Sunday, October 6, 2019

This Week in Reading - October 6

It's Sunday Post time!  This is hosted by the awesome Caffeinated Book Reviewer and gives us all a chance to recap our week.

What I Got:

Nothing - or at least I don't think I got anything.  It's been a crazy week so there's a distinct possibility that I missed a book or two.


Reading:  Mumbo Gumbo Murder by Laura Childs and Terrie Farley Moran  and Widow of Rose House by Diane Biller

Listening:  I'm still listening to A Study in Seduction by Sabrina Jeffries which I'm enjoying but it's not a favorite so far.

Watching:  I've been needing some nice mindless TV so I've been watching The Voice, Dancing with the Stars, and Bar Rescue.  I'm quite the expert at turning a failing bar around these days.

Off the Blog:

Thank you all so much for you kind words regarding the death of my grandfather.  Even though it wasn't unexpected it's been a hard week.  The funeral was Tuesday morning and it was as nice as one can be and wow can a military funeral pack a punch.  It was beautiful but heartbreaking.

Now we are trying to find our new normal.  My grandmother is such a rock and is adjusting well to the assisted living place alone. We are trying to balance visiting her and being involved and letting her establish her own identity and find her own pace.  They were married 69 years.  We were supposed to be at Disney World this week but luckily had rescheduled it when we were talking about moving him to hospice.  I'm glad I didn't have to deal with packing up and going or having to reschedule super last minute.  

On the Blog:

What Happened:

What's Coming Up:

Monday:  Middle Grade Review
Tuesday:  Top Ten Tuesday - Ten Character Traits I Love
Wednesday:  Mumbo Gumbo Murder - Cozy Mystery Review
Thursday:  Books from the Backlog 
Friday:  Friday Fives
Saturday: TBD

Have a great week and happy reading!


  1. Oh wow Mumbo Gumbo Murder sure looks fun!

    Best of luck on your grandmother's transition. 69 years! That's so awesome. :)

  2. It will take awhile for you all to find your feet again. 69 years is such an amazing amount of time, what a pair. Laura Childs book is a good way for you to relax. Don't think I've every read Sabrina Jeffries but I do feel a listening romance need coming on.

  3. Married for 69 years - that is admirable. It will take some time to get back to normal, if that is possible at all. Hope your grandmother is doing well. Wishing you strength.

  4. My thoughts are with all of you right now. It must be so hard for your grandmother adjusting to being alone. The good thing is that she has her family for support. Military funerals always choke me up when I see them on TV but he certainly deserved one.

  5. Marital bliss for 69 years sounds so romantic, and I hope your grandmother is hanging in there. Some of those singers on The Voice are just phenomenal, and you wonder why they haven't been noticed before. Glad you were able to reschedule your trip. I know you've been goong through a lot and hope you can take a few moments for yourself too. Hugs, RO

  6. Great cover on Mumbo Gumbo Murder. Enjoy your books and your week!

  7. Hopefully your grandmother will be able to make some good friends with others in the assisted living place so it will help her to not be as lonely as I am sure it's hard to be alone after all those years with someone.

    Hope this week is a good one!
    Week in Review

  8. I imagine your grandmother will settle in and make friends. My mother did that and it was a peaceful time in her life. Take care. Glad your trip to Disney will still await, but also glad you don't have to do it right away.

  9. It will take all of you time to adjust to life without your grandfather, but that is SUCH a very long time... I hope your grandmother can come to terms with her loss and begin to make new friends. I hope this coming week is less crazy and you get a chance to catch your breath, Katherinex

  10. I hope the assisted living home will work out well for your grandmother, Katherine. I think military funerals do such a good job of honoring those who've served their country.

    I hope this next week will be better for you all and that you read some good books.

  11. Your grandmother will have quite an adjustment. My great aunt / uncle were married 80 years and while she lived 5 years longer, she never adjusted. When he died they were still independent and farming! I hope you have a great week with some peace and relaxation.

    Anne - Books of My Heart Here is my Sunday Post   

  12. I am glad your grandmother is adjusting well. I know it can't be easy for her or you and the rest of your family. In some ways, it must be a relief to have her closer as she goes through all this. I hope you enjoy your reading and week, Katherine. Take care of yourself.

  13. I'm glad your grandmother seems to be doing well - I know it would be so hard for me losing my husband after just 14 years, so I can't begin to imagine what it's like at 69 years! Sounds like y'all are doing a great job being a support to her both by being there, but also giving her space. I know it must be a lot still, sending you tons of love and hugs!!<3

  14. Glad your grandmother is adjusting well and that your grandfather had a solid send off.

  15. My sincere condolences on the loss of your grandfather, I’m glad your grandmother is seems to be doing well despite it all.

    Wishing you a great reading week, and take care

  16. Such a long partnership. I can imagine it will take some time to adjust for your grandmother. For all of you. I hope things go well.

  17. My husband and I LOVE Bar Rescue hahaha And there is always marathons of it, so it's perfect. I swear we've seen basically every episode - some more than once lol

  18. I just finished reading the Laura Childs book. I loved it. I hope you have a great week!

  19. Nothing hit me like the loss of my grandparents. It was the first loss I experienced, and it was a deep loss. I wish I had comforting words to offer, but it is wonderful to remember all the good times with them, and I bet you will never forget that powerful military funeral.

    Mindless tv, mindless books...sometimes these are just what we need. I hope you find these this week and in the days to come, as long as you need them.

  20. So sorry to hear of the loss of your grandfather, Katherine. I have lost two of my grandparents now; it is rough going, I know. It is wonderful that you & your family are all there & surrounding one another at this time.

    I see you are keeping up with your blog and carrying on with posts during this time - a wise & strong decision. Through grief, of varying relatives & such, I have found keeping the usual routine of life helped with the loss. A new normal, as you say.

    My thoughts are with your family at this time, especially with your grandmother.

  21. I am so sorry about your grandfather. I couldn't imagine what it must be like for your grandmother. I have been thinking of you.

  22. Sorry I missed this post. I had a crazy week. 👍✨
