Friday, September 11, 2020

Friday Fives - Five Quick Reviews

 I'm taking a bit of a break from my usual Friday Linkups to try something a little different.  Michelle over at Because Reading is Better Than Real Life   used to do a Five on Fridays that I always enjoyed and I've seen a few other variations on the theme.  As well I'm in a list making kind of mood so I thought I'd give start making random five lists.  Sometimes they'll be bookish other weeks not so much. I'm also going to start linking up with Kathryn over at Book Date for her Connect Five.  Today I'm going to share 5 quick reviews on 5 books I read recently.

1. Death Comes to Pemberley by PD James - It's Pride and Prejudice but 5 years later and the dreaded Mr. Wickham and the truly terrible Lydia are implicated in a murder.  Luckily, Mr. Darcy is there to help.  This isn't so much an investigating mystery as one that unravels before the readers eyes.  I enjoyed visiting with Elizabeth and Jane and their respective husbands.  The mystery was interesting if a bit slow paced and I think any Pride and Prejudice fan would enjoy it. Rating: Really Liked It!

2.  Beaches, Bungalows, and Burglaries by Tonya Kappes - A cute mystery about a woman whose husband stole money in a Bernie Madoff style scheme and has now been sent to prison.  She finds herself owning a rundown campground in Kentucky - a state she swore never to live in ever again.  I thought this was a fun listen but the mystery was a bit weak and there were aspects especially about the main character that weren't quite fully explained.  Rating: Liked It

3. Look Both Ways by Carol J. Perry - This was actually the first book in this series that I read ages ago and while I enjoyed it then the series is definitely better when read in order.  I really enjoy this slightly paranormal cozy series set in Salem, MA.  The characters are likable and the mysteries are solid and entertaining.  Rating: Really Liked It!

4.  Murder at Crossways by Alyssa Maxwell - I do love a historical mystery and one set in Gilded Age Newport amid the Vanderbilts is especially entertaining.  I loved that all the side characters were real people and it sent me down a bit of a rabbit hole learning more about them.  The mystery was well done with lots of red herrings.  This is definitely a series I'll be reading more of.  Rating: Really Liked It!

5.  Molded 4 Murder by JC Eaton - I read this one last year and really enjoyed it but I ended up really feeling like I rushed through it.  I picked it up again recently and really had a good time with it.  This is a series that is probably best read in order and is lots of fun with quirky characters and solid mysteries.  This series really does a fantastic job in being fun without  ever getting too silly.  Rating:  Really Liked It!

What books have you read recently?


  1. Hi there Katherine! How are you? How's your little man?

    I still want to do this one Friday. It's a great idea to just quickly showcase all the books that we actually don't do the full review on. I have a number of those.

    I so want to read Death comes to Pemberley and Murder at Crossways.

    Hope you guys will have a quiet, peaceful weekend where you will have lots of time to catch up on some reading.

    Elza Reads

  2. I have these cozies on my TBR. I really want to read the Tonya Kappes series. Looks so good.

  3. Even though I am not a big mystery reader these all sound good. If I were to pick one it would be the first one. The Death Comes to Pemberley because of the link to P&P. Hope you are holding up. Thinking of you.

  4. Bunch of great reviews! I think I seen a movie based on Death Comes to Pemberley as that was the name of the movie and it had Darcy, etc in

  5. Look Both Ways and Murder at Crossways sound right up my alley. I am glad you enjoyed all of these!
