Tuesday, January 1, 2019

First Books of 2019

Today I'm taking part in the annual First Book of the Year hosted by Sheila over at Book Journey.  I always enjoy picking out which book I'm going to pick and what kind of tone that pick will set for my reading year.

This year I'm leaning heavy on favorites in hopes my reading count will be high and that I'll really enjoy everything I read this year.  I am going to go for 200 books again but in terms of genres or page counts I'm not really going to try to push myself.  I am going to try to read more of those authors that I keep meaning to read but most of them will be in my usual comfort zone genres - mystery, romance, women's fiction and nonfiction.

So the First Book of 2019 is:

Island of Glass by Nora Roberts - My reasons are pretty simple.  I've really enjoyed this trilogy but somehow never got to the third book even though I've owned it for a year!  I'm excited to see how it concludes and it has the added benefit that Nora Roberts is always a quick read so hopefully this will be a bit of a reading count boost!

First Ebook of the Year:

Untouchable by Jayne Ann Kretnz - Krentz's romantic suspense never disappoint.  They're not always the most memorable but they're always enjoyable.

First Audio Book of the Year:

A Share in Death by Deborah Crombie - This is one of my favorite mystery series but one I'm really behind on.  I've been really wanting to reread the whole series from the beginning and this year I'm going to get started!

What books are you starting with this year?


  1. I started two big books at the end of the year and finished both of them today-A Dance With Dragons part 2 and Gameland!

  2. Happy days ahead reading for you, Katherine! I also have a print book and an e-book for reading today. I read the first in that Roberts trilogy and then lost track, as I'm prone to do!

  3. Happy first book of the year!

  4. Yes usually Nora R can be counted on for a fun enjoyable read when she writes her trilogies. I hope to listen at some point to the JAK book. Happy New Year and may all your reading be great reads.

  5. It sounds like you're going into the new year with a great approach to the books you hope to be reading - enjoy these firsts & happy reading!

  6. Katherine, I love the picture! Very lovely! And I haven't read that Roberts' trilogy. Think I might own part of it - who knows? I'll have to look. I'm thinking of rereading the Crombie series too. In fact, I'm thinking of rereading a bunch of series. I have most of several in my audio library. Let's have a wonderful reading year.

  7. I haven't read Nora Roberts in a while but I liked what I did read. Happy New Year.

  8. Those are all great choices! I enjoyed them all, and agree with your assessment of Jayne Ann Krentz.

    My first ebook for the year is a reread: The White Gryphon by Mercedes Lackey. I probably won't start my first print book until I get home next week. And I'm still listening to an audiobook from last year, so who knows when I'll start the next one!

  9. Nice! I'm going to finish THE GOWN by Jennifer Robson tonight, so that will be my first finished book of the year. It's a pretty good read. I've enjoyed it.

    I have had that Nora Roberts book since it came out and I still haven't read it. *Sigh* So many books, so little time ...

  10. Enjoy your first books! I like how you divided them into e-books, audiobooks, and a print book. Thanks for sharing.

  11. Great choice! I went with one that's been on my to-read list for ages. Off topic but, your hair is so pretty! I used to get mine dyed that color. Love it.

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. I hope you love your first book of the year!

  14. How fun. And yay Krentz. Hers really are always so fun :)

  15. I hope you love(d) it! Happy New Year!

  16. Great pick. That is a series I wanted to read even though I had said I wouldn't read them anymore after that witch one that had gotten so redundant.
