Monday, July 6, 2020

No One Saw - Mystery Review

Goodreads:  No One Saw (A.L. McKittridge #2) by Beverly Long

Rating: Really Liked It    

Source: Publisher

Description:  Baywood police department detective A.L. McKittridge is no stranger to tough cases, but when five-year-old Emma Whitman disappears from her day care, there isn’t a single shred of evidence to go on. Neither the grandmother who dropped her off, nor the teacher whose care she was supposed to be in, can account for the missing child. There are no witnesses. No trace of where she might have gone. There’s only one thing A.L. and his partner, Rena Morgan, are sure of—somebody is lying.
With the clock ticking, A.L. and Rena are under extreme pressure as they discover their instincts are correct: all is not as it seems. The Whitmans are a family with many secrets, and A.L. and Rena will have to race to untangle a growing web of lies if they’re going to find the thread that leads them to Emma…before it’s too late.

Genre: Mystery - Police Procedural

Why I Picked This Book:  I really enjoyed the first book and couldn't resist the second one.

My Impression:  I was not at my best while reading it and could usually only grab little snippets of time but that didn't stop me from being pulled in and thoroughly enjoying this mystery from beginning to end.  One thing I really liked about the first book that continued in this book was the characters.  So often in police procedural the main characters are such dysfunctional disasters I have a hard time believing that they are able to be halfway competent at their jobs.  However, while AL and Rena arent perfect they also read like real people who make reasonable decisions and don't go out of their way to self sabotage.

The mystery was seriously compelling and really pulled me in.  I had no idea who it was until the very last though I had a million guesses.  I did feel like the end was a little fast and I would have liked it to evolve a little more slowly.  I think this was a problem I had with the first one as well.  While everything was explained thoroughly I think I would have liked a few more hints before the big reveal.  
The mystery was most definitely not a cozy but at the same time wasn't super graphically violent either. While this is the second book in the series they are only connected by the main characters and the bulk of the plot is a complete stand alone.  If you're looking for a fast paced and entertaining mystery this is definitely a series you should pick up.

Would I Read More of this Series/Author?  Absolutely!  I'm really looking forward to the third book.

Would I Recommend this Book?  Definitely!  This was a really entertaining read that kept me turning pages.

* I received this book in exchange for an honest review.  As always my opinions and impressions are completely my own. *


  1. I haven't heard of Beverly Long, but I think I need to give this series a go. Thanks for the heads-up!

  2. Second review this morning on the blogs of this book. Thanks for the review. Intriguing read.

  3. Glad you liked it! I am just getting into it and I am curious!
