Saturday, February 6, 2021

Life with Leukemia (And Some Reading) - February 7

It's Sunday Post time!  This is hosted by the awesome Caffeinated Book Reviewer and gives us all a chance to recap our week.

What a week!  We are home from Memphis but it was an exhausting stay.  Our main hospital day was 11 hours and it was 11 PACKED hours.  Will had lab work done, a clinic appointment, reflex and neuropathy checks, physical therapy evaluation, a sedated spinal tap, a full MRI, and heavy chemo.  By the time it was over we limped back to our room and essentially collapsed.  Thankfully he got lots of sleep and isn't feeling too bad now.   He's on pretty heavy steroids for the next 2 or 3 weeks and they typically make him feel awful so we are kind of waiting for the other shoe to drop but for now he's enjoying playing Breath of the Wild on his Switch.  He's a lot tougher then me because I feel like I could sleep for a year and it still might not be enough!  We were supposed to go back to Memphis next week but an undetermined amount of time but just got the call that his treatment can be done at the affiliate.  While we love our St Jude Memphis team this makes things so much easier because we don't have to deal with the logistics of housing.  Also, because of Covid only one parent is allowed to go with the patient which is difficult all the way around.  This way we can all stay together.  Plus the St Jude affiliate in Huntsville has a therapy dog and that's hard to beat.

Since we are staying home for the foreseeable future I'm finally getting fully unpacked and tackling all the random chores I've been putting off - mostly cleaning out and reorganizing drawers and cabinets.  This needed to be done before we moved back in June and then when we got back in December we've just been shoving stuff in.  It'll be nice to actually find things again without having to search!  


Reading Furbidden Fatality by Deborah Blake and The Clock Strikes Twelve by Patricia Wentworth

Listening A Treacherous Curse by Deanna Raybourn though I should finish this one today.

Watching:  Just YouTube videos.  I've basically been falling asleep on my feet so that's all I've had the energy for.

Have a great week and happy reading!


  1. Wow that sounds like a tough week! Poor guy going through so much but he sounds like a trooper. I hope he gets a little relief now and can relax. Hopefully you guys can stay put for a while...

    Take care and I hope you have a blessed and safe week!!

  2. Thinking of you. Take care, just get the rest and respite you need as you can. I can't even imagine how tough its been. Good that you will be staying at home and can be together, nice for Comet and of course the therapy dog is an added bonus.

  3. Wow that treatment sounds really intense, but great to hear you've been able to come home and the follow up treatment will be nearer to home; plus therapy dog!🐶❤ Take care and happy reading.

  4. Sounds like a super tough week for you all but your little dude's resilience is incredible. Breath of the Wild is a fun game... My son loves it too. :)

    I wish you a good week! Good luck sorting the cupboards and I hope you all get some much needed rest.

  5. Furbidden Fatality looks adorable! So glad to hear you can stay close to home for a while. ♥

  6. It sounds like a really hard week, Katherine. I hope this next one is a little easier and that you all get lots of rest. I hope Will gets to spend time with the therapy dog.

  7. Sounds like a tough time but Will is a trooper!! Glad you are having some time to clean out things you have wanted to clean out. That cozy looks super cute!!

    Have a great week and happy reading!
    Week in Review

  8. it is good to find things easily. I've been thinking a little feng shui to my apartment and like to step back and see why something is not pleasible to the eye. Usually it has to do with the amount of light.

  9. Katherine, I think of you, Will and your husband often and continue to think that it will all be worth it. Stay strong!

  10. Sounds like your kiddo has an amazing spirit. Praying that his treatments go smoothly and he makes a full recovery. So glad you're able to stay close to home (and yay for therapy dogs!).

    Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction

  11. What a tough week, but you all seem to be handling it well! Except for the sleep deprivation and worry, of course.

    Glad you can get organized a bit at home. Thanks for sharing, and here are my WEEKLY UPDATES

  12. Steriods suuuuuccckkkkkk I hope Will has a good week all things considered and I'm glad the next treatment can be done closer to home and hooray for those wonderful therapy dogs! Furbidden Fatality looks so cozy!

  13. Your son's a tough cookie! I hope you're all able to rest and relax a little.

  14. That sounds like he has been through the mill, he sounds very strong, I know some full grown adults who struggle.

  15. I'm so glad you have been able to be at home now. It's great Will is holding up so well. It should be nice to get a bit more together at home too.

    Anne - Books of My Heart

  16. I'm glad Will has that day behind him and hope the next few weeks are not to tough for him to handle. Thank goodness for the game diversions. Good luck with the organizing and settling in a bit more!

  17. What an intense week! So glad you are through that particular hurdle and it's great to hear that you don't have to travel all the way to Memphis for a while and you can now relax at home for a bit. I hope you are able to catch up on your sleep...

  18. That does sound like an intense and full week. I am glad you are home again. I am glad he is doing well. Hopefully the steroids will be kinder to him this time around. I don't know if that's something you can get used to or not. I hope you are enjoying your current reads. I am enjoying a cozy mystery right now myself. Have a great week, Katherine. I hope you are able to get some rest.

  19. What a week - Will sounds like an absolute champ! Keeping you & your family in my thoughts.

  20. What a rough week! I hope Will does better with the steroids this time. He's such a trouper! And I hope both of you get plenty of rest. It's good that you'll be able to stay home for a while. Have fun with your books, and with your reorganizing!

  21. It does sound like an exhausting week but it sounds like it went well. I hope that Will does well with the steroids and his next treatment.

  22. Hope he is doing better than before this time around. Enjoy your new book and unpacking is never fun, but I always love the organizing. :-)
    Lisa Loves Literature

  23. That's wonderful news about being able to stay home! 🤗

  24. Greta news that you can go to the affiliate. The travel and the restrictions of one parent only has to be very hard. Catch up on sleep! He sounds very brave to handle all this medical probing. Just now I had to look up wat a Switch was and I see it's games, so now i want one!

  25. I'm glad that day went well and there are perks in the logistics despite the exhaustion.
