Monday, March 9, 2020

Death with a Dark Red Rose - Cozy Mystery Review

Goodreads:  Death with a Dark Red Rose (A Writer's Apprentice Mystery #5) by Julia Buckley

Rating: Liked It
Source: Publisher

Description:  Writer's apprentice Lena London is enjoying life in Blue Lake and being newly engaged, but is soon drawn into the terrifying disappearance of one of her closest friends....
Lena is starting to feel like having it all may actually be possible! She and suspense novelist Camilla Graham are busily plotting their next novel and she's got a brand-new diamond ring on her finger thanks to her fiancé, Sam West. The only blot on her Blue Lake life is a strange new corporation that has come to town called Plastisource. They seem to be intent on gobbling up prime real estate and changing the landscape of Lena's lovely adopted home.

When she and Sam get a call from their good friend (and Blue Lake detective) Doug saying that his girlfriend--and Lena's pal Belinda--isn't answering her phone and missed a date with him, they all head out to her home. The trio is shocked to discover that Belinda's purse and phone are at her house, along with a single red rose on her countertop--but Belinda herself is missing. Has she been abducted? Could the strange new corporation play a role in her disappearance? Lena is determined to find out and rescue her friend because she knows that the truth can be stranger and much more deadly than fiction....

Genre: Mystery - Cozy

Why I Picked This Book:  I really enjoyed the previous book in the series and I do love a mystery involving a missing person.

My Impression:  You know those books where after you finish reading the book itself you wonder if the person who wrote the blurb was even in the same room as the book?  Yeah this is one of those.  Basically the blurb sums up the first chapter or two and then they split never to meet again.  That doesn't mean it was a bad book it just wasn't the book I was expecting.  Once I got past that I did really enjoy this book. 

There are a lot of characters in this book.  Lena and Sam have a lot of friends which in some ways is great.  I love the community feel and I really enjoyed a lot of the dialogue but at times it can take some effort to keep up with all the different names.  The mystery is intriguing and while it isn't the mystery I thought I was getting there's still a missing person and a sinister mysterious company.  I loved the Gothic elements that are woven into both Camille's book and the actual book we are reading.  The mystery itself kept me guessing and definitely turning pages.  And at the end I hate to turn that last page because I know that means it will be a little while before I can spend time with these characters again. 

If you're looking for a good cozy with a great community feel then this is a great series to pick up!  Given the cast of characters it might be a bit of an easier read if you start at the beginning.

Would I Read More of this Series/Author?  Absolutely!  I enjoyed this book and I really enjoyed the previous book so I'm looking forward to continuing the series.

Would I Recommend this Book?  If you enjoy cozies - especially bookish cozies - this would be a good choice.  But with all the characters it might be better to start at the beginning of the series.

* I received this book in exchange for an honest review.  As always my opinions and impressions are completely my own. *


  1. So glad you enjoyed this one. I think I am now two behind in this series..yikes. I was doing so

  2. Ha I'd just read the blurb carefully and then....! Yeah to get a handle on the characters is key isn't it, I find sometimes if I am following a series I have to keep a list just to refresh my addled mind!

  3. Beautiful work ! You should consider giving it a good launch, try for reviews and visibility in a crowded marketplace. Down the line, try bookbub for marketing.

  4. Interesting that the book summary doesn't match the book. I don't usually read the blurb too carefully until I am done with the book. I am glad that you ended up enjoying it!

  5. I know what you mean about the blurb and I've had that happen a few times. That's good to know in case I pick up this book.
