Sunday, September 13, 2020

Life with Leukemia (and some reading) - Week 1 billion or something like that.

 It's Sunday Post time!  This is hosted by the awesome Caffeinated Book Reviewer and gives us all a chance to recap our week.

So I fell off the earth for a bit these last few weeks.  I hit my promised reviews (and thankfully I am still enjoying reading!) but I didn't have any more spoons or emotional bandwidth or whatever you want to call it for anything else.  It was a hard few weeks.  Will had a hard time with his second high dose chemo.  We had worked with his team and come up with a plan to minimize the side effects that he had really struggled with after the first dose which really worked but his system was so messed up it took a long time to clear the meds which meant a full week of IV fluids and long days at the hospital. I've been really struggling with the weight of everything lately which hasn't helped.  It just seems so unfair sometimes that he's having to go through this and miss so much.   And I hate it for all the kids I see in the hospital day in and day out and their families.  And I hate how isolated we are with the whole pandemic and the level of fear there is when you have a child whose immune system has been decimated.  And and and... I'm glad I'm a reader because that's been a life saver when I can't get my brain to shut up!   

Thanks to everyone who has sent cards and messages.  I've thanked everyone individually that I could but there are a few I don't really have a way to reach.  If you have sent a card just know we really appreciate it.  He has really enjoyed getting cards from all over the place.  If you're interested in checking out his progress on Facebook you can join the group here.  

On a positive note we got a Philo subscription which is a streaming service that's kind of a cable replacement and I've been loving it.  I've been watching any Hallmark mystery movie I can find and it also has MTV so I've been binge watching Catfish which is such a trainwreck but one I truly enjoy.  And Will has discovered Care Bears because he was sent a few and we found a Netflix reboot of the show that happened a few years ago and have been having a fun time watching them together.


:  Checked Out for Murder by Allison Brook and The Summoning by Heather Graham

ListeningMurder, She Wrote: A Question of Murder by JD Fletcher and Donald Bain

WatchingHallmark mystery movies and Catfish

Hope everyone has a great week and happy reading!


  1. I can and can't imagine how tough these days are for you and Will and all the family. Bad enough leukemia, but given Covid19 to avoid as well. It's a lot. I am guessing mysteries are a great kind of read at the moment as your brain has something to puzzle out. Take care, I think of you often.

  2. You have been on my mind so much. I've been awful about writing, and it's been one thing after another here. Absolutely nothing to compare to what you are going through and I am soooo very sorry about the complications. It seems so much more unfair when this happens to a child. Hugging you from Florida. Letter heading your way.


  3. *Hugs.* I’m sorry this is happening to you and Will. It’s not fair. I hope you have a good week.

    Aj @ Read All The Things!

  4. The unfairness of it all for Will and your family to be challenged with leukemia during a Pandemic. It is great that you have a fabulous hospital in St. Jude's, though...and that you also love to read.

    Reading has saved us all this year.

    Sending positive energy your way, and stay safe.

  5. Katherine, so happy to hear your update and I know that things have been so difficult for you guys. I'm sorry that Will has struggled with issues in this latest round or chemo. I know your brain must just go and go and go all the time. Mine would. Take care, friend, and know that we are all thinking and praying and sending healing thoughts to all of you. Biggest hugs!

  6. I can’t imagine what you are going through, it sounds like you are all having a time of it. Sending lots of positive thoughts and hugs your way.

  7. I think of you all the time. It sounds like the hospital doctors been wonderful in tryingto keep him comfortable.i am sorry things have been rough. Enjoy reading and the movies, the blog will keep. Care Bears just make you smile. Hugs all around.

  8. I hate that he is having such a hard time with things and hope it all goes quickly. I am glad you can at least shut your brain up with reading! I have Philo and really like it. Have you tried the pluto app? I know you like British crime and it has a binge watch channel just for Midsomer Murders! :)

    Super big HUGS!!!
    Week in Review

  9. I'm awed by your courage - so sorry that Will has been struggling with his treatment. And no wonder reading is a lifeline - it's where I run whenever things get tough. Checked Out for Murder looks just what you need right now... I hope it's as enjoyable as it looks. I hope the coming week is a kinder one, Katherine. Hugsxxx

  10. Many Many virtual hugs to you and your family. You've been through so much.

    I enjoyed Checked Out for Murder and hopefully you are too.

