Thursday, October 29, 2015

Beyond the Books: My Anti-Bucket List

This week I'm linking up with KissinBlueKaren for Beyond the Books.  This is a meme where we all answer a non-bookish question.  It's always so fun to see everyone's answers and get a peak at the blogger beyond the books.  This week's question is - What's on my anti-bucket list?

My Anti-bucket list, or things that I absolutely won't do, isn't really that long but I'm definitely determined to never do any of them!

1.  Bungee Jumping, Skydiving, or pretty much anything else that feels like falling - I so don't like the falling feeling.  I actually like roller coasters a lot but only the ones with lots of quick turns.  Any of them that centers around a long fall does not make the cut.

2.  Scuba Diving - I actually got pretty close to scuba diving when I was 19 and on the fearless side but ended up not being able to do it due to my asthma. After that my desire just evaporated and now the idea of going down deeper than I could regularly swim (which isn't all that deep - I'm not a good swimmer) with my source of air strapped to my back freaks me out.

3.  African Safari - A few reasons why this is a no go.  1. My idea of roughing it is an Embassy Suites.  2.  I'm quite sure there would be mosquitoes and other bite-y bugs and those love me so I'd be an itchy bumpy mess.  3.  While we wouldn't be there to hunt I'm sure other people would and then I'd probably have to hear about it and while I'm not against hunting in general the less I know the happier I am.

4.  Hiking the Appalachian Trail - See reasons 1 and 2 against the African Safari.  I'm also incredibly paranoid and am sure that a Criminal Minds style murderer would find me if I was sleeping outside.

5.  Running a Marathon - I'm good, thanks.  Running and I don't get along.

So what's on your anti-bucket list?


  1. "My idea of roughing it is an Embassy Suites." I laughed when I read that! that's how I feel about tent camping. Camping is fine (just not in a tent)- a hotel is better. :)

    I've never had any desire to jump out of an airplane (hello) so that would be on my list as well. :)

    1. I've never understood the jumping out of an airplane appeal. My primary goal in a plane is to NOT to fall out of the air!

  2. I actually did run a marathon. I was in the Army at the time (reserves) and it was a great way for me to work, on my own, on my run time. I found something to love about it. It wrecked my hips though. I am totally with you on the African Safari, sounds like a sweaty time. No thank you!
    Great list!

    1. I like the idea of running but my joints most decidedly do not !

  3. Bungee jumping! Definitely a no for me too. For some odd reasons, I wasn't willing to put skydiving on my list. I'm not sure why exactly. I don't see myself ever wanting to do that either. No marathon for me either. Ugh.

    Great list, Katherine!

    1. Hmm... I wonder if you subconsciously want to go skydiving!

  4. Tried running, walking is much easier!! Great list!!

    1. I'm a Pilates fan myself! Running and I are just not friends!

  5. Hate running. I am a cardio gym rat. And, as far as adventure shopping in NYC is enough for me. Camping is a chain like Embassy suites. It the toilets don't flush I am not going to be there!

    1. I like your idea of adventure! I'm a big fan of flushing toilets and hot water! I don't have a big desire to do without either!

  6. You idea of camping is like mine, but I would kind of like to try an African Safari. One point against it for me is not the human hunters as much as the animal hunters...I am afraid that something like the ZOO would happen to me!!!! :)

    1. I didn't watch the Zoo because we have enough wild life around here and I'm paranoid enough as it is!

  7. I agree with all but the African safari. I would kind of like to do that but I am sure I won't. I did go on the safari at Animal Kingdom in Disney so I'll take it :)

    1. I liked the Animal Kingdom Safari! That's my kind of adventure!

  8. I agree with you on most of those too especially the bungee jumping and sky diving, no thank you! Great list Katherine.

    1. The whole falling sensation makes me panic. I'm not a fan!

  9. I'm with you on most of those. I'd kind of like to snorkel or scuba dive in order to see the coral reefs, but the idea of being deep underwater freaks me out, and so does the idea of water coming down my snorkel. And I don't do roller coasters at all. Or marathons, though I wouldn't be adverse to being in better shape. And no way will I do anything involving falling or hang-gliding -- although I absolutely loved the open-door helicopter ride we took on our 25th anniversary trip.

    I've actually hiked a small portion of the AT, from Harper's Ferry, WV, to just inside Pennsylvania -- basically all of it that's in Maryland. It was a five-day trip with my (private school) 9th-grade class. I was in a lot better shape then, and I remember it being fun once we got up onto the ridges, but exhausting getting from riverside to the top of the ridge on the first day.

    1. I like hiking a lot but I'm definitely more of a day hiker. The path you took sounds fun and that is a beautiful area. The helicopter ride sounds lots of fun too! I don't mind heights but I'm not a fan of falling!

  10. I'm with you on all those things! My greatest hate as a teacher was the school camps I had to go on. I don't like to rough it either.

    1. I'm not so big on spending the night outdoors! I'm super paranoid and a big fan of running water!

  11. I don't do large bugs, or anything poisonous, so that cuts out a lot of places that would have been on my bucket list. It is funny because I would be more likely to go skydiving than ride a rollercoaster! I am still loving this feature. :)

    1. Bugs love me so If I'm outside for anytime at all I end up covered with bites and then I swell up. So not cool! I'm so glad you're enjoying the feature! I have a good time with it!

  12. Oh really, Katherine, your list could be my list. Totally. Especially the sensation of falling thing. I already get that with heights - vertigo and feeling like I'm already falling. I hate glass elevators. LOL

    1. I hate feeling like I'm falling! I have dreams where I'm falling down a staircase or off a cliff a pretty good bit and it takes me forever to get back to sleep.

  13. Oh my gosh, I feel the same way about all these too! Especially Bunging Jumping (or anything falling related) Scuba Diving (Just thinking about it makes me panic) and running a marathon.

    1. I'm glad I'm not the only one who doesn't like the idea of scuba diving! I'm feeling claustrophobic just thinking about it!

  14. LOL, I am down with not doing any of these Katherine!!

  15. This is a great list! I had # 1 and 2 on my list. All dangerous things will be forever off my list. And I don't like roughing it either. When I was a kid our camping consisted of a RV, TV and rice cooker. So there is no way I would last long in the outdoors. And I tried running but didn't like it either.

    1. I'm okay with RV camping and actually I think I'd be okay with tent camping for a night but the whole being in the woods for weeks and having to carry everything is just not for me !

  16. Oh! Every single one of those things. lol That is an excellent anti-bucket list. *nods*

    1. Great minds think alike! Or great minds would rather be indoors with a book :)

  17. I was thinking of trying to write a post with my Anti-Bucket List, but couldn't really pull it together. I could duplicate yours, though, as I'm not doing ANY of those things...LOL.

    Thanks for sharing.

    1. You are welcome to mine! I'm glad I'm not the only one these things do not appeal to!

  18. With my allergies sometimes the outside and I don't get along! My husband would love to do the safari though.
