Tuesday, February 9, 2021

Top Ten Tuesday - Romances on My TBR

Today I'm linking up with Top Ten Tuesday hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl which is all about lists.  Since lists are one of my favorite things this is one of my favorite linkups!  Today's topic is a romance freebie so I'm looking at Romances on My TBR.  2020 was all about the mysteries for me which meant other genres got completely neglected.  Here are some romances in that neglected list.

1.  The Summer Retreat by Sheila Roberts - I haven't read anything by Sheila Roberts and I loved the look of this one.  It looks like a perfect read for warm weather - or for when I wish the weather was warm!

2.  Who Wants to Marry a Duke by Sabrina Jeffries - Jeffries is one of my favorite historical romance authors and one I've been reading since I first started reading romances 20 years ago.  I meant to read this one last year but didn't get to it.

3.   Second Chance Summer by Jill Shalvis - Shalvis is a favorite of mine and this has been sitting on my shelf for way too long.

4.  Cold-Hearted Rake by Lisa Kleypas - Pretty much ditto the last one.

5.  Wicked Intentions by Elizabeth Hoyt - I read a book by Hoyt a few years ago and enjoyed it so wanted to pick up more from her.

6.  Everywhere and Every Way by Jennifer Probst - I remember when this one came out and all the raves it was getting but never got around to reading it.

7.  Sweet Little Lies by Jill Shalvis - I read a few books of Shalvis' Heartbreaker Bay series and enjoyed them so I want to go back and read the first one in the series.

8.  The Trouble with Dukes by Grace Burrowes - I don't know much about this one but I'm looking for new historical romance author and thought I'd give this book a try.

9.  Barefoot Season by Susan Mallery - I enjoy Mallery's books and this one looks gloriously summer-y.

10. The Girl Who Knew Too Much by Amanda Quick - I have this one on audio and I'm really looking forward to listening to it.  I love romantic suspense and Amanda Quick's books so this one looks like a winner!

Do you have any romances on your TBR?


  1. Looks like you have a lot of love in your (reading) life! Enjoy!

  2. In a word, no! I'm not a romance person at all!

  3. I'll take a mystery over a romance any day! I hope you enjoy your picks when you get to them.

    Happy TTT!

  4. I love everything Jill Shalvis. I enjoyed the Probst book, and read that whole series.

    Anne - Books of My Heart

  5. As you know I read/listen to all genres. With the exception of a few series, contemporary romance has really taken a backseat to other genres for me. That doesn't mean I don't love romance weaved into my fantasy, thrillers, mysteries and paranormals...lol Shalvis is wonderful, as is Quick.

  6. I'm a Shalvis fan - love her narrative style.

  7. Happy reading! 📚 I never know what to say about Romances. 😉

  8. A big yes to romance books, I enjoy them although most times these days I like them mixed with women's fiction.

  9. I should read more romance books. I've already read two of the Bridgerton series this year and that is amazing for me!!! Will take a look at some of your suggestions, we normally like the same type of books.

    Take care!

    Elza Reads

  10. Oh, have fun with these! Shalvis and Mallery are always enjoyable, and you know I love Amanda Quick and Lisa Kleypas! And I've been enjoying Sabrina Jeffries' Duke Dynasty series, too.

  11. I really enjoy Shalvis and Kleypas so I think that you have some wonderful reading ahead of you.

  12. I get lots of book ads on IG and FB. The title of "Hit Me with Your Best Scot" by Suzanne Enoch made me chuckle so I looked up the series and added the first book, "It's Getting Scot in Here" to my TBR.