    Take care of yourself and your family!

  11. I've been worried since no updates! So sorry to hear that Will is having a hard time. Hopefully, it will get better for Will and you and the husband. Keeping you in my thoughts and prayers, Keep hanging in there.

  12. Yes, thank goodness for books! You are stronger than you feel, but let someone else take a bit more of the weight now and then. Even a tiny breather makes all the difference. ❤

  13. Thinking of you guys and sending lots of prayers and well wishes your way. Sorry to hear Will had a hard time. I don't blame you one bit for how you must feel, it IS so unfair that a child should have to go through this. Stay strong and know that we're all behind you!

    Hallmark mysteries sound so nice right now, sometimes something like that is just relaxing and hits the spot! I'm kinda curious and will have to look into Philo.

    Take care this week and be well! Sending lots of supportive vibes...

  14. It is unfair that you and your son have to go through this. Three years ago, my niece went into labor at 25 weeks, completely out of the blue, and her son spent seven months in the NICU. My niece and her husband lived with her mom and dad (my sister and her husband) for all that time and they visited Oliver every day. It was a rollercoaster, with good days and bad days. Through it all, my niece and her husband and my sister and brother-in-law questioned why this was happening to them. My niece and her husband spent time in therapy which was a great help for them.

    I send good thoughts and prayers for strength and courage for you and your son, and for wisdom for the doctors.

  15. Even though my son is 35 and lives in another state, when something happens, I feel helpless, so I can just imagine the frustration you must be feeling and know that your brain doesn't want to turn off. It's good that everyone is together, and as a reader I hope that some motivational of devotional books may give you some sense of peace. My prayers and well wishes go out to you always, and I'm here id you need me. Hugs, RO

  16. Thank you for the update, Katherine. I am so sorry Will and all of you are having to go through this, and especially that chemo has been so rough on him. You are all in my prayers each day.

  17. Hallmark movies are so easy to escape into, aren't they? And I like watching Catfish too. I am so sorry Will has had such a rough time of it. And my heart is with you, Katherine. As a mother too, I can only imagine what you are going through. It must be so overwhelming and exhausting. I hope you are finding time to take care of yourself. And remember to be gentle with yourself. You have a great team of doctors on your sons' side and it's so obvious from your posts how much you love and support your son. He (and you and your family) continue to be in my prayers.

    I hope you are enjoying Checked Out For Murder. I enjoy the series and that was a good one.

    Have a great week, Katherine!

  18. I've been thinking of all of you and am sorry to hear Will's had a tough time with this round of chemo. Glad reading is still an enjoyable distraction. Prayers headed your way.

  19. I'm sorry it is such a difficult time and that he has to do this at all. I hope things improve. I'm glad you have books and tv to pass the time enjoyably.

    Anne - Books of My Heart

  20. I'm so sorry that you've had such a rough year. I can't imagine! I'm glad you've been able to find some respite through books and t.v. At least you've got some entertaining distractions. Hang in there!

  21. Thank you for the update, Katherine. I think of you and Will often. Sending you the biggest of hugs. I'm glad TV and books can help a bit.

  22. You've been on my mind so much, I'm sorry your family is going through this. I just joined the fb group, I guess I missed it previously. I can't imagine how challenging this time is - I worry so much about Dante being exposed to COVID and his only risk factor is he's a baby. Sending you hug hugs. I'm half you've got Hallmark to get lost in, along with your books. Oh and I LOVED care bears growing up!! I hope this week has been a better one :!)

  23. I used to love watching the Care Bears-I loved how cute they were! I think that was my second childhood or maybe my extended first childhood! I'm sorry that you are all going through such a tough time and I hope that these side effects can be eased.

  24. I'm glad you are having some joys right now among the emotional and physical roller coaster.
