Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Nine Lives to Die - Review

Nine Lives to Die

Rating: 2 Stars
Source: NetGalley

In Crozet, Virginia it's time to get ready for Christmas, the annual food drives, fund raisers and charity functions.  What Harry, her husband Fair and the other residents of Cozer aren't expecting is for 2 of the leaders of Silver Linings, an organization that focuses on young athletes, to wind up dead each missing 2 fingers.  The town really wasn't expecting for news of the town Latin teacher who disappeared 20 years ago.

Genre: Mystery

Why I Picked This Book:  This is a series I've seen around but never tried and I liked the idea of the old missing person's case.

My Impression:
Pros:  Harry and her friends are very likable and Brown really captures life in the volunteer circuit.  I found both mysteries really interesting and when the book strayed away from it for too long I definitely found myself turning the pages to get back to it.

Cons:  I'm not a huge fan of talking animals and there is a lot of animal conversations in this book.  While some did move the plot along a lot of it felt a little random or unnecessary.  While I liked Harry and her friends I could have done with less charity functions and more mystery.  There was a lot of product placement.  If a character drove a truck it wasn't just a truck or a new truck it was a brand new Ford F350 or something like that.  I don't mind product placement in general - like if a character says "Do you have any Motrin?" when she has a headache but all the detail especially around the vehicles got a little cluttered.

Overall:  I don't think this series is for me.  While I enjoyed the mystery part and Harry and her friends are a likable cast of characters the animals playing such a vocal role and the extra details won't have have me reaching for the next one.  It strayed a little too much into the cutesy for me.

Would I Read More of this Series/Author?: Probably not another one in this series though I try another book by the author.

Would I Recommend this Book?:  Probably not.


  1. I've read about half this series, not necessarily in order, and you nailed it's problems. Add in the fact that the stories follow a predictable formula, so that once you've read a couple you know who the villain is in each book, and I gave up on the series.

    1. I'm glad I'm not the only one who had these problems with it! That's too bad about the formula but I don't think I'll be reading enough to figure it out!

  2. I've read one book in this series, and while I enjoyed it for the most part, I did have some issues with it--and, like Bea said, you pretty much nailed them all in your review.

    I really don't like talking animals in books. (Although I do like Spencer Quinn--at least the one book I've read by him so far.)

    1. I'm not a huge fan of the talking animals either though I've found several books lately where it hasn't bothered me too much. There was just too much of it in this book. I'll have to look at Spencer Quinn. I'm not sure I'm familiar with him.

  3. I've seen this one around everywhere too and had been thinking I should give them a try. But, herm, I don't know that that would be one for me either. Thanks for the heads up!

    herding cats & burning soup

    1. There was I liked about this one but unfortunately more that I didn't. I'm hoping to try another book by her at some point.

  4. I've heard about this book, but to be completely honest with you I thought it wasn't for me. Now that I've read your review I'm even more convinced about that... Too bad it didn't work for you, but thanks for sharing your thoughts!

    1. You're welcome. I really wanted it to work for me but unfortunately it just didn't. I guess they can't all be winners otherwise the really great books wouldn't stand out!

  5. Hmm, sometimes I like the talking animals wait, no..I like when we hear their thoughts. Sorry this didn't work for you Katherine.

    1. I don't mind a little talking animals or it used in the right place but this just found like a little too much. She has another series that I think I'm going to try.

  6. Well, I love animals but I don't care so much for talking animals in a mystery plot. It's just too distracting, and too light and cutesy. If it was another genre, for instance "The Art of Racing in the Rain" type of communication, then I could handle it better.
    Thank you for being honest and sharing this.

    1. That's precisely how I felt about it. It was just too much. I'd like the mystery so I may try another series by this author.

  7. Yeah this sounds like I can pass this one up!
    Missie @ A Flurry of Ponderings

  8. I hope you enjoy it! I was kind of frustrated that I didn't because I felt like the mystery itself had so much potential.

  9. I read a book or two in this series a few years ago and I agree with you...talking animals in a mystery series doesn't usually work for me. And it is a little too cute.

    1. I definitely agree. It didn't turn out to be my kind of mystery.

  10. I guess I'm in the minority - LOL. I love this series, but haven't read this one yet. I'm about halfway through this series, but I stopped when I started reviewing. I just haven't had time to read the books that I want to and these books are in that category for me. I actually love talking animals :) It's interesting reading people's different opinions about books.

    1. I can see why you liked it Yvonne. I really enjoyed the mystery parts and I think the talking animal thing is just a personal preference. Hope you're able to get a couple of these in soon!

  11. Hi Katherine,

    Definitely not a series for me, I tuned out when the mention of talking animals was sighted!

    I have quite eclectic tastes in my reading material and I may read some quite sublime books, but taking that next step into the ridiculous, is one step too far for me!

    I guess that there is a market for this genre of book out there somewhere and authors do deserve to have their work featured, so that readers can make an informed decision whether to read a book or not, so thanks for the very even-handed, yet candidly honest review.


    1. Thank you! There were a lot of positive things about this book it was just for me the negatives overwhelmed the positives. I can see other people enjoying it though.

  12. I'm not a fan of talking animals either. This probably isn't the series for me.

    1. Probably not. I was hoping I could get past the talking animals but ended up not being able too.

  13. I tried one of these years ago but just found the whole set up a bit too much. Talking animals only really works if you have a paranormal mystery and then under extreme circumstances. Dixie Lyle is one of the few authors that made it fun rather than annoying.

    1. I don't think I've read any of Dixie Lyle. I'll have to go look for her!
