Thursday, August 14, 2014

Friday Linkups - The Mysterious Affair at Styles

It's Friday so once again I'm linking up with the Book Blogger Hop hosted by Coffee Addicted Writer, Book Beginnings on Fridays hosted by Rose City Reader and The Friday 56 hosted by Freda's Voice.

Today's Question is:

"What is your favorite device to add pictures and content to your blog?

My Answer:

I use my desktop for blogging about 99% of the time.  I will sometimes type content on the phone but only after I've set up the template already on my PC.

The Mysterious Affair at Styles was  not only Agatha Christie's first book but also the first time the world met Hercule Poirot with all his little grey cells and mustaches as well as loyal and somewhat naive Captain Hastings.

The Beginning:
"The intense interest aroused in the public by what was known at the time as "The Styles Case" has now somewhat subsided.  Nevertheless, in view of the world-wide notoriety which attended it, I have been asked, both by my friend Poirot and the family themselves, to write an account of the whole story.  This, we trust, will effectively silence the sensational rumors which still persist."

From page 56 of my paperback published in 1973:
""Suppose," suggested Poirot, "that, unknown to you, she had made a new will in favour of some one who was not in any sense of the word, a member of the family - we will say Miss Howard, for instance, would you be surprised?""

So what do you think?  Would you keep reading?


  1. I use my desktop for all of my blogging too :)

    1. Oh good! I was a little worried I was a dinosaur about that but every time I try to use my phone or tablet I just want to scream.

  2. Great opening lines...the perfect example of Christie's mastery.

    My Friday post:

    1. Christie at her best is breathtaking. It's been awhile since I've reread this one but I'm looking forward to it!

  3. I have read and enjoyed this one. Happy reading!

    1. It is a good one. I've read this before but it's been a few years so I'm really looking forward to getting back to it.

  4. That opening definitely grabbed me and I'd keep reading.

    I use my laptop for my blogging; occasionally I use my phone for commenting, but everything else is done on my laptop.

    1. It's fun to see Poirot at the beginning. I'm really looking forward to reading all the Poirot books in a row to see how his character developed.

  5. My grandmother got me interested in Agatha Christie. A fantastic storyteller.
    sherry @ fundinmental

    1. Mine did too! I forget which one she shoved at me but I gobbled the rest up pretty quickly afterwards!

  6. I'm with them. I'd definitely keep reading...if only in homage to a great mystery writer!

    1. The fact that they were written by Christie is the only reason I finished Postern of Fate and Passenger to Frankfurt. Luckily this one is pretty good!

  7. I definitely want to read this author soon! I love mysteries, and who can show us more about the genre? Thanks for sharing...and here's mine: “SAVE THE DATE”

    1. Exactly! You can really trace fiction trends through her writing. If you haven't read any of her books Miss Marple may be an easier starting read than Poirot but pretty much any published before 1960 would be great to start with.

  8. I keep telling myself that I must read some Agatha Christie. These quotes confirm that resolve. Anne's Friday Memes

    1. Yes you really must! Any book published before 1960 would be a great place to start. While she does have 2 series with Marple and Poirot they can be read in absolutely any order.

  9. The PBS "Poirot" series has hooked me on the character, but I haven't read (or seen) this story. Sounds good!
    Here's the link to my Friday post: MADE FOR TWO.

    1. I love that series! The Poirot shows seem to stick pretty close to the books as well which is nice. You should give the books a try. Most are pretty short at around 200 pages or so and if you like the series you'd most likely enjoy the books.

  10. I use my laptop - it is the easiest for me.

    Happy Hopping!!

    Silver's Reviews
    My Blog Hop Answer

    1. I don't have a laptop but I think that would work for me as well. The idea of relying on a phone or tablet would drive me crazy though!

    2. I could never "blog" on a phone or iPad. Awful.

  11. Yes, I'd definitely keep reading. You can't go wrong with an Agatha Christie book!

    1. Definitely not! Love a good Agatha and a really great Poirot is just perfection!

  12. I really need to read something by Agatha Christie.
    I'm like you and mostly everything is on my desktop pc.
    Happy weekend!

