
Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Top Ten Tuesday: Top Ten Favorite Topics

Today's Top Ten Tuesday topic from The Broke and the Bookish it My Top Ten Favorite Top Ten Topics From the Last Five Years.  I love top ten lists and there's been so many great topics it's really hard to narrow it down to 10!

1.  My Top Ten Bookish Bucket List from March 25, 2014 - I had such a good time with this list and I had forgotten about it until I started going back over previous Top Ten Tuesday topics that I had done.  The next time a Freebie comes up I might have to do this one again.  While every item on this list still applies there's several more I could add to it!

2.  Top Ten Non-Book Bookish Things I'd Like to Own from April 15, 2014 - This was another one I had a good time with as I got to wander around all the booksih related shops on Etsy.  I did eventually buy a couple of those candles and they're absolutely fantastic!  Highly recommend them.

3.  Top Ten Characters Who Piss Me Off from April 22, 2014 - I didn't want to name actual characters that made me mad so I just stuck with the basic types.  It was a fun one to write and I got to do a little venting which is always good.

4.  Top Ten Books I Almost Put Down But Didn't from May 13, 2014 - It's good to get a reminder that sometimes you have to give a book a 2nd chance.  I really enjoyed seeing all the books other people had listed as well.

5.  Top Ten Books I Want in My Beach Bag from May 26, 2015 - This is an annual topic but it's one I always enjoy.  I love the idea of laying out on a beach chair getting some sun and reading for days!

6.  Top Ten Inspiring Book Quotes from April 14, 2015 - I had a really hard time working on this list because I don't really pay attention to book quotes but it was such fun and this was one of my favorite lists to visit everyone else's!

7.  Top Ten Characters I'd Like to Check in On from April 7, 2015 - There are SO many characters that I could've put on this list.  I wish there was a way to see how their stories continued.  I guess that's the problem with fiction - the stories don't actually continue!

8.  Top Ten Books from my Childhood I'd Love to Revisit from March 24, 2015 - It was so fun to think about all the books I loved and would love to reread and it was even more fun to see everyone else's list!

9.  Top Ten Books on my Summer TBR - This one comes up every season and every time it makes me happy.  I love thinking about the books I want to read in the next few months.  I've started enjoying it more since I stopped worrying if I ever actually ended up reading them!

10. Top Ten Things I've Learned from Cozy Mysteries from May 19, 2015 - This one is kind of cheating because it was a freebie topic but I had such a good time with it!

So what Top Ten lists did you enjoy writing and reading?


  1. I'm going to have to bookmark this and go back and read all your lists. I loved the quotes week. Had a good time with it. My participation seems to go in and out and right now, I'm not joining in. But...I do love to see what others have posted.

    1. This is definitely one of my favorite memes to visit though it is terrible for my TBR!

  2. I had a lot of fun this week selecting my favorites from the many, many TTT I've posted over the past five years. I too selected Bookish Items I'd Like to Own. You have been a good TTT friend. Thanks. My Favorite TTT Posts

    1. Oh thank you! I've enjoyed getting to know you through TTTs!

  3. Characters I'd like to check in on is a popular answer today. For good reason! I want to check in on 90% of the characters I miss. WHAT ARE THEY DOING WITH THEIR LIVES?! :D
    Happy reading!
    Brittany @ This is the Story of My(Reading) Life

    1. I know! We get all involved and then they just leave us! There's so many characters I miss!

  4. What a great list, Katherine. It's fun to re-visit these old posts. I didn't tackle this week's topic since I've participated in so few Top Ten posts up to now. I enjoy all your posts, but I think my favorite list from yours is Top Ten Things I've Learned from Cozy Mysteries. :-)

    1. Thanks ! I had such a good time with it. I'm thinking of expanding to contemporary and historical romances.

  5. You know, I sometimes feel like the only bookish person who really isn't all that into quotes. The ones I do end up loving have more to do with the character saying it, or have to do with the story as a whole. But I know so many others just love quotes.

    1. I just don't retain quotes. Bi think I pay more attention to the story than the writing. I end up not really paying much attention to the words if I'm really into a story.

  6. I want to make a list of characters who piss me off! I'm not sure if it makes sense that this makes me happy, but it does. Next time we have a freebie topic, I'll have to consider this one.

    1. It's such fun and very therapeutic. I definitely recommend it.

  7. Great list! I wanted to participate this week but I'm too new to this meme to do it justice.

    1. I'm hoping they revisit this topic next year. It's definitely a lot of fun. This is one of my favorite memes.

  8. I like your TT Bookish Bucket List and TT Things I Learned From Cozy Mysteries! Actually these are really good. I participate sometimes in TTT but even when I don't have time I just love to read everyone's entries. So much fun and I pick up good advice along the way.

    I'm laying low this week and not doing much for blog because daughter hurt her back at work yesterday and had to get it checked out, then she had her wisdom teeth out today, the dog goes to vet tomorrow, and I somehow had to go to the supermarket 3x in as many days (with extremely hot temps in our area, 93-103!) and that disturbs me to no end! Hope you are having a better week :) enjoy.
    I enjoyed your TTT as always!

    1. This is always one if my favorite memes to read even if I didn't particularly enjoy making my own list!
      Your poor daughter! I've hurt my back a couple of times and it is the worst . I can't imagine a back injury AND wisdom teeth removal in the same week. We've had temps in the mid 90s all week but I haven't had to do anything but hang out at the pool which is I think the only way to handle that! Stay cool and take it easy. Taking care of everyone gets exhausting.

  9. Characters I'd Love to Check in With was one of my favourites too! I remember it was challenging to limit that one to just ten, there are so many characters I would love to revisit.

    My TTT.

    1. Oh I know! We get so attached to characters and then they're just gone. I want more !

  10. I wasn't sure if I would like this week's TTT, but it's been so fun seeing the lists people chose. Especially for me, I've only been doing this for 3 months so I get to see all these fabulous topics that I missed!

    1. There's so many great topics! I've been doing this about 18 months and there's so many great topics I missed!0
