Sunday, July 19, 2020

This Week in Our New Normal - #2

It's Sunday Post time!  This is hosted by the awesome Caffeinated Book Reviewer and gives us all a chance to recap our week.

We are one month into my son's Leukemia diagnosis and things have developed a routine and it really is becoming our new normal.  Will has appointments at St. Jude most weekdays and if it is a short day I take him while my husband works remotely from our apartment and if it's a long day we all go together though because of COVID rules only I can go in so we get dropped off and picked up.  Drive thrus feature prominently (especially Chick fil a) and then we spend the bulk of our time at the apartment.  Will is doing great.  He's had very minimal side effects and other then feeling absolutely exhausted all the time and sleeping a lot feels okay.  We are in the middle of a fairly intense few weeks medication wise but have told that his energy level will get better in a few weeks.   This is still a long process and he will be in treatment of some kind for the next 2 years minimum but everyone is very positive.  

Reading:  Hallowe'en Party by Agatha Christie, Lineage Most Lethal by S.C. Perkins

Watching:  Finally finished Hamilton!  I ended up watching it in pieces on my phone while waiting for chemo but it was really good.  Now I just need to get the songs out of my head.

Loving:  Jelly Belly jelly beans.  They're my new obsession.  Being able to focus on a book again has been amazing.  

Not Loving:  Getting groceries from the parking garage to our 10th floor apartment.  Dry hospital air.  

Question:  I need book recommendations!  I only brought a couple of books with me and I'm almost done with them.  I have my Kindle and plenty of audiobooks but sometimes I want a real book.  I need books with low drama and no tear jerkers and fast paced.  What's a book that you read recently that you really enjoyed?

Hope everyone has a lovely week!


  1. I'm glad that things are going as smoothly as can be expected with the treatment. I don't fancy the idea of dragging the shopping all that way-I hate getting it from the car to the kitchen never mind adding stairs! Being such a big horror fan, I only really recommend books to other horror fans but if you want a light fun read try Michael Bond's Paddington books. I've enjoyed them for the cute humour!

  2. I hate carrying grocery from parking lot to my first floor apartment. I am glad things are going smoothly with the treatment.

  3. Glad all is going well and that Will is coping so brilliantly. Urg! That sounds like a real drag, hauling shopping allll that way:(. And I can sympathise with the dry hospital air - and here, they keep the temperature very much on the cool side, which I really struggled with when with my sister. As for books - I know you enjoy murder mysteries - there is a delightful series set in modern India - the Vish Puri series by Tarquin Hall. They are engrossing, amusing and realistic without being too grim and I've loved them. There are five of them so far. Thinking of you often and sending positive vibes at you!

  4. Carrying grocery is absolutely not my favorite thing ever. I just wish they'd magically store themselves the minute we park the car. I'm glad everything is going smoothly with the treatment. I wish you a great week <3

  5. Good to hear everything is going well, your son sounds very brave. I have been driving my husband crazy by singing songs from Hamilton all week, I’ve only watched half of it and love it!

  6. Hi Katherine! I'm glad to "hear" you are a bit more chirpy. Keep your head up, things will be okay. I'm thinking of you so much. Just when I started blogging again and looking forward to chatting to you again, your boy got sick. But at least you guys are all together and making the most of difficult situation.

    Books to recommend... What do they have in the hospital shop?? LOL!! They are normally way to expensive, I know. I am enjoying Bear Town and we normally like the same kind of books.

    Hope you get something fun to read. Here's my The Sunday Post

  7. I am glad things are going well for Will and can't believe it's already been a month since diagnosis. Hope you are liking Lineage Most Lethal I still need to get to that one!

    I say you need some cozies! A fun one with a talking rabbit is Left Fur Dead by J.M. Griffin. Or if you want a historical mystery I would go with Murder a Black Swan Lane by Andrea Penrose it's one of my favorites. Romance - I would say The Duchess Deal by Tessa Dare as it made me laugh a bit. :)

    Have a great week and happy reading! *big hugs for both you and Will*
    Week in Review

  8. I am so happy things are going good. Do you have to stay at St. Jude for the entire two years? I have been watching on FB and say a prayer for you all, all the time.

    Do they have a library near you or can you get mail?

    I am thinking of you all! Sending positive vibes and lots of hugs! ox

  9. So glad to hear things are going well for Will's treatment. Take care of yourself too please! As to book suggestions, I read THE UNHONEYMOONERS early in this year and it was really good. The Vish Puri series mentioned above is quite good. I've also enjoyed books by Susan Mallery and Kristan Higgins - contemporary women's fiction type. Not heavy. Good luck!

  10. Good that things are working out on the whole. What a turn in the journey of life. No drama and fast paced! Hmm does that together! I guess its what comes to hand although I guess you might order from Amazon. I hope you find the right one, I hesitate to recommend anything because what might make me cry or not, might be the opposite for you. That shopping sounds very little fun.

  11. I'm glad it is going well so far. I find when I am busy or struggling what I read is mystery / thriller / suspense because I can "mostly" stay in my head rather than get too emotional. I like Karin Slaughter, Mary Burton, Sandra Brown, to name a few. I like English police ones too. Have a lovely week. Stay safe and be kind.

    Anne - Books of My Heart Here is my Sunday Post   

  12. I’m glad Will is doing okay. Getting groceries up stairs and elevators is no joke. I’ve had more experience with that than I’d like. I hope you have a great week!

    Aj @ Read All The Things!

  13. I am glad you are hanging in there and managing with the schedule. The grocery climb does not sound good, though!

    Sending positive energy, and stay safe.

  14. Glad Will is doing well and that you guys have found a routine. Continuing to send prayers and well wishes your way.

    Let's see- book recommendations. I was in a bookstore on vacation and saw the latest Amor Ames book- I don't remember if you read Murder at the Brightwell or not. Someone We Know by Shari Lapena was pretty good. Actually I've read a couple of her books now and they've been good.

  15. I'm so glad to hear that Will is doing so well! Hang in there.

  16. So glad to hear that things are going well!!

    And I seriously love Jelly Belly jellybeans. Hmm. Books. Jenny Colgan is always a go-to author for me when I need something light and easy. :)

  17. Continuing to send good thoughts and prayers for you and your son and your husband through this process. I'm glad the treatment is continuing to go well.

    Low drama and no tear jerkers and fast paced, you want? Let's see. The first thing that comes to my mind are some great kids' books. Where the Sidewalk Ends? One of the Alex Rider spy novels? Some Writer: The Story of E. B. White? For me there's always something helpful in reading a book by Katherine Center and Anne Tyler. Well, those are just some possibilities.

    Take care.

  18. Glad to hear you have had a positive start. You've mentioned that you like travel books, so I wanted to let you know that Modern Mrs. Darcy recently had a huge list of travel books that are recommended. She has some great books on the list.

  19. Glad to hear treatment is going well!
    Did you read Hello, Summer by Mary Kay Andrews? I really liked it. Also, Kristy Harvey's newest - Feels Like Falling. Love her books.

  20. The first book in the Bromance series had me ROLF! Oh and Death in a Budapest Butterfly was such a good cozy mystery!
    I'm glad your son is doing well for the most part. Kids are so resilient. A continued, smooth chemo journey for him.

  21. As usual, I'm commenting backwards. Jelly beans seem like an easy, no mess, reading snack! 😊