    1. You absolutely must read an Agatha if you like mysteries! She wrote over 80 of them so you'll have plenty to choose from!

  13. I can't believe I've never read an Agatha Christie mystery!

    1. Oh you must! Try Sleeping Murder or The Mysterious Affair at Styles or really any of them!

  14. I want to know if surprise would be a proper reaction. I'm guessing her money got this woman killed.

    1. It's a little complicated. Let's just say the dead woman isn't always loved.

  15. Wow, you have been on an Agatha Christie binge lately. Good for you! I have one of her books on my Classics List and can't wait to get to it. I use my desktop for blogging, since I don't work and don't have need of anything but a "dumb phone" instead of the alternative :) Enjoy the weekend.

    1. I'm trying to read 50 pages of an Agatha book a day so with how short they are it ends up being 1 or 2 a week. I'm at home so I mostly use my desktop but I do love my smartphone! Though I did just get it a few months.

  16. I use my computer only. Everything is easily accessible.
    I've read so many of Agatha's books and always have a great time.
    Here is my 56 -

    1. This is a pretty good one. It's fun to meet Poirot for the first time.

  17. Any book by Agatha Christie is worth reading or finishing. She's one of the best. I've wanted to do that Perpetual Challenge for Agatha Christie for a long time. This is one I'm sure I've read.

    1. Definitely! You should give it a try. Her books aren't too long so you feel like you're making progress. I do recommend reading chronologically by character instead of just chronological because reading Postern of Fate right after Passenger of Frankfurt is enough to make me cry!

  18. Agatha's so reliable. You can pretty much guarantee a great mystery if her name is on the cover!

  19. I haven't read this, though I like Agatha Christie's books. Thanks for stopping by my Friday 56 and Book beginnings

    1. Agatha is always a good read and I love that this was her first book. How fun it must have been to discover Poirot for the first time.

  20. Hi Katherine,

    I don't need any encouragement to keep me reading an Agatha Christie story, although I have to say that I can't remember ever reading this particular book, although I have seen the television adaptation as many times as I have been able to catch it on the re-runs!

    I have been a Christie fan since my teenage years and love her style of writing, with narrative plucked straight from a bygone era of gentility and demurity.

    Thank you so much for sharing and in answer to your question, I too rely on my laptop for blogging and just about all other internet related research.

    Enjoy the rest of your weekend,


    1. I'm the reverse. I've read this book several times but I don't remember ever seeing the TV adaptation. I'm hoping to fix this though as I want to watch the Poirots and Marples as I'm reading the books.

  21. Definitely but just because I am such a huge fan of Christie! I enjoy this one back when I read are in for a treat. Enjoy!

    1. I have read this before but it's been awhile so I'm really looking forward to getting back to it. Love a good Poirot!

  22. Love Agatha Christie. I am not sure I read this one, but I have read a number of her books.

    I am surprised I haven't read it since it was one of her first.

    Thanks for sharing.

    Have a great rest of the weekend.

    Silver's Reviews
    My Book Beginnings

    1. Even though this was her first it didn't really gain the fain that some of her others did - Murder of Roger Ackroyd, And Then There Were None, Murder on the Orient Express, etc. It's a good mystery though. Nice English country house where things aren't exactly as they seem.

  23. I use either my laptop or desktop computer to do my blogging.

    I haven't read an Agatha Christie novel in years.

  24. I have neither a smartphone nor a tablet, so I use my laptop for all my blogging. Actually, I can't really see using a smartphone for much blogging-wise besides answering comments and maybe reading other people's blogs. I really like having my mouse and a fully functionally keyboard.

    As for The Mysterious Affair at Styles... hmm, I should probably read it again one of these days soon.

    1. I have a hard time with comments on my phone. I'll type something and sometimes it will randomly disappear. It's enough to drive you crazy.

      The Mysterious Affair at Styles is good and we get to see a very young Hastings which is kind of fun.
