Tuesday, April 14, 2020

First Chapter First Paragraph Tuesday Intro - Who Speaks for the Damned

Today I'm linking up with Socrates' Book Reviews for First Chapter First Paragraph Tuesday Intros.  This is a meme I've been following for quite sometime and always enjoyed seeing all the different first paragraphs so I'm really excited to be linking up myself!

This week I'm sharing the first paragraph from:

Goodreads:  Who Speaks for the Damned by C.S. Harris

Somer's Town London
Thursday, 9 June 1814

Alone and trying desperately not to be afraid, the child wandered the narrow, winding paths of the tea gardens.

My Thoughts:  Oh poor child!  I always struggle a bit when there is a child in a mystery but this series has been strong enough that I'm willing to trust the author.

What do you think?  Keep reading?


  1. A child's lonely journey always tugs at my heartstrings. Thanks for sharing.

  2. Oh, that's an attention grabber all right. I want to know what's happening and is the child okay.

  3. I've heard about this series and it looks so mysterious. I'd want to keep reading.

  4. Looks like an intriguing start to a book, I too wonder about the child. Great cover! Very fitting.

  5. I hope the child will be okay! I haven't tried this author yet, although I want to. I hope you continue to enjoy it!

  6. I’d keep going a bit....depends if it’s a straight mystery or detective story nough. I don’t like horror .
    Let us know!

  7. Yes, keep reading. It sounds very atmospheric! 👍✨

  8. I have heard great things about this series. I don't like to see bad things happen to kids but it sounds like this author has a great track record.

  9. The cover is great. It's not a time period I usually read but I like the imagery in the opening lines.
