Friday, September 22, 2017

Friday Linkups - Splintered

It's Friday linkup time!  I'm linking up with the Book Blogger Hop hosted by Coffee Addicted Writer, Book Beginnings of Fridays hosted by Rose City Reader, and the Friday 56 hosted by Freda's Voice

This Week's Book Blogger Hop Question:
In regards to banned book week, what are your favorite books that have been banned or challenged?

My Answer:
Going off this list of the most commonly challenged books in the U.S. I think 2 of my favorites are The Great Gatsby by F.Scott Fitzgerald and Wrinkle in Time Madeline L'Engle.

This week's book is a little different from my usual reads in that I don't typically read fantasy or YA and Splintered by A.G. Howard is both.  I am, however, really enjoying it and all it's wonderful terrifying weirdness!

The Beginning:
I've been collecting bugs since I was ten; it's the only way I can stop their whispers.

My Thoughts:
This is a pretty good indication that our main character is not your run of the mill average high school student!

The 56:
"She lost it," I blurt. "Attacked me."

My Thoughts:
And another indication that all is not well - especially since the main character is talking about her mother in this one.

So what do you think?  Keep reading?  What banned or challenged book is your favorite?


  1. I went to the list and I think The Catcher in the Rye is my favorite. I am interested to see what you think of Splintered. Happy reading!!

  2. The cover is beautiful, but she looks a bit unstable. I would love for you and your readers to check out mine . . .

  3. I enjoyed Splintered when I read it in 2012 but not enough to look for the sequels. I hope you enjoy it too. I am featuring The Hunt by Chloe Neill this week. Happy reading!

  4. You know, I've had Splintered sitting on my TBR list for at least a year now. I really need to read it I think.

    As far as banned books go, my actual list is really quite long, but a couple of my favorites are Harry Potter and The Giver.

    Have a great weekend. - Katie

  5. I recognized a lot of books from the banned book list but I never read them or they were not a favorite. So HP was the only one I could find. :)

    I listened to Splintered but I didn't care for it but then I am not a huge Alice in Wonderland type fan, so glad you are enjoying it.

    Week in Review

  6. I've been eyeing that cover for a while...and even though it is not my usual read, I am definitely curious. Thanks for sharing.

    Here's mine: “THE HEIRS”

  7. Eye-catching cover on Splintered. You're right -- the protagonist definitely isn't a stereotypical teen. Sounds like a story I'd enjoy.
    My Friday post features Half Broke Horses.

  8. It's so crazy to see the full list of banned and challenged books. Phew!

  9. I would read it, I believe. She reminds me of Luna Lovegood and Alice in Wonderland. The Harry Potter series straight up is my favorite. I've read them over five times.

  10. This is a book that I have wanted for forever now... Happy weekend!

  11. Ooooo....thanks for the list for banned books.

    Have a great weekend.

    Happy Hopping!!

    Silver's Reviews
    My Book Blogger Hop

  12. Oh this has been on my tbr for so long!! Sounds intriguing!!
    Here's my Friday Reads

  13. I hope to reread A Wrinkle in Time this next month, if all goes as planned. We'll see how that works out. :-)

    I am glad you are enjoying Splintered. I have seen it around and been curious about it.

    Have a great weekend, Katherine!

  14. I never have read A Wrinkle In Time. It was never a class novel book around where we live. It makes me wonder why...perhaps because it was on the banned list.

  15. I've never read the Great Gatsby, but I would love to read it someday!

    Here’s my Book Blogger Hop!

    Ronyell @ Rabbit Ears Book Blog

  16. I love the pretty cover art on your current read!

  17. Splintered looks awesome, and I love that opening sentence. :)

  18. I don't know why but that collecting bug quote wigged me out, lol.

  19. I just check out the banned book list and haven't read too many of them besides the ones I had to for school. Splintered looks like a good read. I will be looking for your review!

  20. I've never read A Wrinkle in Time either but isn't that a children's book?! Wth banning is a bit extreme when it comes to these schools.

    My BBH-

  21. I have read a ton of banned at one time or another books. The one that gets me every time is the Wizard of Oz being banned for having talking animals. Ha ha. The church folk found that evil. XD

    I am relieved that you are enjoying Splintered. It is the epitome of YA Paranormal Fantasy, which normally I would run away screaming from, but the dark twistedness pulled me in, ha ha. :D
