Friday, March 6, 2020

Friday Fives - March Reads

I'm taking a bit of a break from my usual Friday Linkups to try something a little different.  Michelle over at Because Reading is Better Than Real Life   used to do a Five on Fridays that I always enjoyed and I've seen a few other variations on the theme.  As well I'm in a list making kind of mood so I thought I'd give start making random five lists.  Sometimes they'll be bookish other weeks not so much.  Since this is the first Friday in March I'm looking at the five books I hope to read this month.

1. The Readers of Broken Wheel Recommend by Katrina Bivald - This has been on my TBR for ages and this is the month I'm going to read it.

2.  Night of a Thousand Stars by Deanna Raybourn - I have a review copy of this that I haven't read and it came out YEARS ago.  However, I just discovered it's on Audible Escape and that feels like a sign.

3.  Cat Among the Pigeons by Agatha Christie - I've only read one Agatha Christie this year and I need to read another one.

4.  A Killing in Antiques by Mary Moody - This was on my "Must Read" list last year and I never got around to it but it's still on my desk and it sounds fun.  Plus, I like the spring-y colors on the cover.

5.  Microphones and Murder by Erin Huss - This was a February review book that I didn't quite get to but I'm still really looking forward it and hoping to start it in the next few days.

What are you wanting to read this March?


  1. Hey, Katherine! :)

    Pretty new in here so, thought I'd go for it... Btw, that last book about podcasting, writers are following the trends and they really try to incorporate them, aren't they? Not that I'm complaining! ^.^

  2. I have a couple of those that were on my "must read" lists too and I never got around to them. Hopefully I will soon.

  3. I really liked The Readers of Broken Wheel on audio so will be interesting to see how te print version gos.

  4. I'm not sure what I want to read this month so I haven't really planned anything. I'm just out of a slump so I'm happy to be reading anything at all. I would love a Harry Potter re-read but not until I get down to 1000 books on the TBR!!!

  5. I do the same with old ARCs. I'll stumble upon the audios on Hoopla, or during the SYNC summer audiobook freebies and I read them then. 😊
