Saturday, January 5, 2019

This Week in Reading - January 6

It's Sunday Post time!  This is hosted by the awesome Caffeinated Book Reviewer and gives us all a chance to recap our week.

What I Got:

None!  I'm hoping that will be the case more often than not this year as I'm trying to decrease the number of incoming books to help me catch up on the books that I already have.


Reading:  Botched 4 Murder by J.C Eaton and Untouchable by Jayne Ann Krentz

Listening:  A Share in Death by Deborah Crombie

Watching:  We finished The Haunting of Hill House on Netflix.  I have mixed feelings on the end but overall I really liked it and at some point I'm hoping to be able to sleep with the lights off again.  

Off the Blog:

I do love the New Year.  I know technically it's just another day but there just feels something new and fresh about it and I always get inspired to reassess my routine and get things organized.  It's such fun!

I signed up for the Romance Package on Audible.  It's got a surprisingly varied selection including thrillers and classics.   They've got a lot of older Robyn Carrs and RaeAnne Thayne and a few Jill Shalvis books along with a decent number of older titles I've been wanting to try.  I do wish they'd come out with a Mystery Package as I think I'd end up getting more use out of that but this will be fun to play with for a bit.

Christmas decorations are getting packed up this weekend and the tree was put up on January 1st.  Everything looks so bare at first!    Hope everyone had a safe and happy New Years!

On the Blog:

What Happened:

What's Coming Up:

Monday:  Reviews from the Children's Section - At the Back of the North Wind
Tuesday: Top Ten Tuesday - Ten Most Anticipated Releases for the First Half of 2019
Wednesday:  The Best of Us - Contemporary Fiction Review
Thursday:  Botched 4 Murder - Cozy Mystery Review
Friday: Friday Linkups with Current Book
Saturday:  TBD

Have a great week and happy reading!


  1. It does look kinda funny with the tree down and everything put away! The cats even seem lost lol.

    Have an awesome week! :)

  2. Yes, taking down the Christmas decorations does feel a little sad. But I also love the normalcy of the usual decor.

    Enjoy your week and your books!

  3. One of my friends was complaining the other day that she has six unread books sitting at home. I didn't tell her how many I have . . . I need to read A Share of Death. I have read one book by Crombie and really liked it. It was a later book in the series though. I keep meaning to go back and read her earlier books. We need to put our decorations away tomorrow, I think. We took all the decorations off the tree once Nina decided climbing to the top is her new favorite hobby. I haven't had the heart to take the entire tree down though. She loves it up there. LOL I hope you have a great week--and 2019, Katherine!

  4. Oh goodness, The Haunting of Hill House absolutely shook me, thought I think the ending didn't do justice to the series.
    Happy New Year! <33

  5. I'm certainly putting a limit on the number of books I buy. I'll never get my TBR cleared if I keep on buying a ton of stuff to replace it!

  6. Happy New Year!
    We've seen The Haunting of Hillhouse too and I'm with you about the ending. Although I'm more leaning towards good mixed feelings. I'm wondering though if the ending means there will be another season? Hmmm…
    Have a great week and happy reading.

  7. Happy New year. I love the new year as well it feels like a fresh start. I hate when the decorations have been taken down everything looks so strange. Have a great week.

    Megan @ reading away the days

  8. Don't you dare say New Year is just another day! JK. I love the New year and look forward to it even from October. I am not going to talk about the unread books I have either.

    Gayathri @ Elgee Writes

  9. I did wish a few friends "happy new day with a number we made up" but only to those that got this sort of humour, haha! I hope you have a good year.

  10. Happy New Year! LOL Yes, it's just another one, probably the same as the last, but it is a new one, and we can always hope for better lol

    I'm taking my decorations down today, and also not taking on any new books until I've caught up with those I already have in my piles!

    Here's my post for this Sunday wrap up, and my personal 2019 goals.

  11. Happy New Year to you! Hugs...RO

  12. Happy New Year and I really hope it is for you and your family!

    I read your post about working on series with interest because that's something I want to do this year-- continue on tried and true series instead of keep starting book one of others.

    I still have our Christmas decorations up because my son is coming to stay with us before he moves and I wanted him to have a "belated" holiday!

  13. Ooo I love Deborah Crombie! I've read them all but only listened to 1 or 2 of the later ones with Gerard Doyle. I also signed up for Audible romance deal. It will help me get thru some old series I have wanted to read. There is quite a bit of romantic suspense and even urban fantasy which works for me. I would love a Mystery package though. For over 10 years, I read nothing but mystery so I know many, many authors in this genre.

    My daughter hasn't opened her Christmas gifts yet so our stuff is still there. She was sick over the holidays and didn't feel like it. Now school has started.

    Enjoy your reading in the new year! Anne - Books of My Heart

  14. Everything does look so bare without all the decorations. I still need to put a few things back but wanted to give the house a good cleaning first and get a few things organized. I want to redo the house this year but we aren't sure what we are planning to do yet so I might have to wait until the spring.

    I hope you have a great week, Katherine! Happy New Year and Happy Reading! xx

  15. Hahaha I also decided to tone down on the ARC this year! But I don't get many approvals so I should be fine ;-) Here is to hoping you'll love your romance audioreads! Have a wonderful Sunday!

  16. My house also looks kind of bare after the decorations are taken down. I'm ready for the new year. It does feel like a new start. Probably because I was off for two weeks and returning to work feels like a new beginning. Here;s to a good one!

    My Sunday Post

  17. I will be interested to see how you go with the romance package. I looked at it again but decided not to go with it, but in the U.S. you do have more choice I think which might just make a difference.

  18. Happy New Year - I know what you mean about everything looking bare and a bit sad... I hope you have a good week, Katherine.

  19. We just finished watch The Haunting of Hill House as well!! It was so different from the book but I enjoyed it! We moved on to Castle Rock so I may never sleep again 😂😂 Have a great week!!

  20. I like the optimistic 'new start' feeling of a New Year too. I know that you can draw a line and start something new at any point but a New Year just makes it feel supercharged or something.

  21. I didn't care for the ending of Hill House. I LOVED it up until episode 9, then it went downhill for me. Happy first week of the New Year!! :)

  22. I tried that Romance Package for a bit as well. And I didn't renew it (or rather pay for it as it was a free trial). I liked the variety, but like you, I read more into the mystery/thriller realm and didn't think it was worth it for the very few books I'd select. It would work well for a dedicated romance reader though.

  23. I agree with you about the new year feeling like a fresh start. We can make a fresh start any day of the year but this is a clean slate start for me. I'm hoping to organize what and when I post, a schedule. Plus the books are lined up that WILL be read at some point in the year.

    Thanks again for turning me on to NetGalley.

  24. We've watched a couple episodes of Haunting of Hill House. Pretty good so far - very creepy!

  25. Happy New Year! I love the promise of a New Year because like you said it is a new slate. I'm definitely looking forward to organizing my house. I really want to declutter it.

    I am working on acquiring less books. I hardly bought books in 2018 and it is something I want to continue working on in 2019.

    Tina @ As Told By Tina

  26. This year the new year seemed to motivate me more than previous years. Hopefully, I can keep up with my goals :) I was really tempted to do the romance package but it doesn't really fit into my plan right now but I am sure I will be checking it out soon.

  27. Happy New Year. That sounds interesting to be able to sign up for a themed "package" on Audible.
