Thursday, January 10, 2019

Botched 4 Murder - Cozy Mystery Review

Rating: Very Good
Source: NetGalley

Sophie "Phee" Kimball is getting dragged into the drama again at her mom's Arizona retirement community. A new board member wants to get rid of two golf courses and replace them with eco-friendly parks, and some of the residents are pretty teed off about it. On top of that, her mother's book club friend Myrna is being pushed out of the bocce league. These seniors are serious about winning, and Myrna's dragging them down. She's so bad at bocce, in fact, that when a community member's dead body is discovered while Myrna's practicing for a tournament, she assumes it was one of her own errant balls that killed the woman.

But before Myrna can be tossed off the bocce court and into criminal court, the police find an arrow in the victim's neck. It looks like this was no accident--and Phee and her investigator boyfriend Marshall will have to team up to bounce a killer into the slammer . . .

Genre: Mystery - Cozy

Why I Picked This Book:
This is one of my favorite mystery series so I can never resist seeing what trouble the book club gets up to next!

My Impression:
  I love this series and this one fully lived up to my expectations.   Phee is one of my favorite cozy mystery characters and her mother, Harriet, may be the most fabulously annoying mother ever.  The bonus is that while she drives Phee up the wall I find her incredibly entertaining.  I also enjoyed seeing Phee's relationship developing with Marshall.

The mystery was entertaining and as always well done.  The motives are many and there are suspects galore but are any of the motives really worth killing over?  It was fun to watch Phee, Marshall, and Nate (Phee's boss, friend and also a PI) unravel all the clues with the help of Harriet and the other book club members of course.  The mayhem and hijinks are at an all time high in the community of Sun City West and many old friends make appearances.

If you can't tell I'm a fan of this series.  I've been reading it since the beginning and it's one of the few series that I'm actually caught up on.  If you're new to the series you can jump in right here with no problem.  While most of the characters are reoccurring you don't need to know their backstory though I do highly recommend the earlier books.

Would I Read More of this Series/Author?
  Absolutely! This is a favorite series and I've enjoyed other books by this author as well.

Would I Recommend this Book?
  If you enjoy cozy mysteries this is a series you absolutely shouldn't miss.  

* I received this book in exchange for an honest review.  As always my opinions and impressions are completely my own. *


  1. I'm pretty sure I have the first book in this series somewhere. Might try and read it for the Puppy Love challenge in February!

  2. The fact you've read all the series and are caught up on it speaks for itself. The mother / daughter relationship sounds fun and would add some tension as well.

  3. I have way too many series going, but this sounds irresistible. I am glad you enjoyed it, Katherine!

  4. The Arizona setting sounds fun and sunny!!

  5. I like the sound of this one. Retirement communities make good settings for cozies. Thanks for sharing.
