Tuesday, July 14, 2020

Top Ten Tuesday - Books That Make Me Smile

Today I'm linking up with Top Ten Tuesday hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl which is all about lists.  Since lists are one of my favorite things this is one of my favorite linkups!  Today's topic is Books That Make Me Smile.   I'm focusing on books I reach for if I'm feeling low and need a smile or a distraction!  Some of these are the actual books and some are more an idea.

1.  Sleeping Murder by Agatha Christie - This is probably one of my all time favorite Christie mysteries though if you're reading the books in order of publication it's a bit strange as Christie actually wrote the book in the 40s but waited to publish it until the 70s so there are characters that had died or had gotten much frailer who are suddenly in the peak of heath.  That aside this is a delightful mystery that makes you question just how much you know your own past.

2.  The Blue Bedroom and Other Stories by Rosamunde Pilcher - I love Pilcher's giant saga type books but these short stories have a special place in my heart.  Sure, they're a bit trite but they're lovely and sweet and a nice escape.

3.  Shattered Silk by Barbara Michaels - I love Michaels' Gothic-y books and this one about a woman who is rebuilding her life and involves absolutely fabulous vintage clothing is a special treat.

4. The Blue Castle by L.M. Montgomery - Pretty much all of Montgomery's books are wonderful but I do love this one is extra lovely and I love that it focuses on adults which is a nice change 

5.  The Four Story Mistake by Elizabeth Enright - Four siblings living in a house in the country with fascinating secrets and having lovely adventures.  

6.  One of the Murder She Wrote books - Because things have to be cheerful if you're hanging out with Jessica Fletcher.  Unless you've just moved to Cabot Cove in which case you will shortly be murdered or murder someone else.

7.  Anything by Jenny Colgan - I've enjoyed all the books I've read by her.  They're cozy and funny and sweet but not too sweet and they're always in lovely setting but probably not one I'd actually want to live in and the last book I read by her involved a puffin.  

8.  A "project" memoir - Are you baking a loaf of bread for every day?  Tracing the journey of a random explorer?  Growing tomatoes?  Figuring out what you really should buy vs make from scratch?  I adore reading about projects.

9.  Anything by Patricia Wentworth - I'm rereading her Miss Silver books this year and have been surprised by how little I really know all her books.  There are several that I have reread over and over again but so many that I've either never read or forgotten.  Regardless, they're perfect classic mystery comfort reading.

10. A Ghostly Suspense - I was going to say paranormal but really I mostly prefer ghosts and when I'm reading anything with a bit of mystery and a ghost I know I'm in for a fun reading time.

What books make you smile?


  1. Anything that makes us smile is good. I love when I am out walking and listening to an audio that makes me give a surprised chuckle. Yes to anything by Jenny Colgan.

  2. I always smile when I get hold of an Amazon package that contains a book I ordered! I love re-reading a favourite book as I know I'm going to love it again.

  3. I love 'the blue castle' - I would say it's my favorite Montgomery tying with Anne of Green Gables.

    I like a murder mystery now and then and a 'Murder she wrote' doesn't sound so bad. And if you add murder with some ghosts, even better. I actually read a few of these but they aren't that good but I'll keep searching for them anyway.

    Have a lovely day.

    P.S. Here's my top ten tuesday (actually 7) here but it's not a list of books, just some complaints relating to books.

  4. Ooooe yes! A good ghost story! Funny that it makes us smile.... Love your list! I really need to look into The Murder she wrote books. I've listed Anne of Green Gables, of course L.M. Montgomery need to be on this list.

    Take care, here's my TTT

  5. I finished the first, two installments of the Bareknuckle Bastards series. Parts in each of the books made me smile, especially the second book. I need to finish Harley Quinn which is supposed to be for HP fans. Hope your son is feeling well today.

  6. Seeing the books that make other people smile listed makes me smile... And want to read them all. Haha!

  7. I agree on Colgan. Her books are fun, entertaining mood-lifters!

    Happy TTT (on a Thursday)!
