Friday, August 22, 2014

Friday Linkups: Scene of the Climb:

It's Friday and I'm linking up with Coffee Addicted Writer for Book Blogger Hop, Rose City Reader for Book Beginnings on Fridays, and Freda's Voice for the Friday 56.

First the Question:
"Do you reply to questions on your blog or do you figure readers won't be stopping back by so why bother?"

My Answer:
I always reply just in case people stop back by though my usual routine is to reply the next day.  Every once in awhile I'll miss one if someone replies to an older post and I miss it the next day but I do try not to.  I love getting comments and the conversation is my favorite part of book blogging so I do try to make an effort.

Today's book is Scene of the Climb by Kate Dyer-Seeley.  Now I love a good cozy mystery so I was thrilled when the author contacted me about reviewing this one. I love that the main character is a fresh out of school journalist who MAY have exaggerated her outdoor skills in order to get a job.  And by may have exaggerated I mean completely made them up.

The Beginning:
"My fingernails dug into the soggy dirt as my body lurched closer to the sheer cliff face.  I desperately jabbed deeper into the ground for traction.  It didn't work."

The 56 from page 56 of my paperback:
"Maybe there was a Pulitzer in my future after all.  Once I dragged myself off this rock face I was going to have to brush up on my investigative skills and get to the bottom of the real story behind Race the States.  That should impress Greg."

I'm just past this point in my reading and so far I'm really enjoying this one.  I plan on having the full review up on Thursday.

So what do you think?  Would you keep reading?


  1. This one sounds intense! Thanks for sharing and enjoy. Here's mine: “THE SILENT SISTER”

    1. So far it's really fun! I'm really enjoying it!

  2. Love it when a new cozy series has so much action and a beguiling heroine.

    My Friday post:

    1. I'm really enjoying this one. The character is interesting and realistic and it's a fun premise.

    2. Uh oh...sounds like I should add it to my ever-growing list, lol.

    3. I haven't read enough to give it a solid recommendation but unless the wheels come off in the next few pages I expect to be able too! These TBR lists may be the death of us all. I somehow fully believe I'll get everything read!

  3. Communication is the most fun thing about blogging. Meeting and "talking" with other bloggers is my favorite.

    I always reply to comments. I check the notification box on comments on my blog and other blogs in case someone replies later. That way I can reply.

    I like your book beginning.

    Happy Hopping!!

    Silver's Reviews
    My Blog Hop Answer

    1. I definitely agree about communication being the most fun thing! I love "meeting" other bookish people!

      I'm really enjoying this cozy!

  4. This one sounds like it could have some humor. The heroine sounds like she is in way over her head. Happy reading!

    1. It definitely has a touch of humor and she's very much in over her head! So far it's a fun read!

  5. I need to start making a habit of replying to blog's comments.

    1. It does take a lot of time but so far I've found it worthwhile.

  6. I think I've seen this book before on this meme and my thought now is the same as the last time...I should really look for this book. It sounds fun. My Friday Thoughts

    1. It's a really fun cozy that so far is staying out of cutesy territory! I'd definitely recommend it!

  7. Sounds intense and interesting, and the heroine seems to have a sense of humor, which I always like.

    1. I always like a sense of humor as well and so far so good with this one!

  8. This is a book that I already have on my wishlist. So glad you are enjoying it--sounds like something I would definitely like!

    1. So far so good! I'm hoping to have the review for this one up on Thursday.

  9. Now that's an intense opening! Happy reading!

    1. Definitely! The opening is a little in the future of where the book starts out and I can't wait to catch up to see why she's hanging onto that cliff!

  10. This sounds very good. I already have it downloaded too my e-reader. I just need to find the time to read it.

    1. I know! So many great books out there. I think I got to this a little fast because I had a physical copy. Things get a little lost sometimes in the depths of my Kindle.

  11. Love the cover art and it sure sounds like so much action packed with adventure!!

    1. There's definitely a lot going on! So far I'm really enjoying it.

  12. I love a good cozy mystery and this is a new author for me. Sounds fun.
    Here is my 56 -

    1. She's a new author to me as well. I'm a little wary of new cozies sometimes because they can stray to far into cutesy but so far this has been really good!

  13. Those excerpts are interesting, maybe its time I got back into reading cozy mysteries.

  14. I am not the outdoors type, but I know several friends that would enjoy this book! Thanks for sharing :)

    Sparrow's BB & Friday 56

    1. The funny thing is the main character isn't particularly outdoorsy either. She exaggerated her skills a bit to get a job not expecting to actually be on the side of a cliff!

  15. I try to answer back... if it's worth answering or if it doesn't spoil a review.
    The beginning of the book sounds terrifying, that alone intrigues me.

    Happy weekend!

    1. Thanks! So far I"m really enjoying this one. Looking forward to seeing where the author takes it!

  16. I'm looking forward to reading Scene of the Climb! I love the outdoorsy cozy mystery theme.

    1. So far I'm really enjoying it. I"m planning on having the full review out on Thursday. Hope it stays consistent.

  17. Have you thought about using Discus? It will let you reply back and folks will get emailed. Scene of the Climb looks like a good cozy mystery.

    1. I've thought about Discus for that reason but haven't set aside the time to actually research my options. It's on my to do list which is almost as long as my TBR.

  18. Who is this Greg character? Why does she want to impress him? These are questions that need answers.

    1. You have to read it to find out! Or come back for my review Thursday :)

  19. I do too and I like that the main character is not quite as outdoorsy as she may have implied!

  20. I love nature books. Thanks for sharing. As for the question, I agree with you. It does sometimes seem pointless to respond when you suspect they may never return, but still - you never know. Others might have the same question so I always try and answer, regardless. This brings up another point for me, though, and that is how many times have I asked a question and then not returned to read the answer? That is probably more times than I'd care to admit. (Did I just admit that?)
