and that Will has a good one!

  2. The USA sure got lots of cold and snow. In unusual places. Take care Katherine, just totally only do what you have to do and relax as much as you can.

  3. I like looking at the snow when I don't have to go out in it and don't have to clear the path for an incoming delivery from the postman or Amazon!

  4. I am sorry that your meds were not delivered on time. I hope Will gets them as needed. And enjoy the rare snow!

  5. Sorry things didn't go quite as planned. It's crazy how weather-blips shuts down everything in the south. We had over a foot of snow this past week but, hey, it's New England.

  6. I think snow looks best through a window from a nice warm house anyway!

    Wishing you a great reading week

  7. Glad you enjoyed your snow, I on the other hand did I would be okay living in a place that didn't snow, just never been a fan. :)

    Have a great week and happy reading!
    Week in Review

  8. Oh my goodness! I'm glad the disruption that the snow is causing isn't too much of a big deal regarding Will's treatment and I hope you are able to continue to snuggle down and enjoy being cosy until the weather comes to its senses, Katherine. In the meantime, happy reading:))

  9. Wow! That's a lot of snow. I'm glad to hear you guys are safe and sound, compared to the mess going on in Texas.

  10. I don't like being cold and will probably also watch the snow from behind my window.

    So sorry to hear you didn't feel well this week. Take care of yourself and I hope the upcoming week will be good for all of you.

    Elza Reads

  11. I have been keeping up with James Spann and his pictures of the snow that fell north of us. I am in southern Alabama, and would have loved a bit of it here.

  12. When I first saw the picture I was thinking, I didn’t know you guys got that kind of snow! But I see that you only get it every so many years. Still, it’s a pain to deal with. I’m glad the medicine was able to be FedEx and the weather didn’t keep it stalled

    My reading this last two weeks of slow down quite a bit probably due to working around the new dog. I’m rather fond of him now but I got a Telya, the first few days I had my doubts.

  13. The snow is pretty but if you don't have it all the time, like when I lived in Minnesota, it's better to stay inside or not drive anyway. I'm glad you had a bit easier week for Will. Hopefully you got some rest ad next week will be easier.

    Anne - Books of My Heart This is my Sunday Post

  14. Take good care of yourself. I hope the headaches go away and you can feel more like yourself. Always thinking of Will and sending good thoughts for you all.

  15. I love the Sheila Connolly series. Enjoy!

    I hope Will is able to get the treatment he needs, and that all goes well. Stay safe!

  16. I'm preferring snow photos to actual snow these days and yours is lovely! Hope Will is able to get his treatment this week so he doesn't get too far off schedule... and I hope you're feeling better, too. Don't worry about blog visiting. That can happen when things calm down. Take care!

  17. The snow seems to have been crazy of late, take care, it’ll be summer before you know it!

  18. Our weather here in Arizona is lovely right now (low to mid-70s), but even we have had snow this winter. Flurries, but still, that rarely happens here. Very exciting!

    I'm sorry you haven't been feeling well. Hopefully, you're already on the mend.

  19. I'm always amazed by the sight of snow as that's something we don't get in the Bay ARea.

  20. It seems like everyone got snow this year. After living in the Northeast most of my life I don't care for it anymore. Ha ha. 😛
