Wednesday, December 9, 2020

Ten Christmas-y Cozies On My TBR


2020 has been a year of lots of things but reading-wise for me it has definitely been the year of cozy mysteries.  Here are ten Christmas-y cozies that I'm hoping to get read if not this Christmas then very soon!

1.  The Gift of the Magpie by Donna Andrews - This is the latest in one of my absolute favorite cozy series and I can't wait to read this one!

2.  Rest Ye Murdered Gentleman by Vicki Delaney - This has been on my list since it first came out.  Not only is the title a play on one of my very favorite Christmas Carols but I've read the 2 most recent books in the series and thoroughly enjoyed them.

3.  Ornaments of Death by Jane K. Cleland - I really enjoy this antiques based cozy series and this one sounds fantastic!

4.  Twelve Slays of Christmas by Jacqueline Frost - This just looks delightful and has one of the most Christmas-y covers ever!

5.  In Peppermint Peril by Joy Avon - It's Christmas in a tea shop along with a rich relative and a whole host of family secrets.  

6.  Bells, Spells, and Murders by Carol J. Perry - I have been catching up on this series on audio and have been absolutely loving it.  If this Christmas story is even half as good as the Halloween story I am in for a treat!

7.  Death of a Neighborhood Scrooge by Laura Levine - I got a review copy of this a couple of years ago and it looks so fun but somehow I've never read it!

8.  As the Christmas Cookie Crumbles by Leslie Budewitz - I have read one or two books by this author and really enjoyed them and am absolutely dying to read more.

9.  The Iced Princess by Christine Husom - I adore snow globes and to read a whole book set in a snow globe shop during Christmas just sounds delightful.

10. Deck the Hallways by Kate Carlisle - I love Kate Carlisle, I love books about home renovation, and I have thoroughly enjoyed the later books in this series so picking up an older Christmas book seems like a pretty safe bet!

Do you have any Christmas-y or other holiday themed books on your TBR?


  1. Books two, four, and five seem up my alley. I like how their series is all Christmas-themed.

  2. I've read a couple of Christmas themed stories this time around and found them surprisingly not cheesy! Thanks for this list.

  3. Mm they all sound good. I've just been to Mary's blog and she'd just listened to Twelve Slays of Christmas so Audible had it and it was an Audible Plus listen so I put it in my library. I think I trolled your blog and saw you liked Kate Carlisle and so I had put the first in the series in my TBR at Audible and I see they have the Christmas one too. So will keep an eye on those.

  4. I've read a couple Christmas themed books which were heartwarming and fun. I sent something to Will and hope I had the right address. Can you please email me to verify? Thanks again! Hugs, RO

  5. This is my year for cozies too. :-) I have only read Bells, Spells, and Murders from your list. It was a fun one.

  6. I always love the Christmas themed cozies and love looking at the covers.

  7. I need to check out a bunch of these! I love cozies and Christmas. Have you read the Kristen Painter Series about the elf in the Halloween Town? I can't think of the name, but it's Christmas Cozy every book :)

  8. These all sound like fun! I hope you enjoy them all and get some nice cozy Christmas vibes :)

  9. I love the Gift of the Magpie cover. 📚

  10. I have a few Christmas themed horror books that I want to read on the TBR but I'm not sure when I'll get round to them with my reading totally ground to a halt!
