Wednesday, September 24, 2014

The Scandalous Sisterhood of Prickwillow Place

The Scandalous Sisterhood of Prickwillow Place by Julie Berry
Rating: 3.5 Stars
Source: NetGalley

Description:  When the headmistress Mrs. Plackett and her freeloading brother Mr. Godding drop dead after a bit of veal the young ladies of St. Etheldreda's decide that they really don't want to leave their school and each other.  The only way to make that happen is to hide the deaths and keep on as nothing happened.  This of course is easier said than done as there financial issues to solve, doctors, ministers and choir leaders to fool, and 2 rather dead bodies to hide.

Genre: Children's

Why I Picked This Book:  I've been enjoying this genre of books and this story sounded fun.
My Impression:
Pros:  This book reminded me a bit of A Series of Unfortunate Events with exaggerated but almost one note characters, grim and dismal settings and of course a series of rather unfortunate events.  The girls themselves were interesting as they dealt with the situation that had happened to them as well as the one they created.  The difference in their personalities were definitely apparent but entertaining and each girl kind of had her shining moment where you really liked them.  It was nice to see an ensemble cast of girls each be intelligent or gifted their own way. I was interested to see how everything unraveled and how everything resolved. I found the ending satisfying and fitting.

Cons:  This book was too long.  I enjoyed it but it definitely drug a bit in the middle. I think there were just too many obstacles between the surprise party and the strawberry social that were a bit unnecessary.

Overall: I think if you liked The Series of Unfortunate Events you'll like this book.  It was an entertaining read though I think it would be better broken up by reading a chapter at a time versus straight through.

Would I Read More of this Series/Author?: Yes.  I'll definitely try another by Julie Berry

Would I Recommend this Book?:  Yes. I think if you enjoy middle grade fiction you would enjoy this one though it's not one I'd say you have to go out and buy immediately!


  1. Love the cover and premise of this one-I hadn't heard of it before but now I'm curious :)

    1. I liked it. I really like how we're seeing more and more books where girls are the strong leads. This was fun!

  2. This sounds like a fun read! I'm not familiar with Julie Berry's work.

    I enjoyed the first three books I read by Lemony Snicket, but admit I never continued with the series because I was afraid all the books would be the same.

    1. I think I had the same feelings with Lemony Snicket. I don't think I read much further than 3 either.
      This was a fun book. Hope you enjoy it!

  3. Great review, I'm always on the lookout for good books for kids.

  4. The premise is intriguing but I don't like the idea of one-note characters. I never read the Unfortunate Events books, it may be just as well.

    1. It's kind of a caricature so it works but I can see how that would be a deal breaker for you.

  5. The cover would have gotten me to look at the book, but one note characters is a definitely "whoa"! Still, I might take a peak. The title is wonderful.

    1. The one not is kind of a caricature so it works it just might not work for everyone!

  6. I love the old fashioned look to the book. I enjoy children's fiction from time to time when I need a light, entertaining read.

    1. The book has an old fashioned look that fits the cover. I do like children's fiction for after a heavy book or to break out of a slump.

  7. It was a fun read though a little long. I liked the cover too and it really fits with the book!
