Friday, October 11, 2019

Friday Fives - Books I'm Rereading This Month

I'm taking a bit of a break from my usual Friday Linkups to try something a little different.  Michelle over at Because Reading is Better Than Real Life   used to do a Five on Fridays that I always enjoyed and I've seen a few other variations on the theme.  As well I'm in a list making kind of mood so I thought I'd give start making random five lists.  Sometimes they'll be bookish other weeks not so much.  September was a rough month in a year that hasn't been the kindest and I'm craving some comfort reading.  I love a good reread and there's nothing more comforting then picking up an old favorite.  Here are 5 I'm thinking of picking up soon.

1.  After Many Days by L.M. Montgomery - This is a collection of short stories that is one of my favorites.  Sometimes they're a bit too sweet but the endings are always happy and it is just the perfect comfort reading.

2.  She Came Back by Patricia Wentworth - I love Patricia Wentworth and this is a favorite that I haven't reread in awhile.  Lady Anne Jocelyn was presumed dead in Occupied France during the war but did she really die?  And if she did just who is this woman claiming to be her?

3.  Hickory Dickory Dock by Agatha Christie - Sometimes and Agatha Christie read is just necessary and this seems like one of those times.  This is one I remember nothing about so it'll kind of nice to have a "new" Agatha Christie.

4.  Devil in the Winter by Lisa Kleypas - This is a favorite historical romance and I haven't read a really good historical romance in awhile.

5.  Shattered Silk by Barbara Michaels - There's romantic suspense, designer vintage clothes, a cold case, and lots of secrets.  Oh and the main character is rediscovering what makes her happy which is always a favorite of mine.  I haven't read this one in awhile and I think now would be a perfect time.

What do you read in times of stress?


  1. I need to read more as I had to renew most of my library books.

  2. That's one of the few L. M. Montgomery books I haven't read; I'll have to hunt down a copy one of these days. And I love The Devil in Winter; it's my favorite of the Wallflowers books. (Hmm, I feel a Wallflowers and Hathaways reread coming on.) I agree too that it's always fun to reread a Christie novel you've forgotten... although at this point, there aren't many of those for me anymore.

  3. I adore Agatha Christie and Barbara Michaels!!! I need to fit some of their books in this month myself!!! Or at least before the end of the year (because let's face it - I'm running out of time for October already LOL).

  4. There is something very comforting about rereading a good book. I personally reread Pride and Prejudice, Harry Potter, and twilight all the time. 3 very different books/series, but they do the trick. Enjoy!!

  5. The Patricia Wentworth is the one I would like to get hold of.

  6. Rereads can be very comforting when you need it. I have a number of books that I know will make me happy as I read. And the best part I have forgotten most of the plot and characters! Just the good feeling remains.

  7. Yes, rereading books that you know make you feel happy and take you away from Life is always a comfort when the going gets tough. Hope you soon start to feel better, Katherine:)

  8. I really need to get back to the Anne books. Re-reading comfort books is a great idea. I hope they help. 💟
