Sunday, December 27, 2020

Life with Leukemia (and Some Reading) - December 27


It's Sunday Post time!  This is hosted by the awesome Caffeinated Book Reviewer and gives us all a chance to recap our week.

I hope all who celebrate had a very Merry Christmas.  We had a quiet one with visits with family a few at a time in the garage with masks on.  It was freezing but it was so good to see everyone.  Christmas morning Santa came and Will was very pleased with his haul.  Unfortunately between moving and visiting he's super worn out and spent most of Christmas Eve and Christmas Day sleeping but he is in good spirits.  We had our first visit at the affiliate here in town and it was so positive.  Everyone was super nice and because it's so small it has much more of a personal feel.

Next week Will has his next spinal tap AND his 11th birthday - though thankfully not on the same day. I'm not sure what we are going to do for his birthday especially with his energy level being so low but we will think of something.  

On a fun note I got an air fryer for Christmas!  Anyone have one?  Any recommendations for yummy things to cook in it?


Reading:  If Mashed Potatoes Could Dance by Paige Shelton

Listening:  It Takes a Coven by Carol J. Perry

Watching:  Not a huge amount - mostly just YouTube

Have a great week and happy reading!


  1. Hi Katherine! I have one! Gosh, I use it for so many things. Chicken nuggets, chips, potatoes, veggies.... You are a Pinterst expert! Just hop on there.

    Glad you got to see some family, even in the ice cold garage.

    Have a good week and good luck with Will.

    Lots of Love,

    Elza Reads

  2. Happy birthday to Will! I’m glad he had a good Christmas. So many people got air fryers this year. It’s making me want to get one.

    Aj @ Read All The Things!

  3. I hope Will has a great birthday and glad you managed to see a few loved ones with masks via the garage. Many people did that it seems but, cold here in New England to be out there too long.

  4. I think about Will and your family often so I'm glad for these updates (and the Facebook ones)! We have an air fryer - it's so nice to be able to throw in fries or tater tots and cook them up easy. I also love to throw fried shrimp in there! I've got Paige Shelton's newest release in a different series out from the library. I hope you have a great week - and Happy New Year!

  5. Yes no doubt Will was exhausted by all the moving and visiting, and so glad the new hospital base is friendly. Some good cozy reading there going on. I have been watching Bridgerton, a little raunchy and different to the books but I am still very much enjoying all the pomp.

  6. Congrats to being home! It's good that Will is listening to his body and napping; it's good for him. I'm glad the affiliate hospital is working so far. I can't help with the air fryer, but enjoy! I'm figuring out the instapot I got for Christmas. :)

  7. Glad you were able to spend some time with family on Christmas!

  8. I am glad you had a good Christmas dinner, and that you are settling into your place, with the new hospital, too.

    I hope Will continues to do well.

    Have a great New Year!

  9. I am glad that you had a good holiday. I bet it was nice to see family despite the cold. It is great that your first visit to the affiliate was a positive one. I hope Will has a wonderful 11th birthday and that the spinal tap is a painless experience for him. Have a great week, Katherine!

  10. I am glad you had a good Christmas and could visit with family. Happy early Birthday to Will! I have an air fryer and love it! Makes great onion rings, nuggets, fries, crisp chicken legs, etc. Love making bacon in mine. :)

    Have a great week and Happy New Year!

  11. Such an unusual holiday this year, wasn't it? It sounds like you and your family made the most of it under the circumstances. I hope the spinal tap goes well. And happy early birthday to Will!

  12. I hope the hospital tests go well. Early birthday blessings to Will.

  13. I'm so glad you could be home for Christmas and the visit to the new clinic was good. My daughters both enjoy their air fryers. I've heard veggies (think green beans, Brussels sprouts, etc) with a bit of olive or avocado oil is a game changer and the crisping of leftovers is great. Have fun using it! I watched 1.5 episodes of Bridgerton and decided to let it go. The changes from the books was too distracting for me. Very pretty to look at, though.

  14. I'm so glad you were able to move home in time for Christmas. Merry Christmas to all of you, and happy birthday to Will (in advance)! I know it's challenging to come up with things Will can do, between his low energy levels and the need to keep him free from infections. Maybe you could get a lot of his friends and classmates to send you video birthday greetings, and have someone put them together into a longer video?

  15. It's a shame that Will was so tired over Christmas but with the treatment going well, that's the main thing. Have a Happy New Year!

  16. Oh, do an air-fryer post after you have used it! I would like to see if I would like one. 👏👏👏✨

  17. Wow, I am in awe of Will and his bravery during all of his treatments. To get a spinal tap at his age; what a young man you have there. I am thinking of getting an air fryer. I think it would be nice and handy to have one.
