Sunday, September 22, 2019

This Week in Reading - September 22

It's Sunday Post time!  This is hosted by the awesome Caffeinated Book Reviewer and gives us all a chance to recap our week.

What I Got:

The Bodies in the Library by Marty Wingate - I couldn't resist picking this one up based off the title alone and it doesn't hurt that I've really enjoyed this author in the past (Publisher)

A Merry Murder by Kate Kingsbury - I've read a few books by this author and I think I read one book in this series ages ago so I'm looking forward to seeing what's going on with the characters now.  (Publisher)

Mumbo Gumbo Murder by Laura Childs - This is such a fun series and I love visiting New Orleans and feeling all crafty!  (Publisher)

The Stalking by Heather Graham - I've put Heather Graham's Krewe series on auto-buy.  So far I haven't actually read any of the recent ones but I'm buying them! (Purchased)

A Killer Carol by Laura Bradford - This is a series I've really been wanting to try and I've enjoyed other books from this author.  (Publisher)


Reading:  Vanish with the Rose by Barbara Michaels and Coming Home for Christmas by RaeAnne Thayne

Listening:  Still listening to How to Date Your Dragon by Molly Harper which is lots of fun but very different then my usual reading.

Watching:  I've been enjoying the Hallmark Movie Mysteries lately

Off the Blog:

This week was slightly better then last week.  My grandmother is getting settled in to the assisted living place.  She's busy and hopefully making friends.  She's still a bit confused on where she actually is but that doesn't really matter too much.  My grandfather is still hanging on but hasn't had any improvement either.  I thought we had gotten through to him about how critical eating and participating in the physical therapy was but at the end of the week there was a call from the rehab facility where he's supposed to be getting stronger to let us know there has been no progress and if that continues he can only stay till Thursday.  I don't blame them as their entire purpose is to help people get better and if he's refusing then it's not the place for him and the bed can be better used for someone else.  So we are looking into either a hospice facility or he's going to move into my mother's with round the clock home health.  Neither is what we want but it is what it is.

My neck is better thankfully though I've got an MRI scheduled this week to hopefully get to the bottom of everything.  School with the Tornado is coming along and we are both learning a bit about how all this is going to work.  

On the Blog:

What Happened:

What's Coming Up:

Monday:  A Cup of Holiday Cheer - Cozy Mystery Review
Tuesday: Top Ten Tuesday:
Wednesday: Coming Home for Christmas - Contemporary Romance Review
Thursday: Heiress Gone Wild - Historical Romance Review
Friday: Friday Fives
Saturday: TBD

Have a great week and happy reading!


  1. The Bodies in the Library looks fun! I think with fall here I'm going to be drawn more and more to books like that- mysteries, cozies and whatnot. And ooh A Merry Murder! I think that's her new Pennyfoot one, right? I might have that wrong, but seems like I saw somewhere that she was doing a new Pennyfoot one this ear and I have it on my list to get.

    Sorry to hear about your grandfather, hope that situation improves. And that your grandmother settles in comfortably as well.

    Hope you have a good week ahead!

  2. Good to hear neck has improved and schooling is nicely under way. Such a pity about your grand dad but most likely he just can't do it. Hard times. As you know I really enjoyed the Coming Home for Christmas.

  3. I'm sorry to hear that your grandfather isn't having a good time. I hope everything works out, your health as well. Have a great week :)

    My Sunday post:

  4. Lots of Christmas related titles are showing up. Guess it's that time. Ha! Hope that your MRI can give you some answers about your neck problems. I know it doesn't help with the worry about your grandfather. As you said, another location may be what is best. Hospice was wonderful with both my parents. Take care...

  5. I hope the MRI finds you some answers, Katherine - neck problems are so painful. I'm wondering if at least part of it might be stress-induced, given the worry with your grandfather. I hope the coming week is much better.

  6. I hope things improve with your grandfather as that might help soothe your stress levels a bit. There's nothing funny about neck pain as it just stops you doing anything-I hope you get some answers soon.

  7. I’m glad things have improved somewhat at least,and I hope things continue to.

    Have a great reading week

  8. I'm trying to work my way through the Krewe of Hunters but have been stuck on book 6 or 7 from before the move. I got some at the library, some I bought, it's a mix, some of the novellas were in Audible escape. You still have a lot on your plate so don't forget to take care of you. I hope all goes well and you have a wonderful week!

    Anne - Books of My Heart Here is my Sunday Post   

  9. All of your new books look good. I'm glad you're neck is showing improvement and hope that continues. Hugs to you for what you are dealing with with your grandparents.

  10. I hope your grandfather perks up. It might be just the rehab atmosphere. Especially after a move to unfamiliar suroundings. I'm sending all the good vibes. My mother is that way when she's at home. She's back in rehab, but she isn't going back home again because she doesn't exercise. She's really angry, but it is what it is. We are hoping she gets on her feet enough to go into assisted living and not a care facility. 😕

    I'm glad that the homeschooling is getting to be more routine! 🙌🙌🙌

    Have a wonderful new week! 🌞

  11. I'm so behind with Heather's books. I have a stack waiting to be read. And I'm also gathering some holiday reads. Especially some cozies:)

  12. Your books look tempting...I do love a good cozy mystery.

    I hope your grandparents settle in...I know how difficult these changes can be.

    Enjoy your week, and here are MY WEEKLY UPDATES

  13. The Bodies in the Library is a rather irresistible title. :-) I need to get back into Heather Graham's books. I hope you are enjoying Coming Home For Christmas. I really want to read that one too. I am glad your grandmother is settling into her new home. Prayers for your grandfather. I hope the MRI results come out well. Take care of yourself!

  14. I hope your grandparents get settled in soon and your MRI answers all your questions. I hope you have a great week ahead.

    Gayathri @ Elgee Writes

  15. I just finished reading The Bodies in the Library. I really liked it. I hope you have a great week!

  16. I am so sorry to hear that your grandparents are both having issues. I hope things improve for you quickly. It is really stressful to watch someone you love decline. I hope your neck continues to improve. I hope you have a great week and enjoy your new reads.

  17. My father-in-law had a similar situation where they told him in rehab to get up and do what's needed, or they need the bed for someone else. It was hard. Eventually he ended up at home. Only the individual can motivate themselves as they know what you are telling them is right. They have to want to do it. I'm sorry Katherine, that's hard.

    We thought of you last night as we've been in the space themed movie kick lately. We watched Astronaut Pam about Pamela Melroy who commanded the Discovery. It was really cool seeing how they train. Only a 40 minute DVD but it was educational.

    Hope the MRI went well.

  18. Hope you find answers w/your MRI and sorry it hasn't been smooth for your grandparents and their transitions.
