Sunday, December 20, 2020

Life with Leukemia (and Some Reading) - December 20


It's Sunday Post time!  This is hosted by the awesome Caffeinated Book Reviewer and gives us all a chance to recap our week.

We are home!  It was a seriously long day but we got everything packed up, loaded up, and unloaded on Thursday just the two of us (but honestly mostly my husband - the man is a machine).  I'm flat exhausted and could happily spend the next two weeks lounging in bed.  Will is worn out but in good spirits.  Jason (husband) is "a little sore" but has spent the day frantically Christmas shopping because we literally had zero done.  And Comet the cat is really convinced that he never wants to go on another car ride ever again but has adjusted pretty quickly.  We are a little nervous about transferring to the St Jude affiliate.  We loved our team at the main campus so much but we have high hopes for this team.  We will be back in Memphis in February for about a month (but no move this time - we will just stay in housing) but for right now we are enjoying being home!

Christmas will be a very quiet affair this year.  We are keeping it just the 3 of us and will wave at everyone else from 6 feet apart with masks on.  Will's 11th birthday is a few days after Christmas and we are kind of scrambling trying to figure out how to keep it fun.  


Reading: Chilled to the Cone by Ellie Alexander and Christmas at the Island Hotel by Jenny Colgan

Listening:  A Cajun Christmas Killing by Ellen Byron

Watching:  Not much.  I'm thinking of trying a Christmas movie or two to get a bit more in the spirit.

Have a great week and happy reading!


  1. Oh that's good to hear you're home! Hope you have guys have a phenomenal holiday and that comet recovers from car travel! :) We went shopping today because we had a lot to do yet and we got most of it done. Weird seeing the mall not super crowded thanks to Covid.

    Be well and merry Christmas!!!

  2. Nice to be home. I bet Comet hated the car ride. Hope Christmas at the Island Hotel hits the spot. I am trying to get into a bit more viewing because I have such a back log. At the moment moving through The Crown. Anticipating The Bridgertons as that looks like fun and I love the English setting, plus I read all the books not that I remember them that well.

  3. Yay to being back home, and after moving around the country for most of my life, I totally get that the actual packing and unpacking of everything is no fun, but I'm glad that you are back in familiar surroundings. Yippee that you guys got most of the shopping done, and I'm waving right back at you all from far away as we all stay safe for the holidays. Welcome Home! Hugs, RO

  4. You are back home!!! YEAAAA!!! That is such wonderful news. Your Christmas will be wonderful, I just know it will be.

    Please tell Comet that I don't like car rides all that much either. But Stinkie is the WORST!!!!! The mision starts when you have to get him in the carrier... And that really is just the start. You can fill the rest in by yourself.

    Have a good rest Katherine. Read some awesome books and just be.

    Have a Merry and blessed Christmas.

    Lots of Love,

    Elza Reads

  5. I am so glad you are home again and so wise to keep the celebrating to the three of you. Comet just has to go with you in February!

    We have watched Love, Actually this year and just last night the first Die Hard movie. The Santa Clause is pretty good for kids and adults. Maybe we will watch that one tonight. I sent you an email :-)

  6. Happy to hear your trip home went well. Sending hugs and Happy Holiday🎄wishes!

  7. I'm so glad you're home and settling in. Have a lovely Christmas and enjoy some good reading!

  8. So very glad you are back home with the journey and most of the unpacking behind you:). I hope the three of you have the loveliest Christmas - I don't know anyone else who deserves it more! I hope you all get a chance to relax and read some good books.

  9. I am glad to read that you are home and hope you all have a nice Christmas. I hope Will continues to do well.

  10. I am glad you are able to be home. Have a quiet and peaceful holiday, and enjoy your books. I love the Colgan books and need to read more of them.

    Here are my WEEKLY UPDATES

  11. I think it's lovely that you are able to be home for Christmas. Glad your son is doing well. Happy holidays!

  12. Good to hear you are all home safe and doing well. I really hope you have a good festive season!

  13. I am so glad you are home! It will be nice to spend Christmas in your own house, I am sure, even if it won't be quite the same this holiday as in past years. You all continue to be in my prayers. Have a great Christmas and enjoy your reading!

  14. Thanks fantastic news! It must feel so good to be back in your own home, have a lovely Christmas!

  15. I'm glad you are home. A quiet Christmas can be very nice. Have a great week and Merry Christmas!

  16. Have peaceful and restful days the rest of this year.

  17. I am so glad that you are home. A quiet Christmas at home might be just what you need. I couldn't imagine having a cat in the car with me for such a long drive. Have a great holiday!
