Saturday, February 13, 2021

Life with Leukemia (And Some Reading) - February 14

 It's Sunday Post time!  This is hosted by the awesome Caffeinated Book Reviewer and gives us all a chance to recap our week.

This was a fairly quiet week thankfully and we are definitely staying home for the foreseeable future which is a huge relief.  I love our Memphis team at the main St Jude campus but everything is so much easier being home and this way we can stay together as St Jude is still operating on a one caregiver per patient rule. I understand the reasons but it makes it so much harder.  It's harder on the parent who is there because everything is on you, it's harder on the parent who stays home because all they can do is worry, and it's harder on the kid because they miss the other parent.  But that is neither here nor there because we are staying home!  This coming week is going to be a tough one because he has to have a heavy chemo dose plus a kind of blood plasma infusion which he's never had before but is supposed to make you feel like you have the flu for a few days.

I haven't done much this week. I've noticed that when things kind of calm down I'm just flat exhausted and don't have much energy to do anything but the required stuff.  I haven't gotten much reading or blog visiting done.  I have gotten in some yoga which has been good.  


Scandal in Skibbereen by Sheila Connolly
and A Side of Murder by Amy Pershing

Listening:  Little Bookshop of Murder by Maggie Blackburn - I just started this one and am just not sure what I think of it yet - I'm hoping I start liking it more soon.

Watching:  Mostly Will play video games but I'm glad he's feeling well enough to engage with them.

Have a great week and happy reading!


  1. It is great you don't have to travel. Will be thinking of you all especially with this week coming up. Sending prayers and thoughts. Whatever you can do, do. Whatever you can't, don't. It's a long journey and pacing is important. Sending a big hug.

  2. I'm glad you guys are able to be home, that must be nice especially after being away so long. I hope his week goes well and it's not too bad! Still sending lots of prayers and well wishes your way.

    Little Bookshop sounds fun!

  3. Quiet weeks are always good weeks. :)
    What videogames are you going to play?

  4. It's great you all can stay close to home. I hope his week goes well! Sending hugs ♥

  5. Sending good thoughts to all of you, Katherine. I hope things will go well next week.

  6. I'm glad you guys are home. It must be such a difficult time for you, but you are handling it like a champ.

    I can understand that you just have no energy when things calm down a bit. It happens to me as well! And you are still doing a good enough job of keeping everything afloat. Even reading and the blog.

    Happy Valentines Day and strongs for your week!

    Elza Reads

  7. I know that one caregiver per patient rule sucks, but I understand why it is important as well. Tough call. I hope things get easier soon!

  8. Yes... whenever something difficult occurs, the COVID pandemic manages to make it much, much worse. So I'm very relieved that you can stay home and I hope the coming procedures aren't too testing. I'm not surprised you are exhausted, I hope you can now get a chance to be a bit kinder to yourself, too:))

  9. Katherine, happy you will all be together this week. Hope Will has a good week and mom gets some time to relax.

  10. It’s great news that you are all able to be together now. Wishing you all courage and strength for the week ahead.

  11. Katherine! I am hugging you from far away and am impressed by how everyone is handling the medical scenarios. You summed it up so well about the one parent only at the hospital - certainly if it weren't for covid you could all be together. You are a rock.

    I started a book yesterday and it just didn't grab me so I have already abandoned it. Too many books here to pick from.

  12. I hate that they won't let both parents in some of the places, glad you can stay home with the one that you can be together in. *hugs*

    Have a great week and happy reading!
    Week in Review

  13. I am so glad the affiliate is able to provide the services you and Will need without you having to stay in Memphis. As great as the team is there, it's nice to be able to be able to all be together as a family at home. I hope you are enjoying your current reads. They all sound good! Have a great week, Katherine.

  14. It's wonderful you can stay home where it will be easier. I think it's great you had a quiet week and could hopefully just rest and relax more. Don't feel badly like you should do more. I hope this week goes well.

    Anne - Books of My Heart

  15. Your son is so tough. You are a mama bear for sure and a warrior yourself.

  16. I'm sorry you've got a tough week ahead, but glad you can all be together. Will keep your family in my prayers.

  17. You are doing a great job. I hope Will has a good week and doesn't have anything in the way of side effects. Rest as much as you need to!

  18. It is good you can stay home, all together.

    Your books look good. I do love the Connolly series set in Ireland. Have a great week.

  19. I'm glad you're able to stay home for a bit, and stay together. I hope the next round of treatments goes well for Will. As for your energy, of course you're exhausted when things let up a little; your body is sending you a message to be gentle with yourself. Rest up and take care of yourself whenever you get the chance.

    The three of you continue to be in my prayers.

  20. The children's hospital in our city has the same policy. I'm glad you can be at home and can get a lot of treatment at the satellite clinic. I hope Will can handle the challenges of the week ahead and will be praying for him.

  21. Not having to travel is good and I'm glad Will is well enough to use distractions to pass the time. Take care all of you!

  22. I'm so glad you're all going to be able to stay home together for awhile. That must make things much more bearable for all of you. You've got one tough kiddo to go through all he's gone through. Hang in there!

  23. Happy to hear Will is feeling well enough to play video games. 🤗 I love watching people play video games. 😊
