Tuesday, September 15, 2020

Top Ten Tuesday - Creepy Covers in My TBR


Today I'm linking up with Top Ten Tuesday hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl which is all about lists.  Since lists are one of my favorite things this is one of my favorite linkups!  Today's topic is a cover freebie and since Halloween is in the future I'm looking at creepy covers that make me want to pick up the book!

1. Wildfire at Midnight by Mary Stewart - Mary Stewart has some of the best covers that always pull me in.

2.  A Test of Wills by Charles Todd - There's something about a shadowy figure that gets me every time.

3.  Dead, Without a Stone to Tell It by Jen J Danna - The stormy desolate sea with the lighthouse in the background just seems ominous.

4.  The Secret Rooms by Catherine Bailey - The shadow of the house in the background paired with the black and white photo at the bottom is just ominous.

5.  The Guest List by Lucy Foley - I do love a black and white landscape!

6.  The Restorer by Amanda Stevens - It's a black and white tombstone - of course it's creepy!

7. You Can Trust Me by Sophie  McKenzie - A shadowy figure running away is very ominous!

8.  Blood Red by Wendy Corsi Staub - Blood in snow seems bad.  

9.  What Angels Fear by CS Harris - Sinister cloaked figure disappearing into the fog.  You just know he's up to no good.

10. I'll Never Let You Go by Mary Burton - A shadowy figure lurking outside a house at night.  Pretty much my worst nightmare in a book cover!

What covers are pulling you in right now?


  1. Yes, these are indeed great covers and creepy. Perfect for fall reading. And do you know that I've only read one of the books you listed. I'm familiar with others, but have not picked them up as yet. Maybe this fall!

  2. Hi Katherine, I love your idea of creepy. I have the exact same sentiment.
    I know I've read Wildfire at Midnight, but can't remember the guests plot...
    Love the cover for the guest lists

    1. I'm on my phone and it does whatever it wants.
      Meant to say I love the cover for The Guest List and can't wait to read it.
      I did a TTT on books with white cats on the cover. Because the world does revolve around Elza (according to her)

  3. Have you read Stevens? I love that series! These covers are all creeptastic!

  4. Snow gets me every time, it can be super creepy! I wish I’d read Wildfire at Midnight all those years ago when she had it on her bookcase!

  5. I love Mary Stewart!!! And finding other fans! Yay!!

  6. I'd love to read all of these! A few of them are already on my wishlist.

  7. Some very creepy covers indeed. I think I read Wildfire at Midnight years and years ago. I so loved her books.

  8. Yes! I love creepy, mysterious covers. They definitely intrigue me :)

    Happy TTT (on a Wednesday)!

  9. I love a good creepy or mysterious cover!

  10. I haven't read any of these, but they sound good! I really like The Secret Rooms cover.
