
Monday, June 22, 2015

Her Sister's Shoes - Review

Her Sister's Shoes by Ashley Farley

Rating: 4 Stars
Source: from Author in exchange for an honest review

Description:  Samantha Sweeney has always been the glue that hold her family together, their go-to girl for love and support.  When an ATV accident leaves her teenage son in a wheelchair, she loses her carefully constructed self-control.

In the after-gloom of her dreaded fiftieth birthday and the discovery of her husband's infidelity, Jackie realizes she must reconnect with her former self to find the happiness she needs to move forward.

Faith lacks the courage she needs to stand up to her abusive husband.  She turns to her sisters for help, putting all their lives at risk.

In the midst of their individual challenges, the Sweeney sisters must cope with their mother's mental decline.  Is Lovie in the early stages of Alzheimer's or is her odd behavior normal for a woman her age?  No one, including Lovie, understands her obsession with a rusty key she wears around her neck. (from Goodreads)

Genre: Fiction

Why I Picked This Book:  This sounded like a great book for summer reading and I haven't read any books about sisters in awhile.

My Impression: I wasn't sure what to expect going into this one as while I do like books about sisters there's a lot going on here.  While it did take me a chapter or two to fall into the story once I did I was hooked and by the halfway point this earned a 2AM finish as I had to find out how it all ended!

The sisters have real trouble between their personal lives, their business and their mother and they could definitely use a little down time.  I really connected with Sam who is trying her hardest especially when it comes to her son and just doesn't know what to do anymore.  I also really liked Faith and Bitsy though I did want to just reach in and make her go on tell Sam the truth.  Jackie is a little harder to like but every once in awhile just as I was about to write her off I'd get a glimmer of hope and not give up on her quite yet.

While this book is a light read it does tackle some very serious issues - domestic violence, infidelity, disabilities, depression, addiction, and dealing with a parent who may be developing Alzheimers.  None of these topics felt trivialized but at the same time it kept the summer reading feel.  If you're being picky you could say that the end wrapped up a bit too fast or was contrived but I loved the ending and thought it worked.  And at the end I even made my peace with Jackie!

Would I Read More of this Series/Author?: Definitely!

Would I Recommend this Book?:  Yes if you're looking for a lighter book and enjoy ensemble family stories this would be a good one.

Challenges Met?


  1. I like family stories so will be keeping an eye out for this one.

    1. I hope you find it. I really enjoyed this one!

  2. I am so happy you enjoyed it too. Sam was a favorite for me too and I agree completely with your thoughts. Wonderful review, thanks for sharing it!

    1. Thank you so much for letting me review this one. I really enjoyed it!

  3. I read this one too (I think my review is tomorrow) and thought pretty much the same as you. I really enjoyed it and connected with the characters but it did wrap up a little fairytale-esque. Still it's a fun summer read.

    1. The end was a little fairy tale but I felt like I deserved it! I wanted these characters to be happy!!

  4. My heart ached for Sam just reading your synopsis! That poor woman! I am glad to hear you (and also a couple of your commenters) liked this one. It does sound good. It's good to know the author was able to balance the heavy themes with the lighter tone of the book.

    1. She definitely has a tough time of it but she's a tough woman with a few flaws. I really enjoyed this one and the tone was perfect for a summer read without being to light.

  5. This sounds like an interesting read. I'm really up right now for something light, and a bonus if it can tackle some serious issues while still remaining a light read.

    1. This was a really good read and once I got into it I really loved it. Hopefully you feel the same!

  6. There's too much Alzheimer's for me in real life, I'll read about it... in a few years, I guess, but not before :/ I'm glad you enjoyed it though :)

    1. With your current situation this may not be the book for you. I imagine that particular subplot would hit a little too close to home.
