Tuesday, August 21, 2018

Top Ten Tuesday - Books to Pull You Out of a Slump

Today's Top Ten Tuesday topic from That Artsy Reader Girl is Books to Pull You Out of Reading Slump.  This topic is really perfect timing as I've been fighting a reading slump for a few months now.  It hasn't actually happened but I feel it lurking in the corners of my reading.  Do you ever feel like that?  As you'll be able to tell from the list most of my reading slumps are caused by my mood and I'm usually feeling over tired or blah or just in a need of comfort reading!  So here are ten that I might be reading soon!

1.  Three Blind Mice and Other Stories by Agatha Christie - I love a short story when I'm in a slump and this collection is one of my favorites.  Christie is a master of the short story and this collection is some of her best.

2.  The Chronicles of Avonlea by L.M. Montgomery - This is another great collection of short stories - in this case children's stories.  While Anne Shirley is not the center of any of the stories she is a side character in many and mentioned in the rest.  They're just sweet stories with a bit of humor.

3.  The Blue Bedroom and Other Stories by Rosamunde Pilcher - This is essentially the grown up version of the book above.  The themes and characters are a bit more adult but they all have that same feel good kind of ending.

4.  Let's Pretend This Never Happened by Jenny Lawson - This is funny and interesting and at times even a little sad.  It's also kind of an essay format which always works better for me when I'm in a slump.

5.  84, Charing Cross Roads by Helene Hanff - This short little book is a collection of letters between New York based writer Helene Hanff and a bookstore in London.  The book descriptions are gorgeous, the letters are fascinating and it's just a delight of a read.

6.  House of Many Shadows by Barbara Michaels - Or Smoke and Mirrors, or Vanish with the Rose, or Wings of the Falcon, or okay most of her books.  While they can be a bit dated they're Gothic-y bits of fun.

7.  Gone Away Lake by Elizabeth Enright - If my childhood self could have written the perfect book this would have been it.  It's a community of abandoned Victorian cottages and two children get to run around and have adventures in the ruins.  It's just happiness in a book.

8.  Jewels of the Sun by Nora Roberts - A character who is trying to find her own happiness, lots of fairy tales and an over the top perfect Irish setting make for the book version of chamomile tea.

9.  And Then He Kissed Her by Laura Lee Guhrke - This is a straight up historical romance with a heroine who is just fantastic.  She's smart and speaks her mind and is aware of how to take care of herself and is also likable and relatable.  I want to be friends with her!

10. The Case of William Smith by Patricia Wentworth - A mysterious man working at a toy shop who has no past and some of my favorite characters from Wentworth's Miss Silver series as well as a lovely ending makes this just a lovely read.

What do you look for to get you out of a reading slump?  


  1. A reading slump is always a dreaded event! However I think you're right about being tired or blah that contributes to it. For me this month has been really good just reading all the new books I've been wanting to read and only reading when I want - no pressure. Funny I was just viewing 84 Charing Cross somewhere else today, and you inspire me to go and look for it.

  2. I think there's a lot to be said for comfort reading, especially when I'm not feeling the reading. I think cozy mysteries fall into that category for me, to a certain extent. I can see where Christie would definitely be comfort reads, and the Avonlea books too. And Gone Away Lake sounds neat!

  3. I need to get round to reading those Jenny Lawson books which are hibernating on my ereader as we speak! Might need to schedule some non fiction reading at the start of next year!

  4. Comfort reading is totally helpful during a slump. I definitely go foe this too and stuff that is shorter.

  5. Great list. I haven't read any of them.

  6. #2 - haven't read this but I might later as I have already read almost all of Montgomery's books

    #4 - I have been meaning to read this as everyone thinks it's so funny

    I do like comfort reads but I think any book that you enjoy reading is a comfort read, I do wonder if people read books they hate just to get out of a slump but I'm more into reading my favorites

    have a lovely day.

  7. I'm adding THE BLUE BEDROOM to my list. I haven't read anything by Rosamond Pilcher in years. I used to love her so much. My TTT list

  8. When I'm in a reading slump, I'm drawn to comfort reads myself. I've only read Jewels of the Sun, but I absolutely love that! I've read it a few times, but not in years and years. I should really reread that one.

  9. Nice list! I am also thriller that you have started the Others! You made me grin and I think it was my first of the day.

  10. I'm feeling the need for escapist reading right about now. So many things are coming to a head . . . That usually makes getting into a book hard unless it can grab me immediately and hold on tight. I love this list! Jenny Lawson always makes me laugh out loud. She's not only funny, but very relatable.

  11. Awesome list! Thrillers always get me out of a slump. Or a reread of one of my favorites! But I tend to try to read short things like novellas or comics to give my reading a boost :)

  12. I hope you don’t get into a slump! I love Jenny Lawson’s books. They made me laugh a lot.

    Aj @ Read All The Things!

  13. I had Let's Pretend This Never Happened on my list, too! I sort of feel like if a person doesn't fall down laughing reading this book, I don't know if I can be friends with them.
