Wednesday, October 2, 2024

Betrayal at Blackthorn Park - Historical Mystery Review

Goodreads: Betrayal at Blackthorn Park (Parisian Orphan #2) by Julia Kelly

Rating: Really Liked It (4 Stars)
Source:   Publisher

Description:  Freshly graduated from a rigorous training program in all things spy craft, former typist Evelyne Redfern is eager for her first assignment as a field agent helping Britain win the war. However, when she learns her first task is performing a simple security test at Blackthorn Park, a requisitioned manor house in the sleepy Sussex countryside, she can’t help her initial disappointment. Making matters worse, her handler is to be David Poole, a fellow agent who manages to be both strait-laced and dashing in annoyingly equal measure. However, Evelyne soon realizes that Blackthorn Park is more than meets the eye, and an upcoming visit from Winston Churchill means that security at the secret weapons research and development facility is of the utmost importance.

When Evelyne discovers Blackthorn Park’s chief engineer dead in his office, her simple assignment becomes more complicated. Evelyne must use all of her—and David’s—detection skills to root out who is responsible and uncover layers of deception that could change the course of the war.

Genre: Mystery - Historical

Why I Picked This Book:  I've really enjoyed everything I've read by this author and I enjoyed the first book in this mystery series.  

My Impression: After rereading the first book in the series I was so excited to pick this one up.  It did not let me down!  Evelyne is ready for her first assignment after six weeks of rigorous training.  She's a bit disappointed with the relatively simple one she is assigned but not as disappointed as David Poole is when he is assigned to be her handler and not out in the field.  Of course, things go terribly wrong and a dead body is added to the things that need to be investigated.

I liked the focus on a research lab manufacturing new and experimental weapons for the war effort.  Everyone is a bit of a prima donna which makes for a lot of drama and all kinds of secrets.  The war effort is always front and center which makes for heavy possibilities of espinoage and treason.  

I liked how Evelyne and David work together.  Evelyne is learning that her new career has downsides besides the danger.  I liked how honest David was about the isolation and the downsides.  The mystery is a good one with lots of little side mysteries that really kept me guessing.  The pacing was good and I love Julia Kelly's writing style.  I'm looking forward to reading more from her and hopefully more about Evelyne.  

Would I Read More of this Series/Author? Of course!  I'm looking forward to reading more from Julia Kelly.

Would I Recommend this Book?  Definitely!  Though I do recommend reading the first book in the series before starting this one as it does explain quite a bit about Evelyne's past.

* I received this book in exchange for an honest review.  As always my opinions and impressions are completely my own. *


  1. I haven't had the chance to read this author's work but I love the sound of this series.

  2. I never read anything written by this author, but it does sound like something I would enjoy. I would definitely read the first book first, though.

  3. Mmm this has a lot to like about it, I think I will look this series up and see if I can get the first one.

  4. Oh, this looks like a series I need to try!
