Friday, September 20, 2019

Friday Fives - Five Fall-ish Things I'm Ready For

I'm taking a bit of a break from my usual Friday Linkups to try something a little different.  Michelle over at Because Reading is Better Than Real Life   used to do a Five on Fridays that I always enjoyed and I've seen a few other variations on the theme.  As well I'm in a list making kind of mood so I thought I'd give start making random five lists.  Sometimes they'll be bookish other weeks not so much.  Today is the last official Friday of summer which means soon it will be fall!  Now I live in Alabama which means it could be in the 90s until November but I'm choosing to think positive and pretend that it's going to actually feel like fall sooner then later!  Here are five fall-ish things I'm looking forward to getting back in my life!

1.  Apple Cider Slushes - This is a bit of a weird one but there's an apple orchard near me that does apple cider slushes and they're amazing.  I love apple cider but when it's a billion degrees outside I'm not usually craving a steaming cup of it.  These slushes are a whole different story!

2.  Not having to wear shorts anymore - I'm so tired of shorts but if I'm going to be outside more then five minutes they're kind of required.  I'm looking forward into being able to just wear jeans and maybe even boots instead of shorts and tshirts and sandals.

3.  Halloween! - I love Halloween and I love getting out the spooky stuff and picking costumes and all that.  This year we are going to do some local events as well as the regular door to door trick or treating and I think it'll be such fun.  Oh and we're going to the Halloween Party at Disney World so that combines Disney AND Halloween!

4.  Sweaters - Now this is a long way off but I have so many favorite sweaters and I'm just dying to pull them out of hiding.   Oh and jackets!  I miss jackets and sweaters.

5.  Hot chocolate - Another one that's a ways off but I love coming home after being outside in cooler air and making some hot chocolate and maybe topping it off with some whipped cream!

What are you look forward to that is fall-ish?


  1. My five would be a warm fire every day, cooler temperatures outside, lots of cake, spooky booky month and hot chocolate!

  2. I love all those you mentioned! I’m dying to wear boots and scarves again.
    Hope you are doing well.

  3. We don't really have Fall here in the Phoenix area, but around December temps will finally start dropping and the weather will get pleasant. That's when I break out the hot chocolate! I can't do that until it's at least 60 or under outside.

  4. I've not tasted Apple Cider so don't know what it's like. Hot chocolate sounds like a very good idea. Hope Autumn brings you many pleasures.

  5. I love the colorful leaves! The beautiful leaves and cooler temperatures are an incentive to get out and walk more. 🍁

  6. Fall comes late here too, so I can empathize. I am not a huge fan of hot apple cider, but I can drink it ice cold. Slushy form sounds even better! Oh, yes! Hot chocolate is a favorte in our house in the winter. I am really looking forward to Halloween too. :-)

  7. I'm looking forward to wearing my knits.
